Being betrayed

[ choose 1 of the 3 rewards

1) experience

2) peak of life

3) info on how to avoid your death flag]

The rewards are all trash so I choose 2 so that it will become easier to find the money. Sadly I will need to wait 6 days before I can find the money.

I want to simulate but I am still on cooldown from the Martial world. I suddenly think of something I could buy in the shop and I open the shop and I find what I want. World choosing card: can choose a world for simulation from the previous worlds you simulated for 100 S points.

I want this so I can go to the Martial world so I buy it.

After this I need to wait for a day luckily I am a patient man.

1 day later

This was the most boring day ever and I just want to simulate.

I open the avatar creation and and I see.

[ detected World choosing card, does the host want to use this in his next simulation]

"Yes" I think.

After messing with my status for I while I am extremely happy because I finally found my first orange talent and my avatar looks like this.

[ Avatar creation

Physique: 8(5) Intelligent: 5(1) appearance: 2(1) Background: 6(0) Luck: 4(1)

Points: 0

Talents: 2)Born fighter: +3 physique +fighting will come easier to you: green

10) Mysterious Masters Grace: You shall get a pill on your first birthday from a mysterious man which shall give you +2 physique, +1 intelligent, +1 appearance, +1 luck and 'innate martial body' will awaken which makes it easier to sense, use and absorb martial aura: orange

0) Enchanted senses

know ranks: grey, semi grey, white, semi green, green, semi orange and orange

Start: ready ]

I didn't choose spiritual technique because the last time I was in the Martial world the large amount of spirit energy clashed with the first bit of martial aura wanted to absorb and because of my low amount of control on my spirit energy even with my memories they both clashed and they exploded which crippled me. This is also one of the reasons I died so soon.

That also made me realize that even with all those extra memories and experience that I am still a trash at control of my spirit energy. the reason is that I don't have any really experience in any of my lives of using it outside of absorbing more. Even in my hero life I mostly used my quirk.

Once I have more control I can choose spirit technique but now is to soon.

I took 5 enchanted senses because it seems very useful in a Martial world and I want to focus on martial aura and not water manipulation or something else.

"Start" I say

"World essence: Martial aura"

[ You were born in a branch family of the Lian family in a little city called Snow city at the border of the empire.]

[ At your first birthday there was a mysterious man who showed a purple pill and said that you were fated with this pill, which will let your talent shine. After you ate pill you started to shine in purple which is the color of martial aura and your parents knew this sigh which is the awakening of the 'innate martial body' which is rare and and even in the empire with millions of citizens and can only be found every 10 years. achievement: slightly famous in you city: semi green and famous in you city: green.]

[ At the age of 2 because of you 'innate martial body' you were brought to the main family in the capital and were given all kinds of herbs.]

[At the age of 4 you started your martial training because your high intelligent and strong body. Because your special body you were fast in sensing martial aura and you also learned the 'snowing sword technique' which is the Lian family's secret technique.]

[At the age 6 and half you achieved tier 3 martial artist which is considered very fast]

[At the age of 11 you achieved tier 2 martial artist and got the achievement: slightly famous in your nation: semi orange. You also went outside the capital with some members of you clan to clear some bandits and got the achievements: killing evil to help good: semi green and first kill: semi green]

[At the age of 19 you became a tier 1 martial artist which is already a little powerhouse and became very good at using 'snowing sword technique' so you set out to see the big wide world. achievement: famous in you nation: orange]

[ At the age of 21 you traveled the world and saw many things. You also found a ruin and found some pill and also a sword was crafted with the essence of a blood martial artist which is the realm where you go beyond being a mortal and you martial aura turns red. You called 'shiny star cutting sword' because it looks very shiny but sharp.]

[ At the age of 25 you know a lot of technique but still use the 'snowing sword technique' because it suits you and your sword the best. You also killed 1000 bandits and got the achievement: killing evil with evil: semi orange]

[ At the age of 31 you achieved blood martial artist realm and became a true powerhouse and got you also made your own sword technique called 'cutting between heaven and earth' and got the you got the achievement: and a man and his weapon: green and creating your own technique: semi green. You feel that you wanted to stop travelling so you went back to you clan and got a seat as an elder.]

[ At the age of 33 there was war between a other empire and you became a general and your name strikes fear in your enemy's and you got the achievement: leader of a thousand: semi green, leader of ten thousand: green and leader of hundred thousand: semi orange.]

[At the age of 33 and half you were trapped between 3 blood martial artist and were betrayed by your right hand. But you made a ruin before all this where you put all your important stuff even your weapon so that in the future you could have a successor. Achievement: making a successor: green. You died]

[You got the achievement famous in your nation, killing evil to help good, first kill, killing evil with evil, a man and his weapon, creating your own technique, leader of hundred thousand and making a successor worth 6250 S points]

[Several of you achievements were overruled by their better achievement]

[Calculating worth of Martial aura word. Martial aura world = 1.9197978557 = 2

You got 6250 S points in a Martial world. Amplifier: X2=12500]

[ because you found a special item you have an extra reward option]

[ You died at the age of 33 and made 8 achievements. choose 5 of the 11 rewards:

1) Life experience

2) Strength at peak

3)skill: better killing: killing makes you less disgusted

4) skill: famous aura: you have a aura of an celebrity and even people close to you will think you are famous

5) skill: helping by killing: when you are helping someone good by killing someone bad you will be 1,5 times stronger

6) skill: soul weapon: every year your weapon becomes slightly stronger

7) skill: own technique: creating your own technique will be 1,5 times easier

8) skill: leaders aura: you have an aura of an leader

9) skill: stronger successor: your successor will learn your technique 1,5 times faster

10) Item

11) 5 reality tickets]