CHAPTER 07: Guy In A Black Mask

The day of the mellow music star competition has arrived. I was so excited about my performance because I worked so hard to write an original song. And also, I have a very supportive boyfriend who inspires me. The competition will start at 5pm in the afternoon and onwards. Mom prepared the outfit I'm going to wear. My friends called me by the phone and were so excited that they wished me luck.

"You can do it, Mike! We'll be on our seats cheering for you! " Jenna exclaimed with excitement.

"Goodluck bestie, we love you, you can do it!" Ari uttered.

Mat and I are still in his condo and it's already 9am in the morning.

" Babe come let's have some breakfast." I uttered while he was still sleeping soundly.

" Babe it's already morning, I need you to help me out prepare my stuff." I was being clingy to him because Mat looked so adorable while sleeping.

As I slowly got off in bed he suddenly pulled me in and started teasing me.

" Where do you think you're going huhh!?" He asked teasingly.

"Let's have some breakfast I'll cook for us." I replied and kissed him on the lips.

While I was cooking an omelette, Mat wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder, he's being clingy at that moment.

" Babe stop! I'm cooking, here help me slice the tomatoes." I uttered.

" Oumm babe I love you, can we stay like this for awhile." Mat replied sweetly and clingy.

Then he started sniffing and kissing me on the neck.

"ughh stop! I may not control myself again." I uttered.

Then I faced him and kissed him on the lips.

" Breakfast is ready, let's eat!" I uttered.

"Okayyy," He replied pouting

" Babe, control yourself okay? Maybe after the competition I'll give you what you want." I bit my lip and started staring at him seductively and amorously. But I'm just teasing him to see his reaction.

" Babe..." he clingy uttered

" I promise you can have me after the competition okay?" I smiled and kissed him once more.

" Let's eat!" I uttered

We were having our breakfast together.

"Is it good?" I asked

"Yup delicious!" He exclaimed

I smiled at him and he smiled back at me sweetly.

"But you're more deli..." He uttered teasingly.

"Babe please! just eat already!" I exclaimed

Mat was just laughing and continued teasing me. Then suddenly the doorbell rang. We got distracted, Mat became serious at that moment.

"Babe stay here I'll go check it out." He uttered

"Babe be careful" I replied back

He took the kitchen knife and slowly went into the door's entrance. He slowly grabbed the doorknob and quickly opened the door with the knife in his right hand, ready to stab whoever that person was. But then he stopped when he saw his dad Mr. Ashir standing outside the door's entrance with one eyebrow raised.

" You fool! you would've got me killed!" He exclaimed

" Oh! sorry dad, I thought it was somebody." He replied back.

"Will you stop being paranoid all the time!" Mr. Ashir exclaimed.

"What are you doing here!?" Mat asked.

"Why!? So I don't have the right, to see my son's boyfriend!?" He uttered in a serious tone

Mat seems surprised

" Oh so you knew about us?" Mat asked

" How am I not knowing about you and Mike, I'm his dad's friend and old time colleague!" He exclaimed

I heard them leaving the room talking, as for me, I was so nervous to meet him.

" So where's Mike?" Mr. Ashir asked.

" He's at the kitchen dad, we're having breakfast then you suddenly came." Mat replied nervously

" Oh! finally I didn't have my breakfast at home" He uttered.

I prepared the food quickly, omelette and sausages

are on the dining table and also rice. As Mr. Ashir enters the dining room, I was so frazzled like an idiot.

" So you're my son's boyfriend? Huh?" He asked with a serious expression.

" Yes sir, Hi I'm Mike Davies pleasure to meet you sir" I uttered in a nervous and rattled tone.

Mat was standing next to his dad, he's also nervous what his dad would do if he would approve or disapprove of our relationship.

" So what do we have for breakfast?" Mr. Ashir asked

" Oum, we have omelette and sausages, please have a sit sir." I replied

We all sat down and Mr. Ashir stared at me with a serious expression.

" So tell me Mike, do you like sausages?" He asked without letting his gaze off at me.

"Dad! please stop making him nervous." Mat butted in.

" I'm not talking to you Mat, I'm talking to him, So Mike do you like sausages?" Mr. Ashir replied.

" Oum...,oum...," I mumbled nervously, And was looking so stupid at that moment.

Then Suddenly, Mr. Ashir smirked and laughed out loud.

" Ha-ha-ha, I was just kidding Mike! Why are you so nervous!?" He exclaimed

"Dad! stop you're teasing him!" Mat uttered.

" Come one son ha-ha I can't help how you guys react ha-ha-ha..." He replied

I just smiled although Mr. Ashir was joking I'm still nervous because I met the father of the love of my life.

"I'm just joking dear, come ! let's have some breakfast." He uttered.

We have our breakfast together and Mat's dad enjoyed what I have cooked. After washing the dishes, I noticed Mr. Ashir was drinking a glass of bourbon at the balcony and he was talking to Mat.

Then suddenly, Mat came to me and told me that his dad wanted to talk to me. I went to the balcony and Mr. Ashir was waiting for me while staring at the skyscrapers.

" Mike, tell me honestly, I really love my son" He asked.

