Killing Yourself

A week later

This week Nico has done quite a lot. First of all he went 2 times to the black market and he made the contract with Mr.X was also made. And by adding some herbs and by putting some away he and a lot of tries his spirit pill finally became tier 2. With this he also made quite a lot of progress in spiritual training. He also did 2 simulations. 1 in the martial world and another in a normal world. Because the martial world is quite backwards in technology there was still some alchemy and there he learned some new things and can now make an tier 5 pill.

From the simulations he got 13K S points and an item and 2 reality tickets. The item is the martial essence of his master who taught him alchemy there. His master was in the Blood Realm but did mostly alchemy. Because of alchemy he could make it to the blood realm.

With the martial essence he could merge it with his sword or cauldron strangely enough. He merged it with his cauldron because of his masters specialty in alchemy. His master's alchemy technique is called 'Earthly essence technique' and now that he merged it with his cauldron it has extra effect called 'Juicer herbs' and this makes the herbs inside the cauldron in a better condition and a bit more filled with vitality.

This cost him 1000 S point and the sword was 6000 S point. It only cost 1000 because of the compatibility. He also bought an protection artifact which looks like a necklace with on the end a little blue stone for 4000 S points which leaves him with a total of 17525 S points.

Currently he is thinking about his biggest problem. How to get away from the orphanage. Although he could run away he couldn't buy a house or car or other big stuff. He doesn't know a thing about hacking in this technology and if he learned now it could take a long time till he can hack the government of the Erora empire.

Another may be to act like a person who has lost everything and also his memories then after an investigation of the police they find nothing he can ask for a new id. the problems with that are that his acting skill need to be top notch and it he isn't sure that they would give him a new id. And he would have no good reason why he suddenly has a lot of money.

One way is to find someone who can hack in the government of the Erore empire, which is close to impossible. Another is having someone with a high position give him an id but again where would he find someone like that an why would they do it.

The best thing to do right now is to run away and go to a hotel. Although he does not have a bank card he can pay with cash. After that he can go to a wilderness zone to get more herbs and test out his technique. Now he just needs a good way to fake death. The problem is that there aren't that many dangers in this city where his body is there to inspect. His best option is to be eaten by an animal or drown in a river. The problem with the first is that the chance of an flesh eating animal being here is very little but the chance still exist and it is better than drowning in a river because as long as they follow the river they should actually find the body.

He packed everything he has in the orphanage and went to the forest. When going to the forest he thinks about how to make it seem real and opens the shop and finds all kind of helpful stuff for this occasion. When by the forest he walked a while and then on a tree made a claw attack and a smeared a bit of his blood. He also took an item that makes the footprints of animals and made some footprints till he arrived at a river where stopped. Then he went the way back using his wings and destroyed all of his footprints and even put some blood sometimes. After all this he flew to another entrance of the forest and went in his older look.

After all this he went into the city and only put one a mouth mask. He decided that hiding his whole face would be a bit weird. Although the hotel staff wouldn't call the police or do anything only for that it would still be weird. Besides, Nico knows he can't always hide his face just because of his looks and it is not like his face would do bad things for him. After going in to one of the more luxury hotels he go before on of the receptionist and says.

"I would like to book a room for 30 days".

When the receptionist looks at him you can see she is distracted and looks at his eyes and to get her out of her daze Nico "cough".

" Ahh, of course 'uuhm' esteemed guest. That would be 9000 neons".

The receptionist was embarrassed so she talked quickly with an red face. Nico hearing himself called finds it funny because the receptionist probably didn't want to offend him so she didn't guess his gender. Hearing the price Nico isn't that surprised because when he said that this is one of the most luxury hotels he meant it and now with alchemy and Mr.X he is making a lot of money.

He puts down his backpack where he put all his stuff in and takes 9 one thousand bills. After paying the receptionist says.

"Thank you for your visit esteemed guest. I hope you have an pleasant stay"

Nico hearing her just answers with.

