Marking You Mine (Part One)

As Dàinn and Cassiel arrived at Dàinn's house, the night had already fallen, casting a blanket of darkness over everything. Cassiel had dozed off during the journey, exhaustion from the eventful day finally catching up with him.

Gently pulling into his house's garage, Dàinn stole a moment to look at Cassiel's peaceful sleeping face. He couldn't help but be captivated by the serenity that rested on his boyfriend's features. Awakening him from such tranquil slumber felt like a crime, so Dàinn made a silent vow to let Cassiel continue to rest undisturbed.

With the utmost care, Dàinn scooped up Cassiel in his strong arms and began to make his way toward the main gates of his mansion. Cassiel, nestled against Dàinn's body, could feel the comforting warmth of his mate.

He nuzzled closer, finding solace in Dàinn's presence, and rested his head on the crook of Dàinn's neck, their bond providing a sense of security and belonging even in slumber.