" I love him since our senior year started sir, then we became closer and closer and that's how I knew I can't afford to lose him, he's my happiness." I replied confidently

" Oh! please don call me sir, call me dad!" He exclaimed then laughed teasingly.

I was surprised because he's now easy to talk to.

" You know Mike, I don't have any judgement about your relationship with Mat. I just want Mat to be happy." He uttered.

My eyes got teary a bit as I uttered those words.

" I love Mat so much sir," I replied

Then he looked at me and said;

" I told you, call me dad! already!" He exclaimed

" oh! I'm sorry dad, It's just that I love Mat so much." I replied.

"That's good to know. You're lucky I'm your dad's friend and old time colleague." He uttered teasingly

" Thank you for letting me love Mat dad" I replied

He smiled at me and tapped me on my right shoulder.

" Just don't hurt him son and fight for your love" He uttered.

" I will dad!" I replied

He sipped on his glass of bourbon while Mat came to check on us.

" Okay son! I'll be leaving now. It's nice to meet Mike, Say hi to your dad for me, okay?" He uttered.

" Okay dad, you take care on your way home" I replied

" Take care dad!" Mat uttered

"Okay ! Okay ! I'll be leaving now so I won't disturb your moment." He uttered.

" Okay dad" Mat replied

As he left the condo, he suddenly stopped and said;

" Oh by the way before anything else, are those bastards still bothering the both of you?" He asked in a serious ominous tone.

" Yes dad! They're even planning to kidnap Mike and we don't know when." Mat replied

"Those sons of a bi*ch!, don't worry I'll inform my gangs to look out for you. But please take care okay?" He uttered

" Of course dad, we will" Mat replied

Mr. Ashir already left the condo while Mat and I were still there preparing my stuff for the mellow music star competition.

Time has arrived, all the audience and judges are on their seats. My co-contestants performed very well. I was still at the backstage preparing for my performance. I was alone in the room using the mirror wearing my outfit. As I was staring into the mirror, someone just appeared on my back wearing a black mask and he was holding a knife.

" Whhh...who are you!?" I asked in a scared tone.

" Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you as long as you obey what I want!" He uttered while pointing the sharp knife on me.

I wanted to run but he was so close to me. I was so scared at that moment. Even though I wanted to scream the music was too loud outside.

"Whhh...what do you want!" I mumbled

He showed me a syringe shot and started laughing like a psycho while pointing the knife at me.

"ha-ha-ha Why so scared now." He uttered.

"I'm not scared! at you!" I exclaimed

I grabbed the lampshade and pointed at him as well. I don't want to feel weak at that moment so I stood up and fought against him. I was about to smash the lampshade at him but he kicked me at my stomach which caused me to stumbled down. He's about to stab me when someone comes knocking at the door.

" Mike are you done!? Someone's looking for you." Mat uttered.

Then the guy in a black mask was alarmed so he quickly escaped at the back window.

Mat opened the door and saw lying on the floor then he rushed in to help me up.

" Babe! What happened.!?" He asked with his eyes looking so worried.

" I'm okay babe, someone was trying to kidnap me I guess." I replied.

"What! Where is he!?" He furiously uttered.

"It's okay babe he's gone now." I replied.

I saw Mr. Ashir and Dad entered the room.

" What happened here!?" Dad asked

"Someone was trying to kidnap Mike." Mat replied

"Those bastards! They really won't stop huh?" Mr. Ashir furiously uttered.

" He's gone now dad". I uttered

" Yes he's gone now but we don't know what will happen next." He replied

Then Mr. Ashir's phone was suddenly ringing. He took up the phone call.

" Hello! Who's this?" He asked

" Ha-ha-ha So you don't remember me now huh!?" Bradley uttered.

" Bradley!? You are the son of a bi*ch!" Mr. Ashir exclaimed

" Give me what you have stolen then maybe I'll stop messing around." He replied

" So you want to mess with me huhh!?" Mr. Ashir exclaimed.

"I'm not just messing with you, I'm going to ruin your life if I don't give what I want!. He exclaimed furiously and ended the call.

"That bastard! Why what does he want!?" Dad asked.

"This is not the right place to talk about that Stan. All three of you meet me at my house tomorrow night" Mr. Ashir replied.

"Okay, understood." Dad replied

"Mike you can still perform tonight my gang and your dad's gang was there to guard you." Mr Ashir uttered.

"Thank you dad" I replied

" Okay I'll be leaving now, I'll meet all of you tomorrow night." He uttered then he left the room.

Dad also went home to see mom if she's okay because he's worried about what happened tonight. Maybe Bradley did something stupid just to distract us. But some of my dad's guards are at our house just in case someone will intrude.

"Okay son I'll be leaving now, Mat please take care of Mike and yourself." He uttered

"Dont worry Mr. Davies, I'm always here for Mike." Mat replied.

As for me and Mat, we were left alone. Mat hugged me tight and kissed me on my forehead while feeling his warmth.

[In Mat' s Mind]

"I'm gonna protect you Mike, I'm willing to sacrifice my life to save you. Cuz' that's how much I love you right from the moment I laid my eyes on you."