Avoiding a death flag

After seeing all those new skills you started to mess around with them and go over the experience you have thanks to your reward of the simulation. After a while you see its almost 6:00 and you think on how to say no to getting adopted because you don't want to get arrogant with your new abilities and think you can take those 2 on. And even if you could kill them what after.

When its almost 6:00 you go to her office and "'knock knock' can I come in" .

" yes dear" she says. you go in and try to sense her emotions to see if she knows about the couple. After sensing for a while you can don't find any bad emotion and are relieved." What did you want to talk about with me aunt Lia" I ask.

"Well there was this old couple who wanted to adopt you and wanted to ask what you want" she says.

You started to look down and say with a pitiful voice " if it is possible I want to stay with aunt Lia and the other kids".

She is a bit surprised because most of the kids would want to be adopted and says " are you sure because they seem like a nice couple and are both retired soldiers and I am sure they have a lot of books"

With a bit louder voice I say "yes I am sure I want to keep live here".

She says "if that is what you want okay, I shall let the couple know".

I leave her office and go to my room and go lay on my bed. Although I am safe know I don't know how far that couple will go and if they would kidnap me. I mean they torture kids, what is really worse than that.

Then it me I still have a reality ticket to see the future so I say "system use reality ticket"

[ initializing reality ticket]

[ After you refused to be adopted by that couple because of the memories that weird book gave you which also gave you these abilities you went to train you abilities according to the memories.]

[ After 5 days nothing happened and you felt that you could finally let down your guard a bit more. You trained your abilities a lot in secret and found a lot of useful ways to use them.]

[ after 10 days you completely let your guard and 1 time when you went outside you saw some 10 year old boys in a school uniform bully some other boy and just walked away even when you new you could help the boy]

[ after 13 days you found out that a 12 year old boy named Jack found a "winter eating herb" near you at the entrance of a forest south and gave it to his dad and sold it for quite a lot of money. You searched the herb and found out that it would eat the impurities in your body and make you stronger. You felt sad that you didn't find that herb.]

[ after 22 days you were already a master with your abilities but felt sad you still couldn't breakthrough level 3 spiritually but when you were trying to solve a difficult problem and hoped there were 2 of you you felt a little crack in you ball but not enough to go to level 3.]

[ after 25 days you went to buy groceries with one of the helper from the orphanage but there was a robbery and someone tried to hit the robber but he just went crazy and shot everybody and you got shot and died.]

[ choose 1 of the 3 rewards

1) experience

2) peak of life

3) info on how to avoid your death flag]

I felt very happy with this simulation especially with the information on the herb and I was also happy because the death flag number 1 is officially gone and death flag number 2 is easy to avoid. This time you chose reward 1 because you didn't really change your strength but trained your abilities a lot.

I got all kind of memories and was quite satisfied with the information on how to use my abilities.

It was already getting late and dark so I thought it would be better if I went tomorrow and according to the simulation I still have 13 days.

I had nothing better to do than open the shop and look for things I can buy and saw the Lucks eye for 1500 and the reality ticket 2 which could let me simulate someone else for 250 and thought about Jack and bought them both.

After i bought them I heard ["Because you bought you first item you open the inventory( you can only store shop bought items).]

"Open status" I say.

[Name: Nico Black

Age: 6

Realm: mortal

Spiritual level: 2

Skill: 5 think to expand

known worlds: 2

Simulation Points: 125

Avatar creation: think to open

Reality Tickets: 0

Inventory: 1 think to open

Shop: open]