A Moment With You?!

"What are you smiling at?" Dàinn hugged Cassiel gently from behind as the Omega stood in their rooms open balcony. 

The fresh breeze hitting their face made his nose cold. Sniffing lightly at his Alpha's comfortable scent, Cassiel smiled looking at him. 

"Nothing just taking in the freshness after the rain." Dàinn pecked his cheeks making Cassiel lower his head blushing. He was sure he could never get used to this. 

"You look gorgeous when you blush!" Dáinn playfully groaned after receiving a nudge on his stomach. 

"All words Mr. Dàinn!" Cassiel murmured trying to hide his face away from the man holding him tightly against the railings. 

"Really?" Dàinn leaned in closer to his mate's ears making the bottom shiver slightly, "am I really all words Mi Amore?" He trailed his tongue against the milky skin of Cassiel's. 

"Dài- you are really crazy" Cassiel tried setting himself free from the grip only to fail miserably.