Fight 6

Hidan attacked naruto with his scythe. "Naruto, be careful" Ino shouted. "Light shield".

A 5-meter light shield appeared from the ground and stopped Hidan's attack.

Naruto looks at Shikamaru. Seeing this Shikamaru understands what Naruto wanted to do.

Shikamaru uses his shadow to catch Hidan. "Shadow possession jutsu" complete.

Shikamaru again catches Hidan in his shadow technique. Watching his plan was successful, naruto moves to his next plan.

"Your body may be immortal, but what you will do if you can't see" saying this Naruto moves his two fingers close to Hidan's eyes. The golden light was coming out from Naruto's hand.

Kakuzu was watching this. seeing his partner was in a difficult situation he chose to move first.

"Water style: water bullet technique".kakuzu didn't aim his jutsu toward naruto.

Water bullet was aimed at ino and choji.

Naruto noticed this. But he didn't make move. Ino and choji quickly avoided the attack. Naruto looks at Hidan. His two fingers were imitating golden light. A ray of light moves towards Hidan's eyes from Naruto's finger.

The next moment blood came out from Hidan's eyes. "Ugh"

The next moment naruto gauge the eyes of Hidan. " well, this can't kill you, but you can feel pain right."


AT this time, " water style: water bullet technique"

" Fire style: Fire bullet technique"

A big black thread appeared beside kakuzu with a mask on it.

Compound ninjutsu was aimed toward naruto. "Light beam; GEAR 2".

Both attacks' power was equally matched. 'So kakuzu is getting serious' Naruto thought to himself. Naruto looks at Hidan and kakuzu.

"First I should finish you" saying this Naruto raises his hand. "lIGHT BLADE"

" SWISH SWISH" Hidan's head was separated from his neck. [A/N: Light blade: Turning his hand into blade]

"Fuck, fuck..Kakuzu help me"

"How is he still talking" INO weakly said.

"His body is immortal. It doesn't matter if you cut his head from the neck." Naruto said to ino.

"But that doesn't mean he can't be killed. If he stays hungry he will eventually die from loss of energy." Naruto added.

At this time naruto raises his leg and crushed Hidan's head with his devil fruit power.

"Now you will be dead"

Finishing Hidan naruto Looks at Kakuzu. 'How many hearts does he have, four or five, can't remember.

"Naruto, if we use nine tail chakra mode, we can easily defeat him," Kurama said.

"Yeah, I know. But I don't want to use it now, You know there is still a bigger threat like Nagato I will use it as a trump card.''

Naruto rushed toward kakuzu, Two light color disks appeared in his hand. He threw them towards kakuzu. "Shadow clone jutsu" .Four shadow clones rush toward kakuzu. Meanwhile, naruto threw three kunai behind kakuzu.

"Light beam" Naruto attacks the black thread.

"Fire style: fireball jutsu"

Naruto sees his light beam was stopped by fireball jutsu. A smile appeared on his face.

Kakuzu was dealing with naruto's shadow clone. He stretches his hand simply to destroy naruto's shadow clone.

"Light beam: Gear 2".This time naruto aims his attack at kakuzu. Seeing the incoming attack,

" Water style: water bullet jutsu"

"Fire style: fire bullet jutsu"

Kakuzu attacks with compound jutsu to match the power of the light beam. Both attacks were eventually matched and offset each other.t There was smoke as a result of the aftershock of both jutsu..


Naruto then vanishes from his place,

"Rasengan" A voice came behind kakuzu.Naruto penetrate kakuzu chest with rasengan.

After using this naruto quickly back off from his place because he knew he only destroy one heart. At this moment Naruto didn't waste his time,


A Big circle appeared in front of naruto's hand. Then from that, A ray of light rushed towards the kakuzu.

Kakuzu didn't get any chance to react.


Ino was looking in front of her where Naruto was fighting with kakuzu. She was surprised by naruto. How easily he defeats this duo. "Strong" was the only word comes out of her mouth.

Shikamaru was besides ino.Hearing Ino said naruto was strong. "Not only he is strong, but he also planned all of this from start," Shikamaru said to ino.

"What do you mean"

"From the first attack where he uses the shadow clone then he attacks that black creature. After that, he uses a strong attack force kakuzu to use a compound attack. Because of that jutsu, kakuzu was slightly distracted, Naruto use that tiny moment to finish kakuzu."

"If we only we were that stronger" saying this ino looking at the cold body of asuma. Tears were flowing out of her eyes.

Shikamaru was silence.He knew she was right.


Kakuzu fell to the ground. The black creature with the mask was quickly retreating toward the kakuzu body. After it get into his body kakuzu's lying body got up again.

Seeing this scene ino-shika-cho trio was shocked.


"So only one heart remaining"

"How do you know"

"You don't need to know"

Saying this, A ball shape appeared in his hand known as Rasengan. But this time naruto tries to add hIS fruit ability in this Rasengan.

A chakra ball was fastly spinning in his hand. Over the blue color, a light color hue appeared.

People can clearly feel its destructive power from distance.

'I feel that I can throw this'

He sped up in the direction of kakuzu and threw his new Rasengan whose destination was kakuzu.

Kakuzu started to seal fire-style jutsu. But before his seal was complete the new Rasengan was in front of him.

"TWISH" [a/n: Sound affect ]

With this kakuzu who fails to assassinate the First Hokage dies at the end of Future Hokage or should I say Future God of Shinobi.

[A/n: Hey guys, comment on a name for the new Rasengan.

How did you like the fighting scene? Comment if you have any suggestions for the action part.]