Beating up some people

After I wake up I did my morning routine and went down to eat breakfast. After that I go to my spot I am going to search a bit about this flower because I have almost no information. after a bit of searching I find the apperance and also that it needs to be boiled before eating it.

I am going to sneak out of the window because they would never let a 6 year old outside alone and this is more of an alone mission.

Because I don't really go outside I don't know were a forest is so have to look around for a while but eventually find it. According to the simulation it is at the entrance but its probably still hidden pretty good or else it would have been found faster.

After a while of searching and finding nothing I am getting frustrated but get an idea to use my water manipulation to sense all the water in the earth and after a while I find a herb hidden under the shadow of a big rock. It is a really good spot because the gap between the earth and the rock is only about 20 cm and the herb is also a mix of grey and black.

I am really happy about my water ability because who knew how long I could search for no results. It was already getting close to 11:00 so I am running to the orphanage buy luckily I almost never get bother before 12:00 when they call me for lunch. But just when I was about to go I hear some annoying voices

" Hey kid what are you hiding there" says what I think is the leader of this little delinquent group of tree and the person who il call number #1

"None of your business" I answer whit a cold voice

"Look at this kid disrespecting us, didn't you parents tell you to respect your elders" says number #2

"Don't worry boss, il teach some sense in this kid" says number # 3. I am quite happy because I get to use my abilities. Although they aren't a challenge, I still get to use my abilities.

When number 3 is about to hit me I stop his body with water manipulation and kick his knee with my foot and he falls screaming in pain. I was quite amazed at my strength because I am sure I heard something break.

seeing number 2 was surprised but quickly put a brave look on his face. the he says " Boss look at number tree what a loser he is, he can't even take care of a kid let me do it".

Seeing number 2 approach I think I am gonna use telekinesis on him. When I am thinking on how to mess with him I hear him say with a serious tone " Kid, be honored that you will be beaten by the famous tiger fist".

When I hear him say that I start to laugh at him and he says "are you laughing at me you stupid kid" and starts to charge at me.

I see at stick and move it with telekinesis and swipe his feet and he falls face first in a pool of mud. I then kick his face.

I then see number one with a scared face and he must have see me move that stick because he says " stay away from me you monster" he says with a scared tone and tries to leave but I also swipe him from his feet and he falls falls on his but.

I approach him and he says " please don't hit me, my parents are rich I can give you money just please spare me" while trembling.

When I am close to him I say " okay I won't hit you".

He says " really?" with a hopeful look on his face.

"Yes, but I will kick" and kick him in his stomach which sent him flying a bit all with a terrifying grin on my face. I have officially confirmed I am a sadist. I look and see one guy still lying one the ground screaming in pain and the other is unconscious.

After that little fight I arrive at 11:46 but I don't start preparing the herb to eat it because apparently the eating of your impurities is very uncomfortable and painful. Beside, I need a cooking pot and warm water. One I can steal and the other I can make with a neat little trick I learned trough my last reality simulation. I just hope I can get the water to boil.

After lunch I ask if I can help wash the dishes. at the end of washing the dishes I sneak an cooking pot with me. when I am in a secret spot I start to put a bottle of water in the pot and use my ability to heat up the water. after a while the water is finally cooking, I put in the herb and keep it like this for then minutes. when it is finally done I am exhausted bur I eat the herb.

I start to have this feeling like something is eating me from the inside. Luckily I have a piece of cloth on which I can scream so I don't attract attention. After ten minutes is started to feel something coming from my throat and know it is almost done a. But before that I take a bowl for the last part where you throw up.

When I am finally done throwing up I can start to appreciate my knew strength and I even feel my connection to water is stronger but just a little bit .my skin also turned milk colored. I look really pale almost unhealthy pale. Then I see the pot with the water and remembered that you could smear it on your skin and it would make it stronger.

When I am finally done smearing the water it feels a bit warm but nothing big.

After a this I bring back the cooking pot to the kitchen an go to my spot.