Training Swords Till Dying

After waking up Nico ate breakfast and then went to the pool to relax a bit. He isn't some kind of training maniac and is just a normal person and all that hunting did take a big mental toll on him. He may do a simulation today but nothing more than that. When by the pool he decided to sun tan a bit because although he isn't a big fan of lying in the sun he doesn't have any energy to swim.

By the pool there were quite a lot of eyes on him. Not only because of his face but this time Nico is also in swim shorts and you could see his upper body. He has muscles but they aren't very noticeable and he looks quite skinny but it suits his face very good.

Feeling these eyes on him Nico remembers those photo's and suddenly started to feel very self conscious. The photo's were made inside the hotel and there is the chance that the person who made them is still here.

From his social media account he found the person responsible for making them. The person is called Eden Wexner. The fifth child of of the CEO of Wexner enterprise. The company does business in the fields of hotels, films, models, clothes, perfume and social media and in all of those field they are one of the leading company's.

Their strength doesn't lie in military power but money and connections. Their influence is about the same as the Erora empire but if they would fight the Erora would probably win but that isn't if Wexner enterprise also uses their connections to ask for help because they know a lot more people than the Erora empire. but the chance of a war between them is very little because they have a very good relationship.

One thing he learned about company's here is that the company is like an kingdom or empire where the successor is almost always a child of the previous head.

But the things about Eden Wexner he found are. He has pink hair and eyes. He is 19 years old and likes to travel. He is famous on social media and is said to be a genius. His doesn't seem to have any interest in the seat of CEO because his sister from the same mother is currently successor.

More detailed information on his talent or cultivation realm and things like that are all impossible to find because although he is famous on social media it is mostly his account and not really him.

Nico is quite interested in this person because from his travailing and pictures on his account he seems like a care free person and overall doesn't seem like a bad person. Of course just because that he doesn't trust the guy but still meeting with the guy wouldn't be to bad.

After lying in the sun a while it became lunch time so he went to eat lunch and then back to his room to simulate.

As for attributes he doesn't have any he can really focus on because all the worlds he knows don't have any benefits to him and he just needs to get his spiritual level up. So his avatar looks like this.

[ Avatar creation

Physique: 6(0) Intelligent: 6(3) appearance: 6(0) Background: 6(0) Luck: 6(0)

Points: 0

Goal: Reaching further levels in spiritual energy.

Talents: 3) Professor: +3 intelligence and your teachings inspire: green

0) Swordsmanship

0) spiritual technique

know ranks: grey, semi grey, white, semi green, green, semi orange, orange and semi red

Start: ready ]

He did swordsmanship because there wasn't any other good talent and there isn't a worry about martial aura because swordsmanship doesn't also give you martial aura. So they will be just an empty shell compared to their real power but if you put them in a normal world they would still be wonder. But you can always choose martial aura as an extra talent just like spiritual energy. And if he ends up in a martial world he just needs to hope his spiritual energy awakens before training martial aura. But that is for later now he just needs to start.

"World essence: Normal"

[ You were born in a good family with 2 loving family's.]

[ At the age of 2 your body started to heat up and you fell unconscious. When you woke up you found your 2 parents worried over you but the doctor said it was nothing big and was probably because you played to long in the sun and your body failed to keep up. But you knew the real reason is the book you found in your mind. The book had a technique about absorbing spiritual energy and some swordsmanship. For some strange reason you are already on level 4 of spirit energy and therefor got some special abilities and you also get this urge to train this technique but this is a lot to comprehend for your young mind and decided to let it be for a while.]

[ At the age of 4 you had already trained your spirit technique and made a lot of progress and even got close to level 5. Regarding swordsmanship you asked a sword for you birthday this year and also if you could take swordsmanship classes and they said that you are too young but they say that from the age of 8 there is a class.]

[ At the age of 7 you feel very close to a peak level 4 in spiritual energy and you also did a lot of training swordsmanship and felt that it is training something beyond this world that is incomplete but you are a smart kid and trough a lot of work you did achieve some success in the technique.]

[ At the age of 9 you signed up for a class and the they thought you a bit about the sword but compared to your swordsmanship technique it was like comparing a world class painting to a painting made by a 5-year old. because of your sword talent they asked if you wanted to join a sword competition and you won and got the achievement: slightly famous in you city: semi green. but you quit this year because it was no fun and just keep training your sword technique. Regarding spiritual training you achieved the peak and just need a moment of enlightenment to go to level 5 and after seeking for it for a while you think that at the right moment it will come to you instead.]