"Thank you, but you can call me mister White"

Although his old surname was Black he decided to chance because he is now living a new life so a new surname. He decided White because it is the opposite of Black and because of his white hair. After arriving at his room he could finally see how luxury rooms of the future looked like. It didn't totally look like people said it would in his previous life but it has it similarity's. He had a long time till night time but decided to give himself today and tomorrow and not train and just relax.

But before that he would need to buy some adult clothes and other stuff. After a while he has bought a lot of new clothes, swimming trunks, some gym clothes and some survival stuff like drinking bottle, a sharp knife and more. When he arrived at the hotel there was still time before the hotel restaurant opens so he decided to read.

When the restaurant opened Nico went and he felt a lot of eyes on him because he didn't bring his mouth mask because he needs to eat. Luckily in his previous he had already adjusted to people watching him and whispering to someone near them. The only difference was that the stares this time were fulled with something different than greed and envy. The restaurant became normal again and people stopped staring and just sneaked a peak once a while.

But besides that the food was fantastic. It was of an rare cow species that are given all kinds of rare herbs while growing up and then specially made. It even raises your Qi and your strength. Normal people would feel their body's burning eating it but his strength isn't normal so he is okay.

After eating he went back to his room and did a bit of research on the closest 'Wilderness Zone's'. A Wilderness zone is a place where there beast instead of humans. Although there are beast clans that are on a friendly relationship with humans.

Most Wilderness zone's are there just for human to experience battles. Although it is cruel, the world is cruel and only the strong have rights. Besides, there are quite a lot of beast who are living in human society and it isn't like these beast are chickens waiting to be slaughtered. If the beast is stronger than the human the human dies instead.

The closest Wilderness which is relative safe for him isn't that far. There there will be a lot of beast and rare herbs. The bodies of beast can be sold for money or some parts can be used for alchemy or the stronger beast their blood essence can be used for forging.

The problem is that he can only take the 'Beast Cores' and the more expensive parts and herbs because he doesn't have a space ring. But that is okay because although their body are worth a lot, just some parts is already very good and he doesn't do it because he needs money.

Also Beast Cores are what sets apart beasts and animals. They get after beginning with cultivating or in their own way to get stronger. After all this talk he realized that he doesn't know how long and he may be asked to deliver some pills again so he goes to his chat with Mr.X and asks.

{ In the next few days I will not be able to deliver pills, Mr.X. So if you want some i could deliver tomorrow at 11:00. } 19:36

And after a bit he got a reply stating.

{ Tomorrow at 11:00 I am free and would like the usual amount. } 19:41

Seeing this reply Nico looks at his pills and sees he has enough. It isn't that late and Nico decided to make an nightly swim in the pool. He does it because it makes him remember the when he, his dad and his brothers took a swim in the river close to their home at 10 a clock in the night. Arriving at the pool there aren't that many people there so he springs inside it and just lays with his back in the water looking at the stars.

The time with his dad and brothers is one of his best memories because then he felt like a normal family. Although his family relationship isn't bad it was always a bit weird. He didn't see them a lot and even at home most people keep to themself. It was one of those special nights were the 4 of them had one those night were everyone was laughing at each other and making fun of them.

His oldest brother would try to force his way on the rest and his second brother would be narcissistic and shameless like always. His dad would try to get his opinion stated but didn't always succeed and he would just smile and tell his brothers wrong. At the end everyone would laugh and be happy.

Those nights always showed that everyone cared about each other. They showed that although we didn't show it and even if we didn't choose to be family we loved each other.

When he is looking at the stars a tear escapes his eyes. It was a was a beautiful scene. A person who looks like the definition of something beyond perfect with a bright full moon shining on him and a sky full of stars. The person was crying and would even be able to get the pity of the cruelest people.

No matter who you would tell it to, no one would believe something as perfect as this exist .Only one was person was fortunately enough to see this scene. He felt like he was sent by heavens himself to make countless pictures of something as perfect as this. Although everyone would believe it is photo shop. The world still deserves to see this. They deserve to see what is beyond perfection itself