
Majek stood up and approached him slowly. He could hear his heart pounding fast, as he stiffened. *If I can't even beat Kobe, then this one will kill me*

"So let's face it, Jake", Majek said in a calm voice. "You touched Toto"

Jake stared at his feet, unable to talk. Even the initiative would be useless if he dared to fight. "He came at me", Jake said and looked up. "You can see the bruises on my face too"

"You're saying my brother was able to hit the great Jake? I should be proud of him but I doubt that"

"He hit me. I am not the same Jake, anymore… they all beat me in a fight now", Jake said. "Toto took someone's bag just to get to me… and we had a fair fight. His partner ran off"

Kobe glared for a few seconds and nodded. "Alright", he muttered and walked past. "Tell Kobe when he returns that I saw him run off…. And I hate cowards"


Elena gently pushed the door open and walked in.

"Come in, Elena… I called for you", Sir Raymond said and pointed to a seat at the other side of the table. "Would you like to take a seat?"

She walked over and sat down. "I didn't do something wrong, did I?"

"Well, you just might be", Sir Raymond leaned closer. "You are new here… and you really should know who you hang out with. You understand?"

"No, I don't"

"You have been going around with Solomon", Sir Raymond said, in a lowered voice. "Have you ever heard of the Congress?"

Elena exhaled. "Don't get in this, Sir Raymond", she replied. "I'll deal with him"

"Is he doing something to you?.... Is he threatening you with something?", he asked, staring at her chest, as though he could hear what was going on in there. "You haven't mixed with the Congress, have you?"

She stood up. "Please, Sir Raymond. I won't want you to get hurt", she turned and walked out.

Sir Raymond stared blankly at the door. She didn't seem ignorant of what she said but she didn't know anything about him either. "What are they doing to you, young woman?", he muttered.


"Wow! Jake is back, isn't he?", Kobe said, as he stepped into the class. "You haven't greeted today, man"

"Let him be, Kobe… That Congress guy almost made him piss his pants already", Frank joked. "Look at his face"

Jake glanced at him. *Idiot!* He stared at the window over Frank's head. 'Level 38- Average'. Kobe was also average so there will be just a minor difference in their strength.

"Stay out of this, Frank", Kobe said. "I really want to knock him out, today"

"That's enough, Kobe", Raven cut in. "You are not even strong enough to bear Frank, yet you act like you are the strongest"

"What does that mean?", Kobe walked up to him. "Even Frank wouldn't dare to stand up against me"

*I see what he's doing* Jake smiled and stared at Frank. He shivered for a second and faked a smile, trying to hide his fear for Kobe.

"He's trying to get in your head, man", Frank said. "You'll only make him laugh if we fight"

Kobe took a step back. "Get up, Frank", he said. "I want you to beat this lean f.cker up"

"No", Raven stood up. "I saw you run from Majek, the other time. If you're not a coward, you don't have to run from me either"

Kobe stepped forward and landed a punch on his face. Raven smiled and walked out of the seat, facing Kobe directly.

"Repeat what you said and I'll make you lose your teeth"

"Let's see you try"

Kobe swung his arm at him. Raven caught the hit and punched Kobe in the face. Kobe staggered backwards, holding his nose. The look on his face had a mix of terror and inferiority. He fumed and dashed towards Raven.

Raven's eyes glowed wildly for a second and he swiped his clenched fist from Kobe's abdomen down to his groin. Kobe bounced up and landed on his back, unable to move.

Jake gaped in awe. *How did he do that in one hit?"

A window appeared in front of Jake. 'You have successfully learned a new skill: Drop Jabber'

"What?!", he exclaimed excitedly. "By just watching?"

His seatmate stared at him, without saying a word. Jake could sense the complaint and the fear in his look.

"Sorry about that", he said. "You're not scared of me, are you?"

"Uh", Dennis swallowed, staring at him. "Uh…"

"Come on. I'm totally harmless now. Virtually anyone can beat me in a fight so…", Jake said, casually, and leaned back on his seat.

"I heard you beat up Toto"

"Toto's a coward, you know?", Jake replied and glanced at Dennis's window. It showed 'lv 26'. "He tried to bully a poor girl and he came at me."

Sir Raymond walked in swiftly and stood by the door. "Whoa, another fight", he said quickly. "I don't want to hear anything, Jake. You get detention"

Jake looked. "Jake? Wait, who's Jake?", he muttered. "Hello! I didn't fight anyone!"

Sir Raymond rushed. "Don't question me!"

He dropped back on his seat. "Whatever"


Jake stole a few glances at Kobe. Hopefully, Kobe would probably become weaker like he did. He got up and grinned, as he walked past Kobe.

"What are you laughing at?", Kobe kicked him on the back, pushing him against the wall. "Get up and fight! You loser!"

Jake remained still, as the window appeared in front of him again. 'Stay calm and don't attack...Reward: Endurance + 50% in all levels. Punishment: None'

He straightened up, staring at the wall for a few seconds.

"Come at me, you fucker!"

"I said no noise", Raven said calmly.

Kobe stiffened immediately and drifted back. Jake walked out of the class, slowly.

