Road to chunin

After the fight, naruto was thinking about how should he improve more. In the original book, he likes the flying thunder god jutsu. 'How about I use my devil fruit ability like flying thunder god.'

'IN one-piece kizaru uses his fruit ability to travel. Well, kizaru uses the reflection technique of light for it.'Naruto was thinking about how he should use that trick here for a fast position change in battle. well, it's like flying thunder god in a sense.' 'Maybe I can use kunai for reflection. Kunai is made of steel so it is possible to reflect the light.' Naruto comes to the outskirt of Konoha to confirm his theory.

Naruto threw dozen of the kunai to the ground. A beam of light threw from naruto's finger towards the kunai. When light reflected from one kunai to another naruto knew his thinking was right. He can use this technique in battle. But there is a major weakness of this technique that is it can only go in a straight line.For example, suppose 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 this are all kunai number

IF naruto wants to teleport from number 1 to 9 direct using light ability he can't go. 'I guess I can't use it like flying thunder god but it's a good ability that can catch the enemy off-guard.'

Well, let's go back home. I feel so tired today. I needed a night of good sleep for charging up.


Next day,

Hinata was just returned from the mission. On the way to her home, she saw the familiar face of a boy.

Naruto saw Hinata looking at him. Closing the distance naruto walks in front of Hinata "HEY Hinata"

Seeing naruto's face so close to her Hinata fainted.

"Tch tch it all like in the anime".Naruto hugged fainted body of Hinata. 'She smells so nice.'

Naruto was admiring Hinata's figure. 'Well, I can eat it after one year.'

"Naruto, what are you doing," a familiar voice asked. "Ino, come here . I just say hello to Hinata and Hinata fainted. Maybe she is exhausted from the mission"

"Well, let's take her to Hyuga clan".ino said .

After dropping Hinata to the huyga house there is a silence between naruto and ino.

Ino looking at naruto from time to time. When she saw naruto hugging Hinata there was some uneasy feeling in her heart.

Sensing the gaze of ino, naruto stopped walking and look at ino, and said "Ino, do you want to say something to me?''

"UM, no..I just.."

"so you don't want to ask me anything? Here I thought you will be jealous because I hugged Hinata. you know it's my first time hugging a girl"

"No, I am not jealous," Ino said, AND "Why should I be jealous"

"Oh, you are not jealous .so that means you don't like me."

Hearing this ino hurriedly said, "NO, NO it's not like that" she stops midway when she saw Naruto was smiling at her. "Stop bullying me" saying this ino turned her face .she didn't want Naruto to see her embarrassing face. seeing this scene Naruto chuckle. He hugs ino from behind and whispers into her ear "Yamana ino, do you wanna be my girlfriend"

Hearing this, ino wanted to agree, but then she remember how this boy was bullying her a moment ago. "Who wants to be your girlfriend"

"So you don't want to be my girlfriend. But you are not resisting when I am hugging you. You sure you are telling the truth" Naruto whispered in her ear.

Hearing this, ino's face turned red .Ino weakly said "Naruto stop hugging me, we are outside"

"So , you have no problem if I do this in a room"

"NO…I didn't say this"

"Hey, Naruto,ino what are you guys doing" A female voice interrupted. Hearing this voice, naruto let go of ino. Naruto looked at the woman in front of her who is wearing a green kimono.

"Grandma Tsunade why are you here? Don't you have to take care of lots of paperwork? "naruto said. Tsunade looking at ino face. Ino face turned red of course it was difficult to escape from tsnades eyes. sensing her gaze, ino said, "oh I forgot i have to buy some vegetables for dinner.i will meet you later , naruto" saying this ino left.

"This kid. Naruto it's good that I meet you here. Come to my office."


Hokage office..

"There is a mission for you. Your team 7 only have 2 members so you can take someone to make it up for the number or you can complete this mission with sakura. "

"Hearing sakura's name, naruto's mouth twitched"

Seeing this Tsunade said "Naruto I don't know what your problem with sakura but she is obviously trying hard to improve and if this mission is complete, I will promote you to chunin"
