
"Wow", Jake muttered, smiling widely. "That was really cool"

He stared up at his level. 'Whenever you fight with stronger characters, you have more chances to get stronger'

"So if I go up against Raven, will that work better?"

'You won't grow if you stand no chance against your opponent… so the power difference has to be limited'

"How do you mean?", Jake asked, walking down the hallway. He could see the two guys he had met earlier staring back at him with intent.

'If your enemy can knock you out in one hit, then you won't grow. You need to fight with strength to grow in strength'

Jake stepped closer to the guys. His eyes fell on the bag they held. With the frequent glances they made at him, he could tell that they were up to something. "Is the offer still up? I need to hear what those guys are say—"

His focus zoomed and he could hear every word they uttered. "… they are dating now"

"Once he sees the bag, he will come at us"

"Then we can jump him, right?... Nice plan"

Jake smiled. "I'd really like this eavesdrop ability", he said. "They still have higher levels than me"

'With the initiative, you don't have to jump in like an idiot'

"When have I ever jumped in a fight like an idiot?"

'I don't know… your entire life?'

Jake smiled and stood right in front of them. "Hi, guys"

"Hi", one of them said. He was just as tall as Jake and he had bigger arms. "You want something from us, loser?"

The second one smiled.

"Come on, say yours", Jake said, smiling at the second one. "I know you were planning on jumping me after taking the girl's bag. You must have some stuff you plan to say"

"Fuck off, man, and stop acting like you got anything left", the second one replied, shivering nervously. His sweaty face betrayed him, as he feigned confidence.

Jake could sense the first one about to attack. His initiative activated. *They are two. This might not work fine*.

/Kick the groin/

A punch came at his face. Jake raised his knee, slamming into his groin, as the punch hit him. It wasn't the hardest he had received but it was strong.

/Punch face/

Jake stepped closer and punched his face, slamming his head against a locker. The second one proceeded and kicked Jake by the side. The initiative wasn't working on both of them. He advanced towards him. The second one stepped back and ran off.

"You still want to fight?", Jake said and grabbed the bag.

'Level Up. Level 13+ 5'

'Mission completed. You have earned the Eavesdrop ability… Access in your toolbox'

Staring at the boy, he could see his name and his level, in the window over his head.

"I just levelled up?"

'Yes', the voice replied. 'You can level up whenever you win a fight'

"That's great", he said and looked around for Kate.

She was standing in her usual spot, staring into Jake's class again. There was a window over her head too, displaying her level, her name and her strength limit. He could see her muttering words from the distance.

"Toolbox", he called and the window opened in front of him. "Eavesdrop!"

His vision zoomed and he could hear her clearly. "… too quick, Frank"

"Alright. I used it too late", he walked up to her. "Hey, Kate"

"Damn! You're so creepy!", she said.

"You're staring at the poor guy. You know how creepy that is?", Jake replied and handed the bag to her. "Have this"

"What are you doing with my bag?"

"What? You didn't know it was stolen?... I literally had to fight to get it back"

She stared at him. "No bruises. You're lying"

"Wow. You really prefer me getting hit, uh?", Jake replied. "You know Frank's not going to like you this way"

"Whatever", she took her bag. "Thanks for saving my bag"

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"No", she said and glanced into the class again. "But I can… if you can help me get Frank's attention"

*That's one hell of a job, woman* "Uh", he stuttered. "I don't know, Kate… I don't think it's such a nice idea to get me involved"

"Please, Jake", Kate said and held his hand. "I'm going to help you win Elena back too"

"Uh", he stared at her grip on his hand and wriggled out of her hold. "Alright. That's creepy. I'll help you"

'Initiative: Level 2+ 1'

Jake smiled and punched the air.

"What's that?", she asked.

