Alchemy king

When he leans against the wall he feels himself shrink. After he is is shrinked he feels sad because he liked being older. He could do so much more stuff and how he looked is an good extra. Although as a kid he is already very cute, he is to young to be anything besides cute and most kids are cute in adults eyes so that doesn't help much but as an 16 year old he really has beautiful features.

fortunately because of the simulation in the martial world his physique is much stronger than average and although there is probably a law against using your strength in public. He didn't cause any trouble or damage and it wasn't for that long.

Nico thinks back at the guy he suddenly saw and thinks he must be some young master because when he bumped into his bodyguard he didn't even move but he fell and although he isn't a cultivator or a mech warrior his physique is should be about the level of a cultivator 5th Qi Gathering Realm and with his experience and martial aura he should be able to defeat a 7th Qi Gathering Realm cultivator.

From the books in the library he found a bit about cultivation realms. they are from 1st till 12st Qi Gathering Realm and then to the Foundation Building Realm which is divided in Early, Middle, Late and peak. These are only the beginning and there are a lot more of realms but this is all he could find in the library.

Another reason Nico is very happy about the hollower is that you can find a lot more book than the library and although most books are still restricted because of his age. There are still a lot of books.

Something he also understood about this world is that the average of looks is higher in this world than his previous. Mostly that there are much less ugly people but also the upper limit of looks is higher here. Just like that young master, in his previous world his looks should be about a top superstar and something that didn't exist so something like an 107. You also have an extra that most people have an profound aura you couldn't find in his previous world.

Right now he is going back to the orphanage because there he can read some books in peace before simulating. Luckily the hollower also has an hide function which is pretty normal because they aren't illegal so there is no reason why you can't hide them.

After reading and dinner the time when the cooldown for the simulation ended came. After thinking the best path is that of an intellectual because that is what you need mostly for alchemy.

Apparently you don't need any energy for it to work which is probably because it makes an connection with the elements and maybe uses stamina. Also because one of his talents Nico thinks that his system is also helping him or his luck is just that extreme.

When he is ready is avatar looks like this.

[ Avatar creation

Physique: 5(3) Intelligent: 12(0) appearance: 4(0) Background: 0(0) Luck: 9(0)

Points: 0

Goal: Becoming better at alchemy

Talents: 1) Remnants of an alchemy king: There will be parts of the memories of an alchemy expert.( There will be no technique or recipe but the experience of alchemy and some life experience and will be remained after the simulation if you choose the reward 'talent'): semi red

8) Born fighter: +3 physique +fighting will come easier to you: green


know ranks: grey, semi grey, white, semi green, green, semi orange, orange and semi red

Start: ready ]

He did 0 by background because then he would be an orphan and have freedom and besides with his 9 luck and 8 physique the chance of dying isn't high.

"World essence: Normal"

[ When you were born you were sent to an orphanage in the slums. Even though it was the poor district of the city it was still in okay condition.]

[ At the age of 2 you always understood that you were different because you had some memories of your previous life as alchemy king and an alchemy technique. When other kids played you got this need to train alchemy. You trained this technique with nothing but you control of the ice and fire got much better]

[ At the age of 5 you trained a lot and even made some poison according to a recipe from the book. You also injured yourself so you could test your medicine and it work wonderful.]

[ At the age of 10 you continued training but were held back because of money so you started to steal. Achievements: stealing a hundred: white and stealing a thousand: semi green. In school you don't have any friend but your grades are always max and you were asked to skip some grades but skipped only 2.]

[ At the age of 12 when stealing an old man you were caught by him but instead of reporting you he took you as disciple because of your potential. Achievement: stealing ten thousand: green and Master-disciple: green. He is an ex-assassin and was even very famous in his work. You didn't tell him about your alchemy.]

[ At the age of 13 with the money of your teacher you bought some herbs for your practice and when he asked you told him you know some poison. You only showed a basic poison powder but didn't tell how you made it but he was very amazed and you also had your first job. It was easy and in the end you poised the person to death. Achievement: first kill: semi green]

[ At the age of 15 you learned everything from the old man about killing and he is on his deathbed. You took quite a lot of jobs and in your profession your name already become know as poison killer. Achievement: slightly famous in you city semi green and apothecaryX100: semi green .] ( he isn't a terrorist and works in the shadow so he isn't going to be very famous)

(apothecary is only when killing someone with poison and healer when saving someones life with medicine)

[ At the age of 20 your became well know in your profession and strikes a lot of fear. Achievement: famous in your city: green apothecaryX1000: green. Your teacher died and even with your medicine he couldn't live much longer. When he was dying you went to the slumps and healed sick people to test out your medicine. You became know as the 'divine doctor' in some slums. Achievement: healerX100: semi green]

[ At the age of 30 you did less assassin work but started to focus on medicine and found it nice to help people. Achievement: healerX1000: green. The name 'divine doctor' sounded a lot more and you even have a website. Achievement: slightly famous in your nation: semi orange You never show you face but have an 'pest mask'.]

[ At the age of 50 you traveled the world and healed anyone who you could. The name 'divine doctor' became a very famous and Achievements: healerX10K: semi orange and famous in your nation: orange]

[ At the age of 65 you retired but the name 'divine doctor' became a legend. Achievements: Legend: orange and slightly famous world wide: semi red.]

( I know there is continental but i am just gonna go with world wide)

[ At the age of 83 you lived a peaceful life and although there is medicine to prolong your life you don't have the herbs for it and using a substitute makes the effect much worse and you are satisfied with your life and don't have any reason to live on . You died.]

[ You got the achievements stealing ten thousand, first kill, Master-disciple, apothecaryX1000, HealerX10K, Legend, Slightly famous in world wide worth 10K S points]

[Some of your achievements were overruled by their better achievement]

[ You got 10K S point in a Normal world. Amplifier: X1= 10K]

[ You died at the age of 83 and 5 achievements. Choose 5 of the 11 rewards

1) Life experience

2) Strength at peak

3) skill: stealing: stealing will be 1.2 times easier

4) skill: better killing: killing makes you less disgusted

5) skill: Better master: when your master is teaching you you learn 1.2 times faster

6) skill: Good poison: make poison 20% faster

7) skill: Good medicine: make medicine 30% faster

8) skill: 3 legends in your world shall have your name

9) skill: famous aura: you have a aura of an celebrity and even people close to you will think you are famous

10) Talent

11) 5 Reality ticket]

After waking up Nico thinks about his reward and chooses reward 1, 5, 6, 7 and 10 and gets a truck full of information and experience killing and alchemy. Although the alchemy experience is only with normal herbs and the more basic and some more difficult recipes. There is not much for cultivation only some try's but no succeeds because of the herbs but now he has a foundation to study on. After opening his status it looks like this.

[Name: Nico Black

Age: 6

Cultivation Realm: mortal

Spiritual level: 4

Skill: 16 think to expand

known worlds: 7

Simulation Points: 11625

Avatar creation: think to open (cooldown 24 hours)

Reality Tickets: 10 (cooldown 24 hours)

Inventory: 1

Shop: open]