Signing A Contract

After sitting down Nico focuses on the food and it has an heavenly smell. It is a fish and he is almost sure the fish is something special. But there are more important things than food so he asks.

"What do you want to talk about."

Eden answers with a smile that wants to make Nico hit him and says.

"Nothing much but lets eat first."

Nico starts to get really irritated but he does what he always does when he is angry or other things. In his mind he makes the yin yang symbol. After calming down he starts eating just like Eden.

After eating and talking with Eden a bit he realizes that although Eden is a very irritating and tiresome person. He isn't a bad person. They mostly talked about some of the things Eden has seen and Nico must say he is jealous because the awesome stuff Eden has seen is a lot. Although he doesn't know how rich people talk and behave in this world it would probably be the same. But Eden is different. He doesn't have a noble aura or behave elegant. He says what he wants and eats like he wants. Which is as fast as possible and a lot.

After both being ready Eden turns a bit more serious than his previous childlike. Not much but a bit.

"Okay lets get down to business. I want you to make a model contract with my father's company."

In this world there are to 2 types of models. 1 being those handsome and pretty and the other being talented young people. Being the second you still need to be at least not ugly. Talented people get a lot of attention and for those who aren't rich this is a great way to make money. But those 2 types still are in different fields.

Type 1 still does more things like entertainment industry or perfume, jewelry and clothes while type 2 does things more associated with strength or go to tournaments.

There are also people who are talented and have a good face those people can go in both and are most sought after.

Nico also realizes that the moment Eden took his wrist it was also to test were to put him. But he couldn't make a contract and he doesn't even have and id. but after thinking a bit he realizes he can get a lot out of this deal.

He doesn't need a lot of money and he can ask instead of money for things like an id and other things. And if the people with power are the same as his previous world it won't be a problem breaking the law. The only problems are. He doesn't now if Eden is okay with breaking the law. And if he is worth the trouble for it and if Eden can even make an id for him. He asks.

"Can I see the contract." Thinking that after all this Eden probably already has the contract.

After reading the contract Nico is surprised because it is very generous for a newcomer. At least that is what he thinks because he doesn't know the normal contract in this world for a model. And something he liked is that he still has a lot of his freedom. But there were somethings he is going to ad and chance so he asks.

"Do you have a pen because there are something i would chance."

"Of course, here." He says while handing a pen. After taking the pen Nico says something to him.

"Before anything i have one thing that i need. I need an id."

He answers with a carefree voice and says.

"Okay, that's easy."

Hearing that Nico am pretty sure he misunderstood. So He corrects Eden with.

"You misunderstand. I mean a whole new identity. I don't need it because I am a criminal but because i don't have one."

At first he seemed surprised because i am a ghost. I get it because here having no id is like never existing. but then he seemed like before when he was carefree.

"Ow. Okay that isn't too much as extra."

I was quite surprised seeing his carefree audited so ask.

"What do you mean by it not being hard."

And Eden answers with. "Well if you were alone it would be very hard and impossible but having someone like me vouch for you would make it easy. But before that i am gone ask. Are you a criminal and do you plan to do anything illegal."

Nico suddenly feels like he is standing before a predator. Someone who can kill him if he lies. For someone Eden's strength it is easy to sense if someone weak like him is lying. But he remains calm and says.

"I am not a criminal and i am not planing to do anything illegal with the id."

The feeling went away and it feels like it was never hear. He then heard.

"Good, you can add it to the contract and make some chances and then give it to me." So you started making some chances regarding freedom and duration of the contract. But you also know that you aren't the person in power in this negation so you didn't chance too much. Now the contract main points are this.

(This isn't very important.)

-The company will get 10% of the money you make on a job (only regarding things in the entertained industry).

-The company can't make Mr.White move from his city but if there event Mr.White will need to go there.

-Every month Mr.White will need to do at least 3 jobs if possible. (Meaning if he has an job offer he needs to do it if hasn't done already 3 things that month. Regarding long time jobs will count every month Mr.White is working on it and if there is a jobs that needs Mr.White's full attention he can talk with is agent to make this rule not count for that month.

-If Mr.White breaks a rule on this contract the company has the right to fire him for 3 months after getting the knowledge of the broken rule.

-This contract is valid for 3 months. ( I don't know sh*t about contracts and don't know an contract for a model and this is only the main part of the contract there is more than just this)

representing Party number 1: Eden Wexner representing party number 2: Nico White

" Good, this is enough for today regarding business so we can do you id tomorrow. You start in 2 days and you just need to go to our building and just say you are there to meet me. Also welcome to 'Veselo Entertainment'." says Eden with a kind but also proud smile.

"Thank you but why am I meeting you?" you ask confused. And he answers with.

"I forgot to tell you that not only will I the branch manager of the branch here Wintery City but also your agent. After travailing a lot I felt that it was enough and wanted to do something. Luckily the manager here is getting promoted and I start in 2 days." Says Eden.

Hearing this Nico is quite happy because having someone of Eden's status is nice to have as agent but hopefully the work will make him less irritating or Nico is almost sure he is going to hit him. And after exchanging hollow numbers he goes to the door but before leaving Nico says.

"Happy working with you."

After going out of the room he went to finally play golf but before that he got a message on his hollower.

{ If your free Tomorrow i would like to proposes something to you} 16:13

{ I am free around 6 so lets meet then Mr.X } 16:13

P.O.V. { Eden Wexner }

A few days ago is when it all started. He was at the pool but went to the toilet and when he returned he goddess (thinks Nico is a girl). It was the most beautiful person he has ever seen. Being him he couldn't help taking some pictures. He wanted to keep watching but he saw the goddess move so he quickly ran.

The next morning he couldn't sleep because so went very soon out of his room and there he saw the goddess again and took some pictures and posted those and the ones from last night even when he knows it shouldn't do it. It didn't matter if it was right or wrong to him. Later he asked around and learned that his goddess is called Nico white and is actually a man. He didn't feel sad because even if his goddess was actually a god. That is just how beautiful he was. For him he could a lot more than being gay. ( Don't know if that is offensive. If it is I will chance it.)

He asked someone he knew to get information about him and he found that the only record of him existing is when he entered the city. After Nico went to the wilderness he decided to find a way to get close to him.

He asked for the position of manager of the branch here of their entertainment agency here from his dad and sister and they were happy he finally started to do something besides traveling. For the days Nico was away he kept making simulations of how to approach him or how Nico would react when he found the person who uploaded those pictures. Him. And decided to go with a more forceful approach which

Then after 3 days in the wilderness Nico came back and Eden decided to follow him tomorrow. When Nico went into the Scathhanna club he booked a private room and ordered some food. And then he put his hand on Nico's shoulder and said.

"Hello, are you perhaps Nico White."