Making A Lot Of Money

After a bit of reflecting on his new life Nico moves on and goes to the orphanage. When he was in his room he canceled the skill and put away his mouth mask and sunglasses. He still had a bit of time before lunch so looked at the pills he would make later so he knows which herbs to buy later. It wasn't long and lunch arrived, lunch is pretty boring so most of the time Nico is going over pill recipes and in the shop over the prices of the herbs.

After lunch Nico has found the pills he wants to make.

Tier 2 Speed pill: For 20 minutes your speed will increase.

Tier 2 stamina pill: For 20 minutes your stamina will increase.

Tier 2 Healing pill: After eating your injury's will recover much faster and can even heal some hidden injury's. Will also recover you stamina a bit.

Tier 2 Strength increase pill: Will increase your strength for a 20 minute.

Tier 2 Organ poison pill: If eaten your heart will die in 2 months but everything will seem normal till the moment you die. If more is eaten than it will work faster.

Tier 3 Qi Gathering pill: For 3 hours you will be able to gather Qi faster.

Tier 4 little enlightenment pill: for a period you will enter an enlightened state and will be able to train ale your techniques much faster. How long the period is depends on the consumer.

These pills are all the basics, only the Qi Gathering pill and little enlightenment pill are special. He thinks it is better to start with low level pills and ensure quality because only the Qi Gathering pill and little enlightenment pill may not be perfect while making.

Besides even the little enlightenment pill is something people here would fight over. And if he showed a pill with some crazy effects the chance that people would think of him as a fraud is very high because he has no reputation. But if he makes a reputation first even if he sells some pills with crazy effects people will have an higher chance of believing him.

When it is late he will go to the black market to sell his pills. Although the name makes it sound illegal most of the place is just people selling stuff and if you got scammed it is your fault. Although there is some illegal stuff going on there but just being there or selling stuff isn't. But first he still needs to make the pills. For some pills he still needs some herbs and buys them in the shop for 3600 S points.

Which leaves him 3025 S points.

After a long time of alchemy dinner came so you ate and directly started again. When you finally made every pill you have. 20 of each tier 2 for a 4000 neons each and 15 of the tier 3 for 12K neons each and 5 of the tier 4 for 20K neons each.

The prices for pills may seem outrages and his price is above average but first of all his pills are all perfect and in the black market you need to pay more. Pills are something only the rich can afford because his 4000 neons is about the average salary of a normal family and that is without all other daily things they need to buy. Luckily most people who go to the black market are there to spend money.

And for normal family's there are always worse pills who can be bought sometimes for a birthday or something.

Seeing all these pills Nico is happy and makes himself ready for selling them. He makes a little sigh for each pill introducing them. He also takes a black cloth and puts it around his head. Then he uses his skill to make himself older. After this he leaves and goes to the black market.

The black market is a long street in the less popular part of town. Right now there aren't that many people because it is still around evening and most come when it is night. Nico is regretting not doing a reality simulation because most of the people he can see are strong which is one of the benefits of the martial world. From some people he can even fell himself threatened and this is only in the beginning. How terrible would it be when it becomes active.

He chooses a not to high key spot but not something in the in a corner and put there his items and sits on the ground. The best thing he can do to protect himself is to search an item which can teleport him and when he finds himself in danger he can search it fast and teleport away. He also understand that although quite a lot of people here wouldn't mind breaking the law they aren't just doing it because they feel like it.

The later it got and some more people came. Some people came to his selling place but most didn't believe him but after his first customer who knew a bit of about alchemy bought 2 pills slowly some more people bought and after a while he sold 7 tier 2 pills. Which made 28K neons which is a lot of money. When Nico was being happy about his gain he was approached by a customer who although had simple black clothes that hides his face still gave an oppressing feeling.

When Nico saw the customer he is quite happy because the person seems like someone strong and those most of the time have money. The customer was looking at the introductions of the pills and after a while he said.

"Give me one of each"

When Nico heard the voice it seemed similar but he ignored it and took one of each pill and said.

"Here sir, that would be 52K neons".

Said Nico in a clear and beautiful voice which tried to be strong but was a bit meek. The customer was looking at the pills and suddenly said.

"I would want your hollow number so please show it to so I can contact you if I want more or if you have a new pill".

While showing his hollower which looked very new. Nico is a bit surprised but quickly showed his hollower so he has a big fish he can sell to. After the "BEEP" wished showed that they have each others number. When the customer heard the sound he said.

"Happy doing business with you".

And turns around. And Nico quickly replies also with a.

"Happy doing business with you too, sir"

P.0.V Customer