Starting hunting (3)

When Nico woke up in the morning he ate breakfast and immediately went to hunt. When he entered The outer Circle the first beast he came across is the 'Scorpion Wolf'. A mix between scorpion and wolf. It is highly aggressive and its tail is full of paralyze poison.

Although it isn't a big challenge for Nico and he won't need martial aura it is a start. Just like he read the scorpion wolf isn't very smart or rational and is already charging at him like he is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The scorpion wolf his coming at him and from a little distance jump and trying to bite him. Nico is already with his sword in both hands high in the air waiting to slash. When he is close enough Nico slashes and like he expected the scorpion wolf blocked with his tail but that leaves him distracted and Nico then kicks the scorpion wolf's under body. The scorpion wolf flies a few meter and when he landed there is already a horizontal slash in his face which kills him. Nico collects the core and also the tip of the tail where the poison is.

After moving on he finds another 3 scorpion wolfs and kills them all. Now he should already be in The Inner Circle where the stronger beast are. And after a while he really encounters a strong beast which is called 'mammoth ape' which is a big ape with features of a mammoth. They are trice as big as a human. And they are very strong and they could be in The Core Circle although on the bottom of the food chain there. But what surprises Nico is that according to the territory map they are in the middle between The North and East entrances. so it is weird to see them here.

When the mammoth ape saw him it let out a weird scream and drummed his arms on his chest. It started running to him and Nico knows that this isn't a attack he can block but he sees a big

climbable tree and has an idea. He climbs the tree to a height a bit higher that the mammoth ape.

When the mammoth ape is close enough Nico jumps from the tree and the mammoth ape seeing that stops running and wants to slap Nico with his hand. Nico expecting something like that slashes with his sword full of martial aura and cuts of all of the mammoth ape's hand but his thumb. As for the part that is coming. when he slashed he also threw his sword behind him which makes hand free and blocks the half incoming hand which became much weaker after having the pain of feeling part of its hand being cut off.

He is still hit which pushes him back but he does a back flip and lands on his legs and arms. After landing he directly runs for his sword that is a bit before him. Nico picks it up and keeps running. The mammoth ape sees Nico and makes a fist with both hand and is ready smash Nico. Seeing this Nico keeps running and when the fist comes he uses his telekinesis and water manipulation to stop the fist for less than a millisecond and also use his quirk angel wings to speed up a bit.

After he closely escapes the fist he makes a big cut in both legs and then slides across the ground. Now the mammoth ape has a half bleeding hand and 2 legs with both a deep cut. Now he is behind the beast and uses this opportunity jump/fly on its back and runs to its head and thrusts his sword in it.

When the battle is ended is exhausted but also very happy for such a battle. Although he only got hit ones and didn't get injured much it was still a close battle. Although he could just take a pill a pill isn't permanent. And this also showed him his level. Overlord in The Inner Circle or bottom in The Core Circle. After resting for a while he decides to hunt for a bit more and found 1 scorpion wolf and 3 'triple headed snakes'. Which is just like its name a snake with 3 heads. After this he decided to go back to the entrance and get a train to the city.

When he arrived at the train in his head he was doing the calculations that he gets this hunt for the cores of 5 scorpion wolfs which is 100 neons each and for the tip of tail a total of 200 neons. for the 3 triple headed snakes their beast core is a bit special so 400 each and for their poison glands a total of 560 neons. And for the mammoth ape his core is worth 600 and one of his tusks is worth 500 neons so a total of 1000 neons. And in total that is 4060 neons. After a bit he arrived at the station in South entrance where he takes the train to the city.

When he takes the train to the city he didn't see any student and then remembers it is not vacation for everyone. Right now the closest holiday is Christmas and he looked up and Christmas still exists. When Nico thinks of student he starts to think about high school and wonders how it is in this world. Although high schools also teach things like geography and history they also teach fighting and things about monsters. He started to think about his high school life and although he didn't have any true close friends it was still one of the best times in his life.

After wondering a bit his train arrived at the city and he went to his hotel and entered his room and takes a long warm bath to get the sweat, blood and dirt of him. After the bath he also sent a message to Mr.X saying this.

{ My matter is resolved and will be able to sent pills again, Mr.X. } 20:16

After sending this he goes to sleep in his big warm comfortable bed.