
Naruto enters his seal space.

Inside the sealed space,

Behind the cage, there is a fox locked up with red-orange colored kitsune with black fur around its red eyes that stretch up to its ears, and nine long swiping tails called kuybi .

"So you came here again boy. what happened? Do you need power?" said kuybi mockingly.

"WHY do you think I need your power?" asked Naruto.

"Because you are weak as an ant" Kurama mockingly said.

NARUTO thought he would use his power to beat the shit out of this fox, but then he remember he is not enough strong to beat Kurama. Let's use most power full Jutsu 'talk no Jutsu' to tame this fox naruto thought inwardly…

"Weak, do you think I am weak fox? When I WAS BORN, my dad and mom died in the battle with you. And my idiot father seal the half of nine tails inside me thinking that the village will treat me as a hero; But village treat me as a demon fox who killed their fourth Hokage; when I was four years old, I started leaving alone .when a four-year-old was supposed to have the warmth of family, love of his mom and dad. When a child should have enough food for eating, i was eating expired milk and instant ramen. Even though my father was a hero, should be left with lots of money for me. I only receive a small sum of money from the third Hokage. people hate me for no reason even though I am a small child. Villagers don't want their kids to play with me. I wanted to people recognize me, people to talk with me, so for that I started to start pranking. I started painting Hokage statues for the sake of the attention of people because I was lonely. I wanted to have friends and people to talk with me. After going through all of that, do you think I am weak? I am anything but weak . I came here because you experience everything with me. You are my first friend.''

Hearing this, Kurama said "If you treat me as a friend, open the seal." Saying this Kurama gives a grin to naruto because he knows that the boy will not do that But to his surprise naruto walk to the gate. Then when he will open the seal two people come behind naruto. one is a blond hair man and the other is a red hair woman.

Sensing the two chakras, Naruto said you guys are here at last. Seeing them naruto doesn't know why he felt a little emotional, even though he is not from this world. Maybe because the emotional bonding of real naruto is still there so I guess because of this.

Minato and kushina already know what happened after the death, with their son. Kushina was already crying knowing what happened. Minato has a guilty expression on his face.

Looking at their faces naruto chuckled and said what's up with this expression.

Naruto feels a little guilty in his heart. He just wanted to use talk no Jutsu for gaining power:3

Looking at them Naruto said don't feel guilty for what you did? Maybe this was for the best!

"Don't talk" kushina hugged naruto. Minato was standing beside doesn't know what to say.

"Now don't cry mom, help me open the seal dad"

"Naruto are you sure you want to open this seal" asked Minato.

Hearing this naruto said "yes, Dad, he is my friend."

"Human, do you have the guts to open this gate" kuybi angrily said.

Naruto chuckled after listening to this he walk towards the cage step by step then he open the seal. After that, he walk towards the kuybi and said, "I AM UZUMAKI NARUTO"

SEEING NARUTO telling him his name, kuybi suddenly remembers the old man. The old man said there will be someone who can be friends with tail beast. 'Maybe that someone is you naruto Uzumaki '.kurama chuckled and said "I AM KUARAMA"

The two greet each other with a fist bump.