Collecting Herbs

After looking at his status Nico is quite happy. He has now more S points in case of emergency and a lot of experience in the basics of alchemy and even a bit in acupuncture which his avatar learned when he healed people.

But the memories of the alchemy king are probably the most useful. From the memories he has he can see that it goes about a boy who is a commoner who had a lot of talent in alchemy and became the master of the alchemy tower and even made the legendary tier 9 pill. The pills in his world go from tier 1 to tier 9 and with the right herbs Nico can probably make a peak tier 4 or quasi-tier 5 because his avatar could even make with the normal herbs in his world a quasi-tier 3 pill. Tier 3 is where to so said real alchemy begins and the start of supernatural pills.

Now he not only has that experience but also a bit from the alchemy king. The only problem is that the pill grading system is different in this world. Here pills are classified per stage in a realm. In Qi Gathering Realm it is 1-3 is early, 4-6 is Middle, 7-9 is Late and 10-12 is Peak Qi Gathering pill. Every 2 levels here is one tier in the alchemy's kings world. With his ability he can make an quasi-tier 5 or quasi Early pill from the realm after Foundation Building.

From the books he read the next stage is Golden Core realm which is made of Empty Core realm, Full Core Realm, Shiny Core Realm and Golden Core realm or what most people call it is Early Golden Core Realm, Middle Golden Core Realm, Late Golden Core Realm and Peak Golden Core Realm.

The only problem is money right now. Alchemy is like making a company. You need a lot of money to start then it can fail and your money is gone or succeed and you got a lot of money. Luckily the first few tiers only require basic herbs you can find anywhere and it doesn't matter if you chance a herb with on who has about the same effects.

And in the system there are a lot of herbs he can buy with is his new points. But that is all for tomorrow because now he needs to sleep.

In the morning he does what he does usually and when eating breakfast he talks with some people. After eating Nico goes to his room and opens the shop. After seeing a lot of stuff and feeling poor he decided to buy this stuff.

Age Transformation: You can make your body older or younger but the amount you can do it for is limited to the amount of energy.( You can use stamina but spiritual energy also works): 1000 S points.

Elemental Cauldron: This cauldron was made with every of the 5 elements. Inside the cauldron is a little space full of the 5 elements. Using this cauldron tour control and density of the 5 elements will be much higher. In need can even trap someone i the little space but there is the chance the will be able to absorb the elements inside and become stronger. Side effect: when the cauldron is used too much the space will become empty and will be needed to recharge with the 5 elements: 3000 S points.

Blending with the wind artifact: using this even normal people in the Qi Gathering realm wont notice you: 1000 S Points

Total: 5000 S points

Nico thinks it is better to wait with buying herbs and only buying when needed. With this his point are.

Simulation Points: 6625

Still quite a lot. After this Nico decides to go to the forest where he found the 'Winter Eating Herb'. If he is a protagonist he would probably meet a beast in the forest but in real life there are no beast so close to a human city. Although there are beast, not so close to a human city at least.

Before going out to the forest he decides to test out his new skill. When trying to test out he uses spiritual energy and becomes 16 again like yesterday. he feels himself becoming bigger and feels that he is using a bit of spiritual energy very slowly. At this tempo he should be able to use this transformation at least for a few hours. Although his transformation attracts a lot of attention when he covers himself enough he will be just like a normal person. besides with the new artifact people won't even notice him.

Before going he puts an mouth mask and some sunglasses so you can't even see his shiny blue eyes. When going to the forest he can run because most people wont even notice him because else it would be suspicious seeing a person who covers his face running so fast.

When in the forest he uses his backpack to store the herbs and he can even use the most basic herbs because his avatar also made some recipes with basic herbs he can use and the effect will be even better because the herbs here are better even if they are the same as the one his avatar used. He even encountered some animal but all herbivores. They are here to make the forest more full and fun to visit. It is illegal to hunt so most animals don't have any fear of humans and even find it normal to see them.

Nico even found some rare herbs that although they aren't as rare as the 'Winter Eating Herb' they are still quite good and with them some other pills are also within reach. After a while he it is a bit after 11 and even his spiritual energy is only enough for 1 hour so Nico decides to go to the orphanage to start making some pill.

When he is going back he slows down and walks like an normal person and looks up the sky maybe for the first time in his reincarnation. And for the first time he realizes how beautiful this world is. All kinds of futuristic technology on the streets, People enjoying themself and a beautiful blue sky with an purple sun shining bright. He realizes that on this moment he stops feeling sad of losing his previous life and understands that this is his life and that maybe in future he will meet all kinds of people and have some wild adventures. Although his family and previous life will always have a place in his heart he decides to stop feeling sad about them and focus on the future and live to the fullest.