Free from Freedom?

"I haven't been lying about anything at all," Cassiel declared, his voice steady and resolute. "I belong to the Crescent Moon Pack that was destroyed by rogues ages ago." 

Cassiel's words carried the weight of truth and the sorrow of a pack's tragic history, revealing the painful reality behind his choice of pack name.

"Wasn't their pack completely destroyed?"

"Nobody saw a single soul left behind."

"Everyone was dead back then, how is he one of them?"

Whispers filled the room as the men present during the registration ceremony exchanged doubts and questions. The doubts about Cassiel's claim hung in the air, and Dàinn and Cassiel couldn't help but hear the skepticism among those assembled.

As doubt swirled around him, Cassiel felt helpless, unsure of how to convince others of the truth regarding his pack's history. It seemed nearly impossible to provide concrete evidence of its survival.