Are You Kidding Me?

"We need to talk about this seriously!" Favian's voice carried a note of urgency, his eyes fixed on the person before him.

"You need to talk and I am not listening!" Zadkiel's response was laced with frustration, his expression hardened.

"Can you be serious for once!" Favian's tone was exasperated, his patience wearing thin.

"Are you kidding me? Just because I asked Cassiel to let you know that you can meet me at my chambers does not mean you actually barge in uninformed!" Zadkiel's voice held a sharp edge, irritation evident in his words.

"Seriously! It's not like I love being here. I am trying to seek help for something important!" Favian's retort was quick, his gaze challenging as he met Zadkiel's gaze squarely.

"Whatever!" Zadkiel dismissed Favian with a nonchalant wave of his hand.

Favian's frustration grew, and he shot back, "What's with the attitude?" His voice held a mix of annoyance and confusion, his gaze unwavering.