Zero Consciousness

"So your name is Kate, uh?", Jake asked, nervously, occasionally glancing at the window over her head. Even Kate had an higher level; Level 15.

'The mission tells you to apologize, idiot. You know what Zero Consciousness means?'

"Hm?", Kate muttered, as if startled by the question. "Uh… yeah. My name is Kate"

"Don't smile like you have a crush on me, alr-"

"No one can have a crush on you, Jake", Kate retorted. "I know it's the same with me too…. I'm surprised it took one defeat to get you this humble"

"Hey, guys!", Sir Raymond said, excitedly, rushing in. "You are getting along, already. I saw that coming. Before you kiss, I will tell you the full story"

*Oh Fuck* Jake sighed. "What full story? Whatever you're planning, Sir Raymond, it's not going to work"

"Well, that means you'll fail again", Sir Raymond said, plainly.

The window glitched before him and there was a new writing on it.

'New Mission: Pass your exams. Reward: Just Kidding Punishment: You could never pass anyway'

"What the fuck?", Jake blurted. "Are you sh*tting me?"

"Mind your language, Jake", Sir Raymond said, calmly. "I'm actually serious. This is just to make sure you don't fail…. Because you are one kid that I like"

Jake stared at the window over Sir Raymond's head. 'Level ???'

"What is the plan, Sir Raymond?", Kate asked. "I don't appreciate you detaining me all because you have some plans to help one arrogant fool"

Jake glanced at her and swallowed.

"Ha-ha… she got you… arrogant fool", Sir Raymond jested and walked to his chair. "But I'm going to help you too, Kate. You want a boyfriend… you know you want a boyfriend"

"Even if I did, why would I choose him?!"

"Don't make me puke, Kate", Jake retorted. "I'm never going to choose you either!"

"Enough!", Sir Raymond cut in. "Jake is going to help you get back in shape. I hear he's a regular at the gym"

"I already stopped"

"No wonder you shrunk", Kate scorned.

"Well", Sir Raymond leaned back. "Kate is going to help you study better… so you both are to become friends and achieve goals together…. No one is asking you to date or something"

"Hell, like it can ever happened"

'It's time for you to apologize'

"Doesn't that seem awkward", Jake muttered indistinctly, covering his mouth stylishly to avoid being heard. "It's a totally off topic"

'I'm sorry. What did you say?'

"I said it's an off topic", he repeated, with his mouth still covered.

'Come again, man. You are inaudible'

"It's… an… off… topic!", he muttered again.

'Speak up, m-'

Jake banged the table and yelled. "It's an off topic!"

"What was that for, Jake?", Sir Raymond asked.

"I'm so sorry. I was too deep in thought"

The voice laughed in his head. 'LoL. Just kidding. Do it now or you get the punishment'


'You still haven't done it'

Jake stared forward, blankly, still wondering what the zero consciousness meant. He glanced at Kate for the umpteenth time, as they walked out of the school. They could see some other students, just leaving two. They must have stayed behind for a reason or the other… or they were detained by another teacher.

Jake's eyes caught Raven. He was walking down to Raosugav with Mark. Jake ran down to meet them. "Hey, wait up", Jake howled, getting in front of them. "Uh, Raven… I wanted to apologize for the other day.. and I wanted to say thank you for today"

"Alright", Raven muttered. "You already thanked me. Now, you know what it feels like to be the weaker one"

"Yea… I'm pretty weak now", Jake said and glanced at Mark who cowered in fear. "We can be friends now, right?"

"I don't need friends", Raven said and walked past. "Focus on your exams and don't end up in the dump site"


Immediately he closed the door behind him, a window popped up before his eyes.

'Mission Failed'

Jake glared at it, reading slowly. 'Punishment: Zero Consciousness loading in… 3… 2… 1…-'

A slap landed on his face, throwing him on the ground immediately. He fell flat, unconsciously drooling.

…. {Two Hours Later} ….

His eyes opened slowly. He could feel a stream of thick liquid beneath his cheek. *How did I sleep off?... On the ground?*

He pushed himself up and felt the sticky saliva at the edge of his mouth. "What the fuck did you do to me?", he looked around, angrily, for the window. "Show yourself, you stupid thing"

'That is the Zero Consciousness', the voice said. 'You should be grateful you didn't get the punishment back in school… Next time you fail, it's going to be public and you will have a miniature of the one punch man dancing over your head. You won't be able to react till the stated hours are completed'

Jake sat down. "That's really disgusting", he muttered. "Where's my gift for the detention mission I completed?"

'It's activated already. The gift came with a toolbox. Now, you can have booster items in your inventory', the voice replied. 'Just call toolbox and you can see all you have'

"Uh… Toolbox?", Jake called.

A floating box appeared in front of him and opened by itself. It was empty.

"Why is it empty?"

'You don't have anything yet', the voice replied. 'You can also check all the skills you've learned by calling the Status'

"Status", Jake called. Another window opened in front of him.

{Level 10- Weakling. Strength: 81/100. Endurance: 60/110. Speed: 69/100

Skill Activator: Activated… Skills: Null…. Third Eye: Level 1…. Initiative: Level 1}

"What is the initiative? How does it help me?"

