Lost In Wonderland

'New Mission: Beat up the thug and escape before the others can know what is happening. Reward: Sneakers Punishment: 24 hours drunk state'

Jake smiled. "You never cease to amaze me, young man", he muttered, staring down at his target. "What does the 24 hours drunk state do?"

'You already guessed right… Now get the job done'

Jake stared at the thug's window. He was level 38. *There is no way he's strong enough to keep those people hostage… he either has a stronger partner or….*

"Is he holding a weapon?"

'If he uses a weapon against you, you will earn an extra ability… but the mission is to knock him out before he even knows you are there'

"Alright", Jake straightened up, confidently. He can always level up whenever he lost all he had in him. "He's just as strong as Kobe."

/Kick neck/

He jumped down at the thug and landed a kick on his back. The thug brought out his knife, swiftly, as he staggered forward.

/High Flip/

Jake stepped closer and leaped high, landing a kick on the jaw with a swift flip. Immediately he dropped on his feet, he slammed the thug's abdomen with a drop jabber, dropping the thug on the ground.

"Wow!.. Drop Jabber works", Jake looked around. He still needed to get out.

'Mission completed. You have received Sneakers in your inventory. Check in Toolbox'

'You have learned a new skill. Blade Swipe'

'Level 18+ 7. Strength: 250 Endurance: 250+ 125 Speed: 250'


He stepped into the school and strode down the hallway. He stared at his hand for a second, as he walked, as though he would see better under the school's lighting. His hands were just the same. He could feel a bit stronger but he didn't seem to be returning to his normal size.

"When am I supposed to be big again?", he asked. "Is it when I get as strong as I used to be?"

'Your levels have nothing to do with your size', the voice replied. 'You might not-'

"Hey, Jake", Kate walked up to him.

"Oh, fuck. What does she want now?", he muttered, silently and looked up at her.

She seemed to have caught the change in his look. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?", she asked.

"No, not at all", he replied, staring blankly. He could see a slightly hurt expression on her face. There was no need to act impatient. "Good morning, Kate"

"If I'm disturbing, I'll just leave", she stepped back quickly and turned away. "Sorry for walking up to you like that"

Jake exhaled. "She's hurt again", he muttered and continued walking. "She'll get over it"

'There are special missions you that can help you grow really fast'

"Let me guess. They are harder than the usual missions I get?"

'Yes. They are between hard and impossible but they will make you grow fast'

"You have to make me go through things before you let me grow. Is that really compulsory?"

'Your growth is not controlled. It is totally automatic and not decided from anywhere. There are natural situations and acts that make you grow and there are missions that reward you', the voice said. 'It is up to you to follow the instructions and level up… or do the impossible and grow beyond program'

Jake turned and walked into the class. "I will like to check those out", he muttered.

'Making friends is one way to grow naturally and develop skills'

Jake's eyes fell on the empty desk at the front row. Raven and Mark weren't in school. He paused for a second, glanced at Kobe and walked to his seat.

"Don't feel free to walk on me. Your friend's not here to defend you", Kobe said, glaring at him.

"That humiliation was not enough to get you humble?"

"What did you say to me?"

"Just a warning. Raven's right behind that door listening to you", Jake said and smiled, as Kobe faced the door quickly, unable to hide his fear.

Frank and his seatmate, Corey, chuckled, whispering to each other.

"Eavesdrop", Jake muttered and focused. He could hear their slightest breaths and every word they said.

"He's shivering before that boy, yet he claims he can beat Jerry", Frank mocked, silently.

"Jerry's not that strong. I'm sure I can take him on", Corey replied. Jake glanced at his window, quickly, and scoffed. 'Level 28' hovered over his head. "But Kobe is not that strong either. You can beat him"

"I know", Frank said and glanced at Kobe. "I'm just not a fan of the violence"

"Jake's chubby girlfriend came to see you for what?", Corey asked. "Jake could kill you for it"

"You mean Kate?", Frank snorted. "Jake wouldn't dare come at me for anything. I will tear his bones apart… and the girl's confused"

"What did she come for?"

"I have no idea. She said she would be back", Frank replied. "I'm going to play with her a bit"

Dennis's elbow hit Jake by the shoulder. He jumped quickly, staring with repentant eyes. "Sorry. That was a-"

"I know", Jake replied, casually. "You're friends with Mark, right?... And Raven?"

"Uh, yea… a bit"

"They are not in school. Why?"

"You're worried about them?", Dennis muttered. "Uh… I have no idea. I didn't see either of them after school yesterday"

"Can you stop shivering?", Jake said. "I'm totally harmless and weak now"

Dennis nodded. "I will check their rooms, after school"

"Alright. I will record the day's lectures", Jake replied. "And we will check them together"

"Uh… we?"


*I should apologize to Kate. I bet this Frank guy is planning to embarrass her*

"Hi, voice thing", Jake muttered. "Can I get the list of impossible things now? Or is it later?"

'Whenever you're ready'

"Alright. Let's check on Kate, first", he said, heading towards her class.

He glanced at the wall clock in the hallway. It was almost time for the closing bell to be rung. He quickened his pace and stopped abruptly. Kate was with Frank, already. The wry smile on Frank showed he was up to some mischief.


"Talk now, Kate… I have no time for fat matters", Frank scoffed.

Kate swallowed, staring back at him. "I'm- I'm sorry… for disturbing you", she said but remained still, like she couldn't turn away. "But it's unfair, you know?"