"Nothing. I just got excited", he replied. "You know, about having Elena back… and helping you out, of course"

*Let's start with your body, girl*


"This is where I stay", Jake said. "You might want to check on m, tomorrow. It's the weekend"

"I knew where you live", she replied, walking away. "See you tomorrow, then"

He waved and exhaled. *She's so pitiable*

"Hey, Jake", Jerry's voice called. He walked majestically into the compartment, striding down the corridor. "I see you are getting along with the fat girl"

Jake glanced at Jerry's level. *He's still stronger than me*

"What do you want, Jerry?", Jake said. "Do you want to fight me, now that you don't have your friends to help with the intimidation?"

"What are you saying? The last time I checked, I singlehandedly kicked your ass", Jerry said, mockingly. "Well, I heard you beat up Toto"

*Toto?... Oh. That's the boy from school* "He crossed the line and came at me", Jake replied, opening the door. "He deserved more than-"

Jerry dashed at him and slammed a blow on his back. Jake fell down immediately. He felt a large amount of strength, drained out of him. "Don't walk away when I'm talking", Jerry roared.

'Stay calm and don't attack', a window popped before Jake. 'Reward: Endurance + 50% in all levels. Punishment: None'

"What do you want, Jerry?"

"You just caused trouble for yourself, man", Jerry said and turned. "I was sent by Majek. I bet you don't know who he is yet"

Jake spat and rushed at him, striking him hard on the back. Jerry winced and turned swiftly, shoving Jake down. Jake's eyes fell on Jerry's window. 'Level 41 + 3. Strength: 410 + 30. Endurance: 410 + 30. Speed: 410 + 30.'

*What the fuck?! How did his level increase so fast?* Jake stared widely, in horror.

"You thought you could hit me from the back, didn't you?", Jerry smiled, mischievously, and advanced towards him.

Jake's eyes remained on Jerry's window, as the writing glitched again. 'Level 41 + 5…'

'Level 41 + 7'

A kick landed on his stomach, throwing him against his door. Blood spurted out of his mouth.

Jerry laughed and turned, walking away. "You just messed with a member of the Congress", he said. "Be ready for the consequences"


"My initiative didn't work. Why?"

'You didn't let it', the voice replied. 'You jumped to attack, like you always do'

Jake winced. "How is he leveling up so fast?", he asked. "His level just kept increasing as he hit me"

'He is a Leveller… Levelers can grow temporarily in a fight but their levels remain'

"I don't understand what that means", he cried. "I just got one hell of a beating"

Someone banged the door.

"Who's that? I'm not home!"

"It's Kate, idiot", Kate yelled from the outside and pushed the door open.

"Kate? What are you doing here!?", he jumped up. "You were supposed to wait till morning"

"It's Saturday morning, young man", Kate replied, glaring at his bruises. "Who beat you again?"

*How the fuck is it morning?.... How long did I even lay here?*

'New Mission: Take Kate to the gym. Reward: New Skill and Waist trainer. Punishment: Game restart'

"Game restart!?", he jumped. "What the fuck is this game about? I haven't even slept"

Kate sighed. "If you want me to leave, I'll just leave", she said, softly. "Alright? You should just treat yourself"

*There she goes with the soft talk, brewing pity… now, I have to take pity*

He pushed himself up. "Wait, Kate", he said. "Sorry for the outburst…. I'll just change my clothes"


Kate kept her head straight with a blank face, as they walked down Raosugav. "Are you still pissed?", Jake nudged her. *This man's going to tell me to apologize again* "I'm sorry, alright?"

"Hi, Mark", Kate waved at him, across the street.

Mark raised an hand, glancing at Jake and moving his eyes quickly.

"Hey", a voice called Mark.

Jake glanced at the alley, as Mark walked down to the strange group.

"They always bully him", Kate commented. "No one can fight them"

"Who are they?", Jake asked.

"Don't ask me. I'm still angry with you"

"Come on…. I can probably fight them", Jake teased.

She looked at him. "You know what you look like, right now?"

