Living an ordinary life

"Yes host, I am your talent but you have 2 talents. I am unique because after you died your soul did not enter the cycle of reincarnation in your world but traveled here which mutated your soul and merged with the soul of this body's. Although your souls merged your soul was here already before merging and had its own talent. Your second talent is unknown but has also mutated although less than the first it will also be special in its own way.

Also, every talent is the representation of the soul so it is impossible to get more talents by merging souls because they would need to be exactly the same and in you case it was only possible because of the mutation of your soul and a number of factors. But you can have 2 or more talents but they come from the same soul and that does not mean they are similar. This is also different than what you have because if a persons soul is a glass and he has 2 talents he needs to give them 50/50 while you have 100/100 ".

Nico was quite shocked of the new information but to sum it up it is, his system is his talent and he also has a mutated talent of the person he merged his soul with and it also answered one of the things he was quite curious about and that was that people who are strong and can injure souls that they could also steal talents.

After this he put the books he read back in the right place and went to the orphanage and arrived just before dinner. After dinner he went to his room and remembered that he could simulate again.

This time Nico chooses avatar creation in place of going to the martial world because in the martial world there is only one realm he can get more and in avatar creation he can find new kind of worlds.

After a while of thinking he makes his avatar very balanced or ordinary and it looks like this.

[ Avatar creation

Physique: 5() Intelligent: 5(0) appearance: 5(0) Background: 5(0) Luck: 5(3)

Points: 0

Talents: 2)Lucky child: +3 luck till age 8: semi green

5) Smooth skin: you skin will be smooth: white

7) Good talker: You will be able to convince people faster: green

know ranks: grey, semi grey, white, semi green, green, semi orange and orange

Start: ready ]

His luck with talent is bad but he can always but Nico can always use some of his skills but he wants to go for ordinary al the way.

Like always Nico says "start simulation". And hears "World essence: Normal".

[ You were born in an ordinary family but the day you were born there was an fortuitous sign which means you would be lucky as a child]

[ At the age of 3 you made your first friend you also found a 20 euro bill and gave it to your parents.]

[ At the age of 5 you have a lot of friend and are happy and you are also quite lucky which you like.]

[ At the age of 6 you have you first day of school and you started to learn and found it boring.]

[ At the age of 8 you grandpa died but you weren't that close so you didn't feel that sad and in school you were doing average but you were good at socializing and have a lot of friend.]

[ At the age of 12 you started high school and found it boring and your grades are average and but you put in a lot of effort and your grades got a bit better.]

[ At the age of 16 your life is average and you always wanted something cooler so you started to read novels to pass time. Your social life is good you have a lot of friends and even a girlfriend.]

[ At the age of 18 you graduated high school and got the achievement: high school diploma: white. You and your girlfriend broke up because she is going to college in a different city and you couldn't get in college.]

[ At the age of 19 you did a lot of ode jobs but your friend gave you an interview for care salesman and you passed the interview because the interviewer saw potential in you.]

[ At the age of 25 you made quite some money at your job and are living a good life. You also dated a bit but nothing long.]

[ At the age of 30 you got promoted and started seeing a woman and hit it of with her and you really like her.]

[ At the age of 31 you moved in with the woman.]

[ At the age of 32 you married the woman and got the achievement: true love: green]

[ At the age of 35 you wanted to have children but realized your sperm isn't strong enough. You could always adopt or something else but you and your wife don't want that so you remain childless.]

[ At the age of 60 nothing special happened in your life and you are still happy.]

[ At the age of 69 you died peaceful in your sleep. Achievement: natural death: green.]

[ You got the achievements: high school diploma, true love and natural death worth 1100 S points.

You got 1100 S points in a normal world. Amplifier: X1= 1100]

[ You died at the age of 69 and 3 achievements. choose 3 of the 6 rewards

1) Life experience

2) Strength at peak

3) skill: Road to high school diploma: when studying for a high school you will be able to concentrate 1,2 times better

4) skill: Finding love: your chances to find love are slightly increased

5) skill: Natural death: the chances to die natural are slightly lower

6) 3 reality tickets]

When Nico opens his eyes he didn't waste any time and directly chooses reward 3, 5 and 6. Reward 3 is because there are also high schools in this world but here they teach you other stuff like cultivating or other useful things.