New information ( Info dump)

He chooses reward 1, 2, 5, 9 and 10. Although the skill 'leaders aura' is also attractive, Nico is not searching to make an organization.

" Reward 1, 2 5, 9 and 10." Nico says to the system.

After choosing he starts to feel his whole body heat up and he starts to sweat and he feels a new kind of energy to control with al kinds of experience to do it with.

15 minutes later

Although the pain he felt was extreme, he also felt himself get stronger so it was doable. Right no Nico feels like he can do anything.

He quickly puts that arrogance away and thinks to himself.

"Although in the martial world I may be strong but in this world i am still a little ant."

Nico has confirmed his strength and experience but he can't find his weapon but when he opens his status he sees this.

[Name: Nico Black

Age: 6

Cultivation Realm: mortal

Spiritual level: 4

Skill: 9 think to expand

known worlds: 6

Simulation Points: 17175

Avatar creation: ( cooldown 72 hours)

Reality Tickets: 7 ( cooldown 72 hours)

Inventory: 1

Shop: open]

Seeing his status Nico has some questions.

"System why do I only have one extra skill and why can my sword be in the inventory".

Nico ask and the system replies with.

"You only have one extra skill because your sword techniques qualify under the same category as spiritual strengthening technique and is therefore no skill and not every technique will give you skills. And regarding the sword, it is possible because it is an item the system has given".

Nico understand the systems explanations and feels stupid that he directly asks the system instead of searching such an easy answer himself and this also shows his trust in the system which didn't really bother him because he is way to weak to do anything and even if this is part of a big scheme he needs to get to a level where even the system is useless before him and the easiest way is to use the system to make himself a foundation.

3 days later

In these 3 days Nico mostly learned to control his strength and being awed by martial aura. He also found that on the other side of the city there is a library which is also open to kids of his age. He wants to go because the books in the orphanage have no real useful information.

After a day of reading Nico found a lot of useful information like the city he is in is part of the Erora clan which has 3 multiverse under it and every multiverse is made of a lot of universes and each universe is made of galaxy's and every galaxy is made of starts in and in each star there are several planets.

The star he is in is called 'Snjor' which is in the same galaxy as the as the 'Oritsu' star which is the biggest star of the Erora empire and where the capital of the Erora empire is.

His planet is called 'Iarna' and the city his is in is called 'Wintery' and although the city among the city's in the clan is among the bigger ones. The city's are ranked in order of 3 tier, 2 tier, 1 tier, super tier and capital tier. This is the system that most empire's have and in each empire there is only 1 capital tier city. You don't see a lot of cultivators or mech warriors because humans are currently at war with 'Numbered people' who although can't cultivate their body get stronger with time. How was not explained in the book.

The Erora emire is one of the big powerhouses in the 'United Human Equality Government' or U.H.E.G which was made a long time ago and is a place where all the human clans, empires, kingdom's, sects... go to and every ten years there is a vote for president which is among the strongest humans. So although the Erora empire is big there are a lot of bigger clans.

Nico also read a bit about talents but there was not much and for more he would need to go to the next floor and he needs to be older for that. till now he found that talents are split in different category's. He has found 3 but there are more category's. The 3 he has found are 'Body Talent', 'Mind Talent' and 'Elemental talent'.

The Body talents are mostly that you body becomes stronger or that you cultivate body techniques faster or you also have something like 'Beserker' were for a time period your body becomes stronger. If you have this talent it is most of the time best to become a Mech warrior

The Mind talents are mostly things like the skills Nico got from the spirit technique or stronger comprehension of mind techniques or a stronger mental shield. If you have this Both Cultivator and Mech warrior a good paths.

The Elemental talents is the talent were you can control an element or faster comprehension of a element or when using an element it is stronger than normal. For this talent it is best to become a Cultivator.

These talent are just the basics, there are a lot of other categories of talents.

Nico also read that some people can awaken talents before 12 but that doesn't mean they are more talented than other people. Suddenly Nico though that maybe the system is his talent so he asks.

"System, are you my talent"

As answer to his question the system replies with.