
"Explosion is art, my man"

"What are you saying? Art is a beauty of eternal life.''

Two people are wearing black cloth with red patterns, talking about Art. Naturally, these two people are Deidara and Sasori.

"My man, today I shall prove to you what is art," stated Deidara.

Sasori looked at Deidara and said, "Your explosion is nothing in front of my puppet."


"Nine tails, jinchuriki, is out of the village. Do you wanna take action?" said a masked man.

"No, it will alert the other village if we grab nine tails now. It's better for us to wait."

Said a man with red hair. This man looks like a skeleton. But if you look into his eyes, you will feel a majestic feeling. These eyes are called the eyes of gods, according to the red-haired man.


In a forest,

Two-figure running, Their goal is to get the information of three tails.

Sakura takes a glance at naruto from time to time. After coming from Training, naruto stops irritating her. And most importantly, he stops talking nonsense. This should be a good thing, but god knows why she feels a little bad in her heart.

Naruto saw this and said, " Be attentive, we are on a mission." Hearing Naruto's voice, sakura wanted to say something but in the end, she didn't say anything.

They are closing their distance toward the lake. At that time they hear an explosion. Naruto and sakura stop. Sakura cautiously looked at the surroundings to find something. Naruto activates his observation Haki and rushes towards the lake. seeing naruto rushed sakura followed his back.

"My man, see, I told you my explosion is the ultimate art," hearing this sasori scoffed, "what are you proud of is just a bunch of useless mist anbu you killed?"

" Haha my man, see how I catch three tails with my art"

When talking suddenly, they felt a sense of crisis from behind. Two ran to their opposite site. Then they heard an explosion in the place where they were standing. Sweat dripped from Deidara's head.

"Oh, you avoided it." A voice said. As expected of two Kage level missing-nin. Then naruto and sakura came into their vision.

Deidara and sasori can clearly feel danger from the boy standing in front of them. "Nine tails jinchuruki," they both said at the same time.

"Oh you know me" saying this naruto hand over his overcoat to sakura and said "stay out of this, you are too weak to face them" Sakura couldn't refute anything .she can clearly feel the difference. When naruto shot a light from the tip of his finger, sakura was surprised. She wanted to ask what kind of Jutsu is that with so much destructive power?

Hearing what naruto said, Deidara scoffed and said, "Don't think if you master the little power of nine tails you can defat us" "my man sasori dont interfere i will teach this kid what is art"

"Let's see your art then," Naruto said. Facing two kage-level ninjas, there was no feat on the face of Uzumaki naruto. 'Naruto, how much have you improved to be carefree like this' sakura murmured.

"You Kidd" Deidara uses clay to make some detonating spider. He threw them at naruto. seeing this, Naruto threw some light-colored needles toward the clay.

"Katsu" when Deidara detonated the clay, they didn't even reach their destination.

"Shadow clone Jutsu" Naruto uses 3 shadow clone and runs toward Deidara. Narutos, two shadow clones, use Rasengan and the other one was in front of them.

Seeing the shadow clone rushing towards Deidara said, "do you think this trick can defat my art?". saying this, Deidara uses clay to form two birds that were rushing to the clones.

Naruto take out 4 kunai and threw them which didn't take out the bird. One of the kunai was behind sasori. sasori was standing behind Deidara. 'There is something wrong' sasori thought.

"HAHA take my art" "kATSU" .

Seeing this naruto uses his Kunai to teleport like flying thunder god and he was behind sasori in a moment .

"Rasengan" a voice came behind sasori.Sasori's pupil shranks but it was too late to defend. sasori was destroyed . Deidara looks behind him where the sasori was . His life and death were unknown.

"You were never my target from the start," looking at Deidara, naruto said. Seeing this, Deidara uses his hand to make his new art.

"Did you ever kicked out in the speed of light" without wasting a moment naruto uses his fruit ability and kicks Deidara in his abdomen? Deidara flew out and destroyed some trees.

Then naruto looked at sasori remaining. He knew that this puppet master was not dead. A black figure flew out from sasoris broken puppet.

Sakura was shocked to see this, "How are you alive"

"He is alive because he was inside a puppet. And not only this, he turned himself into a puppet."Naruto said.

After hearing what naruto said, sakura was shocked.

"Oh, you sure know a lot about me," Sasori said.

Sasori use the broken head of the puppet and threw poisonous needles toward naruto.

"Light shuriken" naruto throws them toward needles, which were successfully offset.

"Interesting. This is not the power of nine tails, maybe new bloodline ability.I will kill you and take you in my collection"

"Do you have this ability?" naruto said. "First taste my kick"

Saying this, Naruto vanished from his position and appeared before sasori.