CHAPTER 06: Bradley's Vengeful Plan

"Tell me, Mr. Bradley, how can I help you?" Vortex uttered in an ominous tone with his black mask that covered his entire face.

"I want you to kidnap Mike and bring him to me!" He replied.

"Won't Mr. Stan retaliates if I do that!?" He asked

"That's why I need you to plan it out well!" Bradley replied in an annoyed tone.

"Copy that! But it requires a lot of money," Vortex replied back.

"Ha-ha, I know I can count on you. Name your price and I'll send you the money." He replied.

"Twenty million dollars. I'll send you the address where you can send the money." Vortex replied in a serious tone.

"You know, money is not a problem for me, just don't disappoint me, get it!" Bradley exclaimed.

"You don't have to worry about that; I'll be done in no time." Vortex replied.

"Well, that's what I want to hear." Bradley uttered.

Since the shooting incident happened, my friends are safe and sound but they couldn't believe that Mat can fight which they find cool.

It was wonderful sunny day at Russenwell University while me and Mat were walking down the school hallway holding hands and all eyes were on us. We are safe for now, because Mat's dad sent some secret spies and bodyguards to look for us. I still wear the tracking device that dad gave me. But we must not let our guards down.

" OMG! I can't breathe and I still cannot believe what happened last week!" Ari exclaimed

" Yeah me too!" Jenna replied.

" But Mat you're so cool!" Ark exclaimed

" Yeah man, how did you learn that!?" Nate asked

" Well obviously I took up kung fu and firing lessons, Idiot!" He replied jokingly.

Then all of us were laughing out loud at that moment. The bell rang, then the university president, Mr. Devolt, announced that there would be a tryout for a university mellow music star. Anyone can join with their original compositions. The champion's song will be used in a drama series.

"I think I'm going to join, don't you think?" I asked.

"It's up to you babe, don't you think it's too odd?" He replied.

"What! come on babe! there's nothing to worry about it's just a singing and songwriting contest." I exclaimed.

" Babe but don't you think this is the only time we had a school event like this?" He replied curiously.

"Come on babe you're just overthinking everything , I'll be fine." I replied then kissed him on his cheek.

"Okay if that's what you want then I'm always here to support you." He uttered then kissed me back on the lips.

Everyone falls in line to list their names for the upcoming contest. As I am writing my name someone tapped me in the back. I looked on my back then I saw Emily, my childhood best friend who migrated somewhere in Europe and now she's back.

"Emily! Wow! You're back! " I exclaimed, surprisingly.

"Yes! I'm one of the judges, so do your best, okay? " She uttered

" Since when did you come back?" I asked.

" Just last week! and the flight! It was so exhausting! " She exclaimed.

" So who is he?" Emily asked

"Who? "What?" I replied.

She pointed her finger at Mat while she smiled teasingly at me.

"Oh! Of course he's my hot boyfriend, "I replied, then I bit my lip and looked at Mat teasingly.

"Wow! He's really hot! " She replied.

Mat put his one arm on my shoulder.

"Of course I'm his boyfriend." Mat uttered.

" So are you alone or do you have someone with you?" I asked

"Well, I have someone with me, and of course, you're not the only one who has a hot boyfriend. Vinz! "Come here, love," she uttered.

A guy in a black leather jacket came closer to us and, damn, he's fuckin' hot, but of course, Mat is hotter than him. Vinz smiled and greeted me and Mat.

"Hi, I'm Vinz," Emily's boyfriend." He uttered

" So how long have you been together?" I asked.

"We started dating about a year ago," Emily replied.

" So is this your boyfriend?" Vinz curiously asked.

"Yup, he's mine and I'm his," I proudly replied with a smile.

Both of them shake hands, but my gut tells me that there was something wrong with how Vinz looked at me and at Mat.

"So we'll go ahead now." "See you later, guys." Emily uttered.

"All right, see you later," I replied back.

Mat and I went back to his condo. As we entered the room, we saw Charlie having a sip of bourbon on Mat's balcony.

"Charlie, how did you get in!?" Mat asked

"Well, well, it seems like you don't know me, my dear nephew." He replied.

Then Charlie looked at me and he smiled.

" So I've heard of you two guys dating." Charlie uttered.

" Yes, and how does it relate to you?" Mat asked.

" Well, it's not about me. Perhaps it's all about you two." He replied with a smirk.

" And what is it!?" Mat asked

Charlie just looked at us and started laughing like crazy.

"Come on! Tell me! " Mat exclaimed.

"Okay, easy. I'll tell you." Charlie replied.

His face got serious and he started telling everything he knew.

"Listen, you two. My sources told me that Bradley is planning to kidnap you, Mike. I don't know when, but you need to be more careful. " He uttered

"I won't let Bradley do what he wants, especially to Mike." Mat replied.

"All I know is that Bradley will not stop until he gets what he wants." He replied back.

"Then I won't let him have what he wants." Mat bravely replied.

Well, I guess that's all you have to know. "I'll be leaving now," Charlie uttered.

"Okay, thank you, uncle," Mat replied.

"Anything for you, my dear nephew. I just want your safety. " He replied back.

Then Charlie looked at me seriously and said,

"And you! Say hi for me to your dad, okay? "

Then he laughed while leaving the room.

