My Heart wants You

*The night sky decorated with the stars provided a breathtaking spectacle as Keanu lay on his back, staring in awe at the vastness of the universe. His eyes shut lightly with the cold breeze hitting his face every now and then. The beauty of the night sky never failed to captivate him, and it was moments like these that allowed him to truly feel connected with nature and the cosmos.

As he lay there, Keanu's mind began to wander, contemplating the mysteries of the universe. The stars above seemed to beckon him to explore their secrets, and he found himself lost in thoughts about the vastness of space, the possibility of other intelligent life out there, and the incredible journey of light from those distant stars to his eyes.

The sound of rustling leaves nearby interrupted his reverie, and he opened his eyes to find a curious boy walking towards him. Not being able to recognise the figure at first Keanu sat up straight his wolf on alert.