[ At the age of 12 you are a model student because of your above average face, strong physique and almost perfect grades. You even skipped 2 grades. You have been training both spiritual energy and swordsmanship and for spiritual training you just have this need to do it and with swordsmanship you feel like you are standing on top of the world and enjoy every minute of it. This doesn't mean you don't enjoy spiritual training. It also gives this sense of achievement and especially when you became level 5. Regarding swordsmanship you have been training it like crazy and you have been training hard that it feels like you are overwriting your whole existence with swordsmanship. Achievement: Sword bones: green.]

( I just wanna say that although high intelligence also means you pick up things faster even things like swordsmanship but this is mostly because of the sword talent of the avatar.)

[ At the age of 17 you graduated high school and got the achievement: high school diploma: white. You didn't know what to do with your life so you took a year of and and traveled the world and went in some tombs of famous dead people and got this fascination for archeology and are gone study it next year. Regarding spiritual energy and swordsmanship, no big progress was made there.]

[ At the age of 20 you got you bachelor degree in archeology and the achievement: bachelor's degree: semi green. You made some progress regarding spiritual energy and are very happy.]

[ At the age of 21 you got you master's degree and got the achievement: master's degree: green. You also helped in a tomb of an ancient Egypt pharaoh and there were a lot of rusty treasure's but what fascinated you the most was the sword there. And that night you made a big step regarding you swordsmanship.]

[ At the age of 25 you got you doctorate degree and the achievement: doctorate degree: semi orange. You also published a paper and got some fame as a rising star in the field of archeology. You made some more progress in spiritual energy and keep training your swordsmanship.]

[ At the age of 27 you made some new papers and became well known and respected in your field and got the achievement: famous in your city: green. You also went to an expedition to a tomb of an Chinese emperor and there were some sword and when you held one you felt like you could see the experience of the sword and got the achievement: feeling the life of the sword: semi orange.]

[ At the age of 32 you made a lot of progress in spiritual training and hit the peak and are waiting for that moment of enlightenment. After the Chinese tomb you felt like you were on something regarding swordsmanship and wanted to do more tombs but they aren't really lining up and even if there is one the chance of there still being something is very little. But you still published some papers.]

[ At the age 36 the enlightened moment still didn't come but you feel that it won't be long. You also have an expedition in japan and in the tomb there were still treasures and when you held the sword there you got the achievement: honoring the swords of the past: semi red. And you made a breakthrough in your swordsmanship. You understood that you have like an empty wine bottle and the wine in there is something out of this world but that is needed to complete it but instead you filled it with the common water in your world and you made your incomplete swordsmanship complete just not like the original. achievement: sword body: orange.] (better version of sword bones)

[ At the age of 50 you did a lot of archeology work and got the achievement: slightly famous in you nation: semi orange. In spiritual training you got the push you need and made level 6. Your body is becoming old but you still practice your swordsmanship every day.]

[ At the age of 65 you died because you were overexerting your body by training swordsmanship.]

[ You get the achievements: slightly famous in your nation, doctorate degree, swords body, feeling the life of the sword and honoring the swords of the past worth 10500 S points.]

[ Some of your achievements got overruled by their upgrade.]

[ You got 10500 S points in a normal world. Amplifier: X1= 10500]

[ You died at the age of 65 and got 5 achievements. Choose 4 of the 8 rewards:

1) Life experience

2) Strength at peak

3) skill: famous aura: you have a aura of an celebrity and even people close to you will think you are famous

4) skill: Doctorate's degree: When doing something for your doctorate degree you have 1.2 times the efficiency

5) skill: sword body: your body is made for the sword.

6) skill: swords life: when wielding a sword you can see part of its life and maybe get some insights.

7) skill: dead swords of the past: you will be able to summon swords you have seen which have or had a spirit. ( A sword can get a spirit after being trough a lot and being famous, it can also happen in Normal worlds). They come in a spirit form and are able to move on their own.

8) 4 Reality tickets]

After a lot of thinking Nico chooses reward 1,5,6 and 7. Although reward 2 is nice but like it said it is filling a wine bottle with water. And he already has the wine bottle. Although there may be some interesting insights but the other reward Nico finds better. And now he has 27525 S points