"Mike I think we should be more careful, especially now that Uncle just warned us. " Mat uttered

" I'm just curious Mat, is Charlie really your uncle?" I asked.

"Nope, he's my dad's best friend, so I consider him my uncle." He replied.

I'm just curious about him, Mat. Why did Charlie mention my dad? " I replied with curiosity.

" Maybe they know each other," Mat uttered 

" I'll ask dad about this when I get home." I replied back.

As I look into his eyes, he looks so worried about me.

"Mat, what's wrong?" I asked.

" Mike I'm worried about you. What if someone kidnaps you and I'm not there to rescue you? " He replied.

"Shhhh, don't overthink things, okay?" I replied, then I kissed him on the lips.

"Okay then, I'll give you a ride," Mat uttered.

"Oum, what ride!? Mat, I feel so tired right now. "Can we do it some other time, please?" I replied.

"Wh-what? I mean, I'll give you a ride home. Why? "What are you thinking!?" He replied and smiled teasingly at me.

" Oh I see, sorry about that. Okay, if you don't want to, then I'll leave. " I replied back then, teasing him while leaving his condo.

He pulled my waist just enough to touch his bulge. It made me aroused a little bit. Then he flirty said,

"But if you insist, how could I resist?" He replied, then started sniffing me on my neck amorously.

It's true that I cannot resist his hotness I felt the heat of his breath on my neck, and it brought shivers to my spine. He started kissing me on the neck, down to my chin, then down to my lips. He let me wrap my legs around his waist while he kissed me hungrily. Then he sat me down at the dining table. I removed his jeans and his black underwear and gave him a quick blow-job.

"ughhhhh yess babe, f*ck!" He moaned hard

I licked and sucked his hard cock fast as he cum up so much. He smiled and looked satisfied about what we did.

After we had that intimate moment Mat asked me to stay.

" Babe why don't you stay for the night." Mat uttered.

"Maybe next time babe I need to go home and talk to dad personally" I replied.

"Okay babe then I'll send you home then." He replied back

When I got home, I saw mom and dad drinking some wine on the balcony, and it seemed like they were much better now.

"Oh! "There you are, my sweetie pie! " Mom exclaimed.

"Mom, stop being over dramatic." I replied.

I'm not being dramatic; it's just that I miss my only son. " She replied, and then she kissed me on the cheek.

" So how was your day, son?" Dad asked.

"All good, dad!" I replied.

"Okay you two, I'm just going to prepare some food." Stay here and talk to your dad. " Mom uttered

I smiled and replied back.

"Thank you mom!"

Dad drank his last glass of wine and sighed.

"What's the matter, Dad?" I asked.

"Nothing, son, it's just dad. I can't help but worry about you. That's why I need to send my gang to look out for you. " He uttered

" Dad, I'm fine Mat is with me. " I replied 

" So how was everything between you and Mat?" He asked and smiled teasingly.

"Dad! "Stop being a tease. Mat and I are okay, "I replied.

But then I remembered about Charlie, so I asked my dad about him.

" By the way, dad, do you know a guy named Charlie?"

" Charlie who?" Dad asked

" Mat said that he's his uncle and the best friend of Mr. Ashir." I replied.

"Ha-ha! "Now I remember," Dad replied with excitement.

" You do, really?" I asked 

" Of course he's our best spy and a friend, but he left the group and disappeared like nothing happened. Maybe he has his own reasons why. " He explained.

"Oh, now I understand." I replied.

" Why? What did he tell you? " Dad asked

" He told me to say hi," I replied.

"Oh, I see, but other than that, did he tell you anything useful?" He asked.

" Oum, he told us that this guy named Bradley was planning to kidnap me, but he had no idea when and why!" I replied.

"That bastard!" "He probably really wants us down!" Dad exclaimed furiously.

"I'll inform Ashir about this!"

"But dad, please be careful with your plans. I don't want you to get in trouble since we're already complete as a family." I uttered

" I will son don't worry about me. What I'm worried about is you and your mom." He sighed.

" Dad when are you planning to tell her about this?" I asked

"Tell me what?" Mom uttered while standing on the balcony's entrance.

"Honey, we didn't know you were there." Dad nervously uttered.

"Of course I am here a while ago Stan!" Mom exclaimed.

I held her hands and said;

"Mom calm down"

She pulled back and glared at dad.

" Is there something you want to tell me Stan!" She asked furiously.

" Honey, I'll explain everything but please don't be angry at me." He replied in a calm tone.

That night dad explained everything to mom about the secret organization he belonged to. He explained that they were already disbanded a long time ago. And Also he informs mom that there's still danger right now. Mom cannot believe the revelations she has witnessed. There's so much for her to process all that has happened.

" Wow Stan! that's what you're good at, keeping secrets from me ever since we're married." Mom exclaimed but her eyes are about to cry.

" Stan! I can't believe you lied again!" She uttered and her eyes welling up with tears.

I hugged mom tight and apologized for keeping it as a secret.

" I'm sorry mom, I just don't want you to worry a lot that's why I didn't tell you about dad." I uttered

" Me too honey, I'm really sorry for everything. I promise I won't lie again and no matter what happens I'll protect both of you no matter what." Dad said.

" Okay! okay! no more secrets. If something bothers you just tell me. I'll understand because we're family" She replied back.

We hugged mom tight as an act of apology about what we did. Then we enjoyed the food she prepared on that starry night.