He smiled. "Tell me. No one has to be bullied that way"

"Wow!... It's nice to hear that from someone who used to be a bully", she replied. "Let me guess; you are changed now?"

"Doesn't look like I have a choice, does it?", he said.

Elena approached with her can. "That's her. Do you want to talk?", Kate asked.

"No… ", Jake kept his eyes on her and touched her cheek. "Let's just make her think something else"

"I don't think that's a good idea", she said, without resisting. "You can't win her back my making her think that"

Elena smiled, as she walked past.


"They play movies at the gym now?", Jake muttered.

"Don't ask me. You brought me here", Kate replied, looking around. "Why is no one here?"

'It's not a movie. That is the fight club', the voice replied him.

Jake stared at the fighters on the screen. He watched a fighter pull off a superhuman flip, kicking his opponent by the jaw.

'Mission completed. You have learned a new skill: High Flip. The waist trainer has been added to your inventory. Check your toolbox to access it'

Kate nudged him. "Why is no one here?"

"Because no one wants to gym, I guess", he retorted. "Alright. The first thing we should work on is your appearance"

"And that helps him notice me how?"

*Oh, please, don't make me have to say it again*

"Come on, Kate… with some workout, you can look sexy and all guys look at you"

"It's not going to work, Jake. I'll just… I'll just go", she said and turned, walking away swiftly.

"Are you just going to leave me here?!", Jake howled. "After bringing me out so early?!"

"Stop yelling, would you?"

The voice startled Jake. He turned quickly. "Someone's here?"

"Your howling sucks", a guy walked towards him. He looked like a senior, tall and wearing a face cap backwards. "The gym's not for that"

Jake stared at the window over his head. The name is not shown. Same applies to the level and the other information.

'Level ???. Strength: ??? Endurance: ??? Speed: ???'

But Jake could feel a lot of power emitting from him. It was similar to the authority the teachers had over the students.


He walked down the hallways with an empty mind. *I haven't levelled up in days. I should really get in a fight*

"Hi, Jake", Kate called, walking up to him. "Sorry for what happened on Saturday. I just couldn't do it"

"It's alright. I might not be able to help you after all"

She nodded. "Alright", she muttered. "Alright. It's fine. I'll just do it on my own"

"What do you like about him anyway? He's just like anyone"

"You wouldn't understand if I told you", she said, walking away. "But thanks for considering"

*I tried. Doesn't make me a bad person now*

He could see Elena ahead. He straightened up and cleared his throat. His heart pounded heavily, like it'd burst out of his chest. He stepped forward, approaching her. Her face was blank so he kept his face expressionless too, as he walked past.

"Uh… Elena!", he called and turned.

"What's it, Jake?", she asked. "You seem to have moved on, already, so what?"

"You moved on, first, just because I lost one fight"

She smiled for a second and stepped back. "For your own sake… and maybe for mine too, you really should stay away"

*What does that mean?*

"Hey…. What does that mean?"

She walked away from his sight. He turned and kept walking towards the class. Jerry walked past, brushing shoulders with him. Their eyes met for a few seconds. "I warned you, Jake", Jerry muttered, as he walked away.

Jake glanced at the window over his head. 'Jerry….. Level 41… Leveller'

He turned and continued towards the class. From the distance, he could tell that something was wrong. The class was awfully silent. Kobe was probably planning another mischief against him. He walked in, slowly, and looked at Kobe's seat. Kobe wasn't in the class.

It was someone else. He had his legs crossed over another chair. "Hi, Jake", he said. "I have been waiting"

Jake stared at his window, unable to open his mouth or speak. 'Majek…. Level 225- Powerful'

*This is a greater being. I'm dead!*

Jake's Status

Level: 18

Strength: 180 Endurance: 180 Speed: 180

Acquired: Skill Activator (Max), Third Eye (lv 3), Initiative (lv 4)

Inventory: Waist Trainer, Eavesdrop Ability

Skills: High Flip