New P.O.V.


1 day ago

Shen Li comes from a from 1 of the 3 great clans from the capital who with the first emperor made the empire. The Li clan was famous for their intelligence and strategy on the battlefield. Every descended from the main line from not only the Li clan but also the other 2 clans will be sent to a city from their choosing from the age of 16. So after 4 years of grooming they will be sent outside their clan to make achievements so that they can return in glory to their clan. This is very important because it will have an impact on the amount of support you will get in the battle for the next patriarch.

Besides the Li clan you also have the Qiang clan who are famous for their strong bodies and are mostly generals and also the Yun clan who on the outside was know for their speed but is the clan that does assassinations and other things in the dark for the emperor.

Since young Shen Li was know for being smart and having a mind for business. Although he has 2 older brothers who are both fighting for the seat of patriarch and he is a threat to them. Because of his mom who comes from a powerful family he has been able to live an peaceful life. His mom loved him a lot and he was her only child. His older brother came from other wives from the harem of his dad. A harem in this world isn't uncommon and a lot of powerful man and woman have an harem and are encouraged to have a lot of children because the chance is high for a big talent to come from powerful people.

Shen Li chose this city because although it is the weakest among the super city's and is better put among first tier city's, it has bin growing at a good pace and has a lot of potential. In this city he is planning to make an company but he is here also to find a lot of talents in all kind of fields.

A few days after arriving in the city he made a walk around the city to familiarize himself with it. When he was going around a corner suddenly a shadow came and although it was nothing fast for him the bodyguard blocked the shadow out of instinct and the shadow feel. When the shadow fell his hood fell and he saw the most beautiful face ever. Long white hair that is wither than snow with blue eyes that shine brighter than the sun. A pointy nose and a face that could make you turn on your own family for it to smile. That person stood up which also caused him and his bodyguards to get out of their daze. The person ran away and before he could do anything was already gone.

After a while he thought it is some kind of illusion or mind technique but after a while he could already come up with a thousand reason why that is impossible. That person he saw who he doesn't even know the gender of looked like a perfect mix of a god and goddess. Although he would probably never forget that face he wouldn't ruin everything to find it. Right now he has better things to do.

A day later

He has read some files on talented people and is happy because he wants to find at least one very talented person the mayor fields. Later he is also going to the Black market to look if he can find a talented person there which is easy for him because 1 of the 2 talents he has is 'Talent Search' which lets him write 3 talents on on a paper he received from his talent. Then according to your talents in these fields you will shine. the shinier the more talented. After finding a person in this talent you will get another spot for a new talent. It is also possible to put away one of your 3 searching talent but there will be some punishment.

( This will work on the MC because when he chose that Talent as reward his talent in alchemy also become close to the talent of the alchemy king)

In the black market there are a lot of people but nothing that interests him but after a while he finds a very shiny light and probably the most shiny till now. From afar he saw that the person is selling pills and alchemy is 1 of his 3 searching talents so the chances are high that the person is talented in alchemy.

He decides to approach the man and sees some introductions of the pills and and is very surprised at the effects especially the Qi Gathering pill but mostly the effects of the little enlightenment pill. In his clan he was trained in a lot of things and something basic is being able to tell how good pills are from their fragrance. It is mostly used to smell poison but also works to on medicine. But even if they smell good he still needs to test them before he can say anything about them.

After buying the pills from the seller he is a bit surprised at the voice of the seller. It was clear and something beautiful to listen even though the seller strangely enough try's to make his voice sound bad. After looking at the pills for a bit he asks the seller for his hollow number and walks away. After this encounter he decides to go home and test the pills.

Home he decides to make 2 of his guards arm wrestling to see who is stronger after seeing who the winner is he giver the strength increase pill to the loser. After giving the pill to the loser the arm wrestling again and the previous loser destroys the previous winner.

Shen Li is quite amazed at the effect of this pill. Although as a young master of the Li clan he has seen a lot of pills and other things. This pill would still be among the better things he has seen. A person who could make a lot of these pills is the same as a diamond mine. If even the little enlightenment pill works and has good effects than that person his talent should be supreme.

There is the chance that that person has an master but to be fair the chances are very little because there are very little reasons to sell pills in the black market. A person who taught himself alchemy till. Think what he could do with a qualified teacher. Although he doesn't know who that person is he can start slowly by building a business relation ship and know more about that person. And after a while he can recruit him.

( I Am not so sure on the levels from talents so in the future i may buff or debuff a talents.)