Feeling Lost in Control!

Marcel's wolf, Orlic sent a reassuring message through their mental link, "Keanu is close by."

Marcel felt a rush of hope as he received a message from Orlic. However, as they continued through the dark abyss, a low and ominous growl echoed from the depths ahead. Marcel and his wolf immediately froze their senses on high alert. The growl sent shivers down their spines. 

"Why is it so dark in here?" Marcel asked feeling chills run down his spine.

Dáinn whispered to Marcel, "Watch your step; the ground is uneven and unpredictable."

But just as he finished speaking, Dáinn inadvertently stepped on something soft. He winced at the unexpected sensation, and a soft groan of pain emerged from beneath his foot. In an instant, the sense of dread weighed heavily upon them. It was a person's hand, and the owner of that hand was now writhing in pain.