Back to konoha

[A/N: From this chapter, I will use '...' for thoughts

For conversation "..."

For system[.....].


Konoha ,main gate

Izumo and Kotetsu guard Konoha's door.WHEN Kotetsu saw a familiar figure entering the Konoha gate he then asked Izumo "hey could that be?"

"Yes, without doubt," answered Izumo.

'Even though I came here for the first time, it feels so familiar'

[Ding, host earned 5000 points for changing the story]

[Total SYSTEM point:29000]


Naruto roaming around the village. A lot of people don't recognize him. Roaming around the village naruto stop in front of ichiraku ramen, 'well let's eat this legendary ramen.'

"A bowl of miso soup ramen" naruto said.

"Coming right up''

Hokage building ...

An anbu kneeling before tsunade....

"Hokage sama, he has returned from training"

" There is still one year left for his training. why did he come back early? Anyway, Ask him to come here quickly"


"Here is your one bowl of miso soup ramen," said a young beautiful woman named Ayame. Ayame stared at the boy in front of her.

Sensing the gaze of a young beautiful woman naruto said "I know that I am handsome'' Hearing this Ayamé blushed a little. 'Why do I feel that I know this boy . Yellow hair, blue eyes, whisker on face….could it be' "NARUTO"

Before answering this a cat mask face comes and said "Hokage sama asked you to meet her"....

"Well, Ayamé san I will come back later to eat ramen."

Hokage building….

"Yoo granny Tsunade and Shizune san how you two have been?" naruto asked entering from the windows of the Hokage room.

Hearing granny from a known voice a smile appeared on Tsunade face.

"Naruto why are you return 1 year early and where is jiraya?" Hearing this naruto thought of a plan to teach jiraya a lesson.

"Granny Tsunade, I came back because I have learned everything from pervy sage and he is not here because he said he will travel to find some material for his new novel"

Listening to naruto when he said jiraya traveling for material a tick mark appeared "bang'' THIS PERVERT said Tsunade.

' A sweat dropped from Naruto's head he promised himself that he will never irritate this violent woman'

"Well, you said you learn everything from Jiraiya, how about spar with someone I selected from Anbu?"

"Right now"

"Not right now rest for a few days, I will inform you and by the way, you look good in these clothes''

"Haha granny of course I will look good"

"Sensei can I come in?" A female voice asked

Come in sakura.

"Sensei you called me?''

Sakura sees a boy in front of her , The boy is wearing a black t-shirt with black pants and trench coat over his t-shirt…yellow hair blue eyes...…wait ….

"NARUTO, Is that you?"

"Hey Sakura" naruto coldly said, well he never liked this girl

[ a/n: well I know I am ‌biased but I don't like her character….it is what it is]

"You have grown a lot naruto," sakura said "Do you think I have become more mature and womanly?"

"I have also become handsome"

Narcissist, this word comes in the mind of both tsunade and shizune.

"Oh there is a change in you .your forehead become bigger haha"

Saying this naruto went out of the window without waiting for her reaction, "granny i will wait for the opponent you will select for me, remember to select a strong one''

"He is changed" all three of them thought.

Yamanaka shop...

'When there will be someone who will steal my heart …'

"Can you give me a bouquet of purple bellflowers?" A voice broke the daydream of INO..