Reaching level 3

After eating that herb I feel I have enough to do an simulation so I check how late it is and see that I have enough time. After messing around for a while I think I found a loophole for my talents but after reopening the avatar creation tab its keeps its talents. After a while I am finished and my avatar looks like this.

[ Avatar creation

Physique: 3(0) Intelligent: 8(3) appearance: 2(0) Background: 7(0) Luck: 5(0)

Points: 0

Talents: 3) scientist 0) water manipulation 0) spiritual technique

know ranks: grey, semi grey, white, semi green, green, semi orange

Start: ready ]

"Ready" is say

"Worlds essence: normal"

[ You were born in a family of both scientist and started to show signs of genius at a young age.]

[ At the age of 2 You always felt different of other kids, you are smarter than them, more mature. One day you found a book in your mind and when you tried to open it all kinds of information and a warm feeling over you mind came. +2 in intelligent.

When you woke up you saw it was 3 hours later and you understood that another reason you aren't normal is that you can sense emotions, have telekinesis and can control water. you feel that its best to not tell anyone because you don't want to become a monster.]

[ At the age 5 you finally found broke trough level 3. +2 intelligent. You found that you also could have another you in your mind and that you could turn it on or off.

But you found that trough the technique of the book you couldn't break trough anymore so you made it your dream to become a scientist and fiend out how to break trough the next level and why you have these ability's.]

[At the age of 6 because of you overwhelming intelligent you are already in high school (in my country its 12 year old for high school). You got the achievement: slightly famous in you city: semi green and famous in your city: green.]

[ At the age of 9 you graduated high school and are going to college. Achievement: high school diploma: white. Your genius already got a lot of recognition and you get the achievement: slightly famous in your nation: semi orange]

[ At the age of 11 you flew trough college got your bachelor's degree and are famous for being one of the youngest people with a bachelor's degree. achievement: famous in your nation: orange and achievement: bachelor's degree: semi green . You also started a bit of your researcher on yourself and found nothing out of place or extra but you found that your brain waves are much higher than a normal human.]

[ At the age of 12 you got you master's degree. achievement: master's degree: green. You also found one of the reasons for you emotion sensing, telekinesis and more minded is that trough the technique you made a breakthrough in the amount of brain you are using and that instead of getting much smarter you got those abilities. But you got sick because of your weak body and died]

[You got the achievements: famous in your nation and master's degree worth 300 S points

Achievement famous in your nation overrules achievements slightly famous in your city, famous in your city and slightly famous in your nation and achievement master's overrules achievements degree high school diploma and bachelor's degree.

You got 3000 S point in a normal world. Amplifier: X1= 3000]

[ You died at the age of 12 and made 2 achievements. Choose 2 of the 5 reward

1) Life experience

2) Strength at peak

3) skill: famous aura: you have a aura of an celebrity and even people close to you will think you are famous

4) skill: Road to master's degree: when studying for a master degree you will be able to concentrate 1,2 times better

5) 2 reality tickets]

I open my eyes and think about my reward and choose 1 and 5. I didn't choose 2 because I never really saw a mentioning of him training the abilities and I don't have any reality tickets anymore.

[because of reaching level 3 in spiritual level, you get the skill: more minded (You will have more you in your head and you can turn them on or off).

"Hello" I suddenly hear a voice in my head and looking at the skill more minded I know it is another me.

I replies with a "Hi" and starts to introduce himself. "Hello, My name is Nico and am cheerful version of you". After that he starts to ramble on and its irritating so I shut him up.

I say "status" and see some changes

[Name: Nico Black

Age: 6

Realm: mortal

Spiritual level: 3

Skill: 6 think to expand

known worlds: 3

Simulation Points: 3125

Avatar creation: think to open

Reality Tickets: 2

Inventory: 1 think to open

Shop: open]

I see that known worlds became 3 so that means there can be more world of the same essence. I also see that I have many S point so I open the shop but just then I hear a voice " Nico, foods ready".