'With the initiative, the window can give you weak points of an enemy and best way to attack', the voice replied. 'The higher the level, the stronger it'll be'


"Give me something", Jake muttered, as he walked freely, in the hallways. He was already used to the new situation. "Something to get my level up"

'Look behind you. Your window will direct you with a cursor', the voice said and he turned around. He could see a green cursor and his eyes moved with it. 'If you beat these guys, you get the eavesdrop ability in your toolbox'

Jake stared at the two guys being referred to. They weren't very strong. One had a level 21 and the other was Level 24 but, still, he wasn't strong enough to defeat either of them. Still staring, he felt a kind of zoom and every other part got blurry, like he was staring at the duo through a microscope. Then he could hear all they whispered, like he could see every word they said flying out of their mouths.

"He got beaten up by Kobe, yesterday", the first one said. "I can definitely take Kobe out"

"Yea. I heard anyone can take him on now", the second one replied. "I'd like to take him on"

Jake turned. "Let me guess; that is the eavesdrop ability?"

'It works in different ways, without having to follow a cursor. You will get the hand of it'

"Can I reject this mission? I still can't beat any of the two", he walked on and turned towards the class. His eyes fell on Kate again. She was staring into his class. He sneaked behind her and tickled her. She shook, hitting her head against the wall.

"Why did you do that?", she cried, holding her head.

He held her and patted the spot. "Sorry about that. Why are you staring into my class again?", Jake asked. "It's the new boy, isn't it?"

"You can't understand. Just let me be", she said. "Now, my head's going to ache for the next few years"

"Come on", he smiled. *Damn! She's so unlucky. I doubt if he's going to like her like this*

'Sudden Mission: Apologize to Kate. Reward: Initiative lv2 Punishment: Zero Consciousness'

"The fuck?!", he exclaimed silently.

"What's it?", Kate muttered and walked past. "Never mind"

"Wait…. I'm sorry"

She stopped walking and looked back, blankly. "Sorry for what exactly?"

"Sorry for everything I did", Jake said. *I don't even know what I did*

"What is everything? I want to know if it's something I should forgive or ignore"

"I'm serious", Jake stepped closer. "I have been unfair and I am sorry for all of it. You don't deserve any of that treatment"

'For calling her fat, you idiot!', the voice said. 'Say it now or I'll make you droo-'

"I'm sorry for calling you fat the other day and every other stupid thing I did, afterwards", he added and exhaled.

She stared for a second and nodded. "I have heard you", she said and turned around, walking away.

*I guess that's it* "Status?"

A new window opened in front of him and he took a quick glance at his initiative. '….. initiative: level 1'

"It hasn't changed yet"

'It won't change till she has truly forgiven you…. Other ways to increase your Initiative is to read books that help you think'

"So how do I up my level?", he stepped into the class and glanced at every face. Kobe was going to throw a tantrum. He bet.

'Get in a fight', the voice said. 'Fight back and don't give up. The more strength you pull, after you are defeated, the more strength limit you get'

"I don't seem to understand that but-"

"Jake!", Kobe's voice thundered, as expected.

"Hey, Kobe", Jake said, smiling. "Don't get your ass kicked today. I'll beat you up"

"You'll beat me?", Kobe jested. "With what? Your new plastic hands?... Raven managed to save you yesterday without getting in trouble. I will give him a taste of trouble, today"

Jake glanced at Mark whispering to Raven. The eavesdrop ability would have really helped to hear. "Come on, Kobe", Jake replied. "You're not even reluctant. Are you going to chicken out or something?"

Kobe sprung up and cracked his knuckles. "I have wanted to do this for a long time", Kobe said. "You were being a coward yesterday. Now that you're confident, I can be happy about my win"

Jake took a step back and waited for Kobe to walk out. *I hope this works*

Kobe raised his hand up. Jake seemed to see the move before it happened. Kobe's hand swiped at his face, making him stagger back. He rushed at Kobe, slamming his body weight into him and punched his face.

"Ha-ha", Kobe mocked. "Your punch is so weak now"

Kobe punched him in the stomach and slammed him against the wall. "Ugh!", Jake groaned and smiled, provokingly. "is that all you got? I expected more"

Jack slammed his head against Kobe's nose and punched his face. He held his wrist quickly, as though he had sprained his ankle. *Fuck! I have really gotten weak…. When does this fucking upgrade start?*

Kobe kicked his stomach and smacked his face. Jake slammed his head against the wall and fell down, almost knocked out. The window opened in front of him ' Strength: 0/100'

*This has to be it* He pushed himself up, slowly. The writing changed swiftly. 'Your strength and endurance has increased by 10%. Strength: 10/110 Endurance: 11/121'

"Stay down, fucker!", Kobe landed a kick on his back, dropping him to the ground again. "You really should know your new place"

"What is going on here?!", Sir Raymond walked in, just in time, staring at Jake's bloodied face. "Hey, Kobe. You are staying back for detention. Now, go to your-"

"No", Jake groaned, letting out a masochistic grin, as he pushed himself back up. "We are not done, sir"

'Level 10+ 1. Strength: 11/110 Endurance: 11/110 Speed: 11/ 110 Third Eye: level 2 Initiative: level 2'

His eyes glanced at the door and he watched Elena walk past with an hand across her shoulder. He recognized the face beside her. It was one of the Congress members.

"Come on, Kobe", he muttered, angrily, and dashed at Kobe throwing a punch at his face.

'Level 11+ 2. Strength: 130/130 Endurance: 130/130 Speed: 130/130 Third Eye: level 3 Initiative: level 3'

Kobe staggered backwards from the hit and got back up quickly. "Wow! You never give up, do you?"

Jake stared at him, blankly. He could see Kobe's strength and speed too but just their max levels. He couldn't see how much was left.

/Attack the leg/

The initiative told him. Jake smiled. *I don't need to change the situation* "I'm tired", Jake said. "You win, Kobe"