Sword Training

Sorry for not uploading for like a long time. this isn't anything serious for me and I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning of this novel and how i started it. I also have school now so that's a lot less time. I uploaded this but i don't know if I'm going to upload a lot more.

Btw the chapter is really short and boring. it was just a to write a bit again.


After playing a bit of golf and going Nico decides to go back to the hotel and relax. He is quite happy with finding this job. Although it is quite high profile it has its benefits. You can make a lot of money and although it can't compare to some other jobs regarding money. And then fans, having loads of people like you is always useful.

Now regarding the message of Mr.X he is pretty sure about what it is. He knows his worth of being a talented alchemist. Mr.X probably wants him to join his organization. But he isn't sure if he wants more on his plate than being a model. He isn't experienced in working so one job is already a lot plus needing to get stronger.

but he doesn't have enough information regarding the kind of organization Mr.X wants to make and what he wants for the future. If it some hero justice organization battling then he is out. If it is something more like a clan/sect/guild than that is something he could get on board on.

Of course thinking too much about that right now wouldn't get him anything so he decided to stop thinking about it. He could start a new simulate but remembering the skills he got from the previous he decided to train/test them a bit out.

Well he could only really train 'Dead Swords Of The Past' but he also wants to understand the difference in his sword talent with the 'Sword Body. When he picked up his sword he felt the same as he feels when he chooses the experience reward but much less. He understands that this is from his new skill and remembers that this wasn't originally his sword but came from a tomb.

The new experience isn't much and doesn't really help him a lot but it does help in understanding how the skill works. There isn't much more to do with it so he goes to use his Dead Sword skill and before him materializes a sword which looks like it is made out of mix of blue and white liquid and also the number one which seems to be on the same screen as the system.

Above the sword is a text. 'Onimaru Kunitsuna: It is said that the sword is used to cut a demon which gave it a place in the 5 Swords Under Heaven. Special effects: none'.

Seeing the sword he wanted to take it in his hand and when he grasped it he felt like he could touch certain parts but other his wand went trough them. He realized that this must be the spirit form.

Sadly he didn't have a enemy on which he could try his spirit sword because it should be able to attack on its own. Maintaining the sword is quite difficult so he decided to to stop using it.

After this he trained his sword skill a bit to see how his talent improved and to see the difference was quite shocking because now it felt like his whole body is made to hold the sword. It was quite fun to train with this new talent because it felt like every swing is a step forwards.

After training for a while he goes sleeping because well he is tired.