Starting Hunting

After being a bit in the water and being photographed without his knowledge Nico went back to his room. He decided to go to sleep.

When waking up in the morning it felt strange suddenly seeing a different room in the morning. After a while in the orphanage Nico is accustomed to waking up at 7 a clock but you can only eat breakfast from 8 a clock. When he asked the chef wanted to make him food but he declined and said he would wait like everyone else. He did get a coffee and some biscuits. Nico was drinking his coffee and has a great view on the city and the rising sun.

After eating breakfasts Nico has a great day and saw all kinds of stuff and did some relaxing things. He also dropped of the pills at his meeting place with Mr.X. After a fun day he went back to his room. In his room he reads a bit and also goes on social media.

In his previous life he wasn't a big fan but in these new world it seems like a great way to get to know new stuff and places. After a while he sees a photo which has been going viral and when he opens he realized it is him from yesterday in the pool and him enjoying his coffee.

Seeing these photos he feels violated but he is still interested in what people think of him. Most people think it is photo shop but still like it because even if it is photo shop the photo is still beautiful and the rest thinks it is real because the poster of this picture is very popular and has a lot of photos of a lot of things but there are no photo's where anyone could give evidence that they are photo shopped. The poster of the picture is also 1 of the reasons why it went viral so fast. But every comment he read are compliments and that made him feel good because he likes getting complimented.

Although Nico likes the receives of him. Nico isn't going to make a life as a model. There are some benefits to being a model like having the support of public but this also puts you in the center of attention. And Although there are still models the really famous people are the rising talented stars who fight. So after reading a bit of comments he stops and goes back to reading.

After waking he eats breakfast when and goes outside to catch a train. A very futuristic train. Although in the beginning there were some problems buying the tickets it was okay. After a surprisingly short train ride Nico arrived South part of the wilderness. there are some shops and big company's here were you can sell or buy stuff but Nico ignores them and goes to the entrance of the wilderness.

This wilderness is made of 3 circles. The Outer Circle were the weakest beast and less rare herbs are which is made mostly out of trees. The Inner Circle were already stronger beast are and some rarer herbs which is the beginning of the mountain which is mainly made of grassy plains and some trees. Then The Core Circle is were the overlord beast of the forest reside and the rare herbs are which is out of stone and caves and some tall trees which are also beast.

For Nico The Outer Circle is safe and The Inner Circle is safe as long as he doesn't get surprised attacked. The Core Circle is too dangerous for him right now.

Before going he takes his sword from his inventory. And after stepping in The Outer Circle he sees a whole new sight instead of city. Inside it feels like a jungle. After walking for a while he finds his first beast which is a is a Lava Tiger. It body is black and his stripes are an mix of orange and yellow. And the stripes emit actual warmth.

When Nico noticed the tiger the tiger also noticed Nico and jumped on him. After seeing the attack Nico ducks to the left turns around and swings his sword at the tiger all in a quick motion before the tiger could land. The cut was deep but not enough to make it run away. The tiger goes to the right of Nico and Nico also goes to his right. After 2 second Nico attacks using his swordsmanship and the tiger tries to dodge but a very deep cut was made and would die very fast from blood lose. seeing the tiger not being able to move anymore Nico finishes it of quickly so it pain would stop.

Although the tiger was quite weaker than Nico this was still his first real battle and it gave Nico an excitement he had never felt before. The valuable parts of the lava tiger are his claws and nails and beast core. His fur is also very valuable but Nico has no idea how to skin the tiger and he isn't just going to try like that because he still needs some time to adjust to the blood. And skinning an animal is to soon.

After 2 hours of walking Nico has found some okay rare herbs and also hunted 3 other lava tigers and also 1 Shining deer which is quite rare beast and although not strong his skull goes for a good price. The whole body is actually very special and with it you can make some special medicine. So Nico decided to take the skull and some blood.

Although there isn't a map or something to indicate where The Inner Circle is Nico should be on the border of The Outer Circle. He hopes there are some stronger beast he can fight because after fighting 4 lava tigers he is more accustomed to fighting and they aren't a battle anymore.

After walking for 15 minutes he finds a strong beast called 'Plant Bear' which has Plants on his back which can also attack. From the size of the tree you can also tell the age of an Plant bear. This plant bear should already be an adult and in human years about 25 year old. The Plant bear immediately senses Nico and gave a cold and strong gaze at Nico.

Seeing this gaze made Nico exited because from the gaze he could tell that this beast is a real predator. The bear made 1 of it plants swipe at Nico and Nico dodge to the right and uses his left hand and takes a hold of the plant solidly. Then he uses his sword to cut the plant of before the bear can retract everything.

The bear being injured is more on guard and stares a bit before going full in with a jump and attacking with his plants. Nico seeing this decides to slide under its belly and dodge the claws while injuring the belly with his sword. But he forgot the plants and which also injured him a bit.

Although Nico is injured he still feels exited at this battle which can be called a true fight. The bear

is more injured and knows that if the longer the battle is the more disadvantage he becomes. So he decides to immediately attack again but this time with most of his pawns on the ground and only using his plant and a pawn.

Seeing this Nico decides to use his martial aura with his sword technique which sliced all plants and the pawn coming for him. The bear feeling immense pain lies on the ground and Nico quickly finishes him off.

Nico used martial aura in the end because if he did not one of those plant attacks would have hit hard. He didn't feel like he cheated because martial aura is a part of his strength. But now he understood the dangers of the wilderness. This is only the beginning of The Inner Circle.

He also takes a health pill to heal and takes the more valuable parts of the plant bear. When it became dark he had hunted 2 plant bears 3 lava tigers and 1 lava bear which looks like a bear made of lave. When the sun started to go down Nico decided to go to the entrance and go to an hotel to sleep which most people do who are alone because it is too dangerous to sleep alone.