"Making me stand in the hallway all day long? Yea, it's totally unfair", Frank replied and leaned closer. "I have a crush in class F. If she finds you here with me, I swear I'll smash your head in…. It should be easy. Your head's not fat"

"When did you become so rude?!", she said, almost loudly. "I regret this"

"Don't howl at me, duff", Frank said and raised his fist at her.

"That's enough", Jake caught his hand and smiled. "You're not even that strong"

*I should be able to put the fear in him. He was always a coward anyway*

"What do you want, Jake?", Frank said. "Another beating?"

Jake grinned, intimidatingly. "You want to find out what I want?", he clenched tightly on Frank's fist and stepped closer. "You want to see what I can do?"

A bead of sweat rolled down Frank's cheek and he stepped back. "I'm not willing to fight you now, Jake", he said and put his hands in his pocket. "You better be ready for a fight whenever I return"

Jake left him, as he walked away with quick paces, feigning calmness.

'You have successfully acquired the Fear-eater ability. You can gain temporary strength boost and reduce damage intake by instilling fear in opponents. Limit depends on level of fear increased'

"Wow!", he muttered, staring at the window. "That's probably a part"

He looked up and saw Kate's laced eyes. Sheet turned swiftly and walked away.

"Wait, Kate!", he caught her. "Don't cry because of him. He doesn't even deserve you!"

She stared at him doubtfully. "Or I don't deserve him?", she replied. "I'm just one fat pig"

Jake swallowed and watched her walk away. "So I just threw out the one friend I probably had", he muttered, as the bell rang.


"Uh", Dennis stared at him, reluctant to speak. "I'm, uh… "

"Yea, I'm ready too", Jake said and smiled mildly. "Let's get going"

The two had an awkward walk down the road. Jake glanced at him frequently, catching his nervous look every time.

"What do you think happened?", Jake asked. "They didn't just agree to stay home, right?"

"Raven's been pretty studious since he joined us", Dennis replied. "I'm sure Mark wouldn't stay away from school for any reason"

"Then something is wrong… if they got beaten up by someone, would you be able to fight for them?"

"Hm?", Dennis glanced at him and swallowed.

"I was just kidding", Jake glanced at his window; 'Level 26'. "That's most likely what had happened, unless they chose to play around during school hours"

"You think Mark got into a fight, alongside Raven?"

"Yea. Probably someone strong enough to take on the both"

*Haven't seen anyone stronger than Raven though, asides Majek… I didn't get to see the senior's level. He must be just as strong.. or 300! That would be like GOD!*

"We are there", Dennis called.

"Oh", Jake muttered and turned quickly. He had daydreamed, almost walking past the compartment.

Dennis walked to Raven's room and knocked. "Raven?", he called. "Raven? Are you in?"

"He's not in", Mark's voice answered. The next door opened and Mark looked out. His face was bruised. "Dennis?"

"What happened to your face?", Jake asked, staring at him. Mark stared back, flustered.

"What happened, Mark?", Dennis asked. "Where did Raven go?"

"You guys should just stay out of this", Mark said and walked in, leaving the door open for them to come in. "I don't think Raven's going to come back"

"What does that mean?", Jake asked. "Who beat you guys?"

"Why do you care now, Jake?", Mark spoke back. "You terrorized us for a long time and now, you are saint?... Those guys did not take pity. They defeated him totally and they must have done something. He's not coming back"

"Who are they?", Jake asked again. The image of the senior popped up in his head again and again. He had warned about the Warthogs coming at the Congress members. "Seniors?"

"Why would seniors attack us?... It's a couple of Congress members", Mark said. "Stefan and Ga. Stefan went against Raven. He held him up with one hand and beat him up. Ga knocked me out so I couldn't see the rest… and when I woke up, Stefan said he had got lost in wonderland"

"Lost in wonderland?", Jake muttered. "Where is wonderland?"

"There is no wonderland, id!ot…. You know what it means"

Jake stared at the ground blankly. He was just about to make new friends. He didn't think that could actually happen in the Akademy, since the administrators claim to be watching always. *Lost in wonderland* He knew what it meant.


He stared blankly at the door for a few seconds before knocking. He still had *wonderland* in his head.

"Who's that?", Kate's muffled voice roared.

"It's", he paused for a second and faked his voice. "It's Frank. I came to apolo-"

The door opened. "You think it's funny?"

He held the door quickly. "I'm not laughing, Kate", he replied. "What's so special about him, anyway?"

"You're never going to understand… Listen, Jake! I don't want to be the pain in your ass so just let me be the miserable creature I've always being"

"You're not miserable to me… you are beautiful. You are not even very fat", he replied honestly. "You probably don't want to be convinced but if you don't want to be called fat, let the gym do it's magic… you'll look better than Elena in no time"

She stared blankly at him.

He stepped in slowly. "And I would probably be in love with you but you'll like somebody else"


"You know what 'lost in wonderland' means here, right?"

Sir Raymond stood up. "That couldn't have happened, Jake"

"Raven is nowhere to be found… and he was last seen with the Congress guys", Jake repeated.

"They've been intimidating Mark for a while", Kate added. "Stefan and Ga. I don't know what 'Lost in wonderland' means but we have to get Raven back"

Both of them stared at her for a second and sighed. "What are you going to do, Sir Raymond?... Should we all be scared or you'll call the administrators like you said you will?"

Jake's Status

Level: 25

Strength: 250. Endurance: 375. Speed: 250

Acquired: Skill Activator (Max), Third Eye (lv 3), Initiative (lv 4), Fear-eater (max)

Inventory: Waist Trainer, Eavesdrop, 50% Endurance booster (Auto-activated), Sneakers

Skills: High Flip, Drop Jabber, Blade Swipe