'You have successfully earned 50% elastic endurance limit booster. Check in your status. Endurance: 180/270'


His face twitched, as he glanced at the back of Raven's head, again and again. Kobe clenched his fist, fuming irritably. His aggression seemed to have multiplied. He wasn't going to accept defeat by a smaller person. He sat fixedly, thinking the same thing till the final bell rung.

"Uh… Kobe?", Shane muttered, standing up. "I, uh… I need to go. Can you adjust?"

He stared down at Kobe, fearfully. He wouldn't want to take a hit, though they had never actually fought.

"Please, Kobe… school time's over", he repeated.

"Just climb the desk, man", Frank said in a jesting tone. "You know he's out of his mind, right now"

"Who's out of his mind?", Kobe asked, glaring at him.

Frank's smile quickly faded. "Come on, man. You know I was joking… don't let this little guy get between us", he said, walking towards the door and glaring at Raven. "I'll spare you today, Raven… not tomorrow"

Raven smiled, as Frank walked out. "Coward"


"How did I get detention?", Jake protested.

The door opened and Kate looked in.

"She got detention too?", he asked and faced her. "What did you do?"

"He said I wore my backpack during lectures", she replied. "I wonder when that became an offense"

"Well, you're here now", Sir Raymond said. "I won't waste your time… I overheard you both talking about winning Elena back for you. That might be a bad idea, right now"

"How do you mean?", Jake asked.

"Well, she has been hanging around with Solomon", Sir Raymond replied. "She doesn't seem to have a choice. Something is definitely wrong…. If you don't want to deal with the Congress, I will suggest you back off for a while"

"Wait, who's Solomon?", Kate asked.

Jake glanced at her. "I thought you already knew about the Congress. He's one of the invisible Congress members"


"Not invisible, really… they are just unpopular members… they happen to be the strongest and they cause no trouble"

"What is the Congress group for?", Kate stared at the both, feeling left out. "I never see them"

"I don't know what they do exactly", Sir Raymond replied. "But they are dangerous and powerful. If I find out Elena is in any trouble, I will have to call an administrator in for help"


"Administrators are real?", Jake asked.

"What did you think?", Sir Raymond said. "They take control of each section of the Akademy"


"How is he so strong?", Kobe muttered, staring at the ground, as he walked down the road. "I'm going to tear him apart…. He cheated"

"Hey, Kobe!"

Kobe paused, suddenly. He recognized that voice and that was the last thing he wanted to hear. He continued walking, doubting his ears. "Oh, please, please", he muttered, fearfully. "Someone else, someone else!"

"You heard me, Kobe!", the voice repeated calmly. "If I have to catch you, you just might end your journey here"

Kobe turned his head, staring into the blind alley with horror. There was a wide road between them , yet Majek was able to amplify his voice calmly. He crossed the road and walked to the alley. "Good day, Majek", Kobe bowed his head. *He's going to kill me*

"Hi, Kobe… I have missed you", Majek said, walking up to him with a wide smile. "I saw you run, earlier. Where did you go?"

"Me? Uh.. the bathroom", he said, quickly, sweating profusely. "I went to the bathroom"

Majek grinned. "I hate cowards, Kobe… but I'll let you go", he said and turned, walking further into the alley. "I'll let you go for now"

"Thank- thank you", Kobe muttered, shivering. He turned around, walking away swiftly.

Whenever he stood before Majek, he had his head crumbling. He could remember watching Majek go against three opponents and tear them apart in seconds. His speed, strength and stamina; it was totally intimidating and beyond the imaginable. Kobe would never want to go against someone as strong as that.


"I'm sorry, Jake", Kate said, as they walked out of the office. "I know you're still pissed about what happened"

"I'm not pissed, Kate"

"Well, you didn't say anything about helping me again", she said. "I… I thought-"

"I don't know, Kate… I don't know how to help you", he replied. "I think you should just walk up to him"

"Is that a good idea?"

"I really don't know… but if you really like him, maybe you should try it", he said. "You can't get him by staying here anyway… Try something else"

She nodded and smiled. "Thank you"

*I don't think that's going to work, girl…. You really need to lose the fat you got* "You're welcome"


"Do you think Frank is going to come at you?", Mark asked, as they headed to their compartment. Their rooms were coincidentally close so they could meet after school hours. Raven chose to stay in the room all day so they rarely had time to hang out.

"Why would he?", Raven replied. "He's scared"

"He looks strong too… I think he might be able to take on Kobe"

"But he's scared. He never will"

Mark smiled and exhaled. "If you weren't here, the class would be really hot", he said. "Jake would probably still be beating up everyone"

"He seems really calm"

"That is after you beat him…. Something changed in him… or everything", Mark said. "Dennis told me he spoke calmly to him today"

"Mark!", a voice called.

Mark's expression changed quickly. "Damn, Raven… you have to go"

"What's that? Why?", Raven asked and stared into the alley, where the voice came from. "Who are those guys?"

"They are dangerous. You don't want to know them"

"You heard me, Mark!", the voice called again. "I don't call thrice, you know"

"Tell me who they are… and why you are scared", Raven said, staring at the guys in the alley. They looked strange and tough. "Raosugav is meant for the students alone, are they seniors?"

"No…. They are Congress members", Mark answered.

"Hey, Mark!", they called again. "That's the second call… come with your friend*