Starting Hunting (2)

Nico decides to go to inn and takes a room and breakfast. In his room he looks over the valuable parts of the beast he killed. He killed 7 lava tigers and their core is 100 neons each and their nails are about 140 in total. The plant bear their core is about 300 neons each and the roots of their plants are 300 in total. The lava bear his core is 450 neons and the hardened skin of his is worth 250. Then the shining dear his skull is worth a swooping 2000 neons and one liter of their blood is worth 750 neons and Nico has 1.5 liter so 1125 neons in total. And all that combined is worth 5865 neons.

He also has some herbs but also counting the is to much work.

And although most of it comes from the shining dear this still shows that hunting is a money making profession but for this there is also always danger and to get stronger the recurses cost a lot. But for now Nico is going to sleep so he is fresh for tomorrow. His goal is to stay another 2 days. And to fight a lot of different beasts.

In the morning he ate breakfast which is nothing special but you could taste the freshness in the food. After entering the wilderness he directly goes to The Inner Circle and only encountered 2 lava tigers. After a while of walking Nico is pretty sure he is in The Inner Circle because he encountered a plant bear. with his previous experience of fighting against them he is able to defeat it without martial aura. Although it did take a bit longer he still defeated it and only got a few scars.

After a while he encounters the 'Humanoid lava slime' which looks like a slime in human form made of lava. It is difficult to fight because it can fight long range and it can regenerate itself as long he can absorb something with the part of lave that has still contact with its core. So what you need to do is to get the core which is in the middle of its body.

But for Nico this is directly what he is searching for. A tricky enemy to fight. Although the lava bear is stronger than the humanoid lava slime. The humanoid lava slime is much trickery to defeat. While Nico is rethinking what he knows about it the lava slime is already bringing his right arm in the air tho whip at Nico.

Nico seeing this is waiting for him to whip because then he can dodge and then when the lava slime tries to redirect the attack it will be much slower. Just like Nico predicted the lava slime attacked and he dodge to the left. Then a part of the longed arm follows Nico like a spike but is much slower than before and Nico who is already standing stable expected the attack slices a big part of the spike and just like he thought the cut off part becomes rock hard and keeps going but his body is already to the left.

The rock the drilled in a tree behind Nico and Nico goes for the arm of the lava slime. The lava slime seeing this gives more lava to the arm and makes a lot of spikes come out. Nico seeing this knows it is time use his martial aura. From the beginning he already expected he would need martial aura. Then with his sword full of martial aura that makes it look like it is on fire. Nico cuts of all the spikes coming for him and also the arm. Now the lava slime has lost a lot of lava which is like being injured for him.

The reason why the lava slime isn't a just as big as a mountain and absorbs everything is that although absorbing stuff makes them bigger it is also like a poison for them. It is like an enhancing drug. It makes them stronger for awhile but it comes with a price. And it knows that if it tries to absorb things now it is like presenting himself on a silver platter.

Now Nico moves towards the lava slime will probably escape because they are like that. Just as Nico thought the lava slime makes his arm very long and drills them in the ground. Nico seeing this puts all his martial aura in his sword which makes it look like a beam is coming out of it and then with his prolonged sword cuts the upper part of the lava slime which was just about to catapult away. A big part of the lava slime is now rock and unusual for the lava slime.

The lower part of its body now is trying to recreate his upper body and it just becomes a smaller version of its previous form. Now Nico has 2 possibility. 1 kill the lava slime by destroying the core which is much easier but the you won't have any pay because the rest of the body is useless stone. Or 2 which is to keep cutting and the when you have the chance to move the core away from the lave. This way you will have a reward but it is not much. Even less than the core from the lava bear.

Nico chooses 1 because he doesn't need the money and he already got the challenge he wanted and now it is just a time consumer. So Nico strikes the middle of the body and cuts it in 2. The rest of the lava becomes stone when the core is destroyed so you 2 half stone mini human body's.

After killing the humanoid lava slime he keeps wandering in The Inner Circle and kills 1 humanoid lava slime, 1 lava bear, 3 plant bears and no lava tigers because they only stay in The Outer Circle. After finding nothing new he decides to go to the entrance using the connector which is always needed when going in the wilderness. Walking to the entrance he kills 2 lava tigers. After arriving at the entrance he walks a bit further and waits at the station for a train because he decides to go East entrance of the wilderness. The wilderness has 4 entrances and he is in the South entrance which is closest to his city and only the South and North are directly connected to a city.

After waiting a bit the train comes and when he arrives at the East entrance it is already to late to go start hunting so he buys a inn room and breakfast and counts his rewards. He hunted 4 lava tigers worth a total of 480 neons. He also hunted 4 plant bears worth a total of 1600 neons. And the lava bear is worth 700 neons. Which makes today 2780 neons which is a lot of money for only 1 day and yesterday was even more.

For a normal inexperienced hunter this is impossible but he is stronger and has experience. But what makes him exited is that tomorrow there are a whole new bunch of beasts. Although there isn't a map there are some maps which can show you the territories of beast and with which other territories they overlap. The wilderness is very big and even between entrance's there are several beast territories which are the stronger bunch in The Outer Circle have learned from what areas to stay away from.

But that is all for tomorrow because now he needs to sleep.