Fuck You Right!

The sight was something to behold. Dáinn never wanted to forget the beauty of the moment, his eyes now completely lustful for his Cassiel projected the longing in them. He wanted to devour his mate completely. 

"I am going to fuck every hole of yours and fill you with my cream until there is nothing but my juices coming out of them" Dáinn's words alone where enough for Cassiel to feel his orgasm building up in the pit of his stomach. 

"Dàinn... please..." Cassiel's eyes now teary wanted something more than his mate's tongue. 

Sure the warmth of his tongue against Cassiel's throbbing entrance was nothing less then pleasure but Cassiel wanted more, he wanted to feel every inch of his Alpha inside him. 

"Tell me Cassiel, should I fuck you until you wont be able to walk again?" Dàinn shamelessly teased the Omega receiving a soft moan in return.