Pre-war (1)

My new fanfic "Because I am the strongest"


"Naruto, you perform well in your last mission. As you killed 3 Akatsuki members your strength is clear to us." Tsunade said to Naruto. "Your mission rank went up from B rank to ss rank. So, today I will promote you to Jonin".Then Tsunade gives naruto Konoha standard jonin vest.

Looking at this green vest naruto's mood was somber. " can I not wear this vest "

"What did you say?" Tsunade asked naruto with an angry tone.

Sensing her angry mood he quickly said " Nothing."Then he quickly left Hokage's office."

[Ding host has achieved something that didn't happen in the original naruto world.]

[Congraulation host for completing the hidden quest "Jonin".]

[Rwards: 2x Buff bonus][Remaining time 20 days]

[Host received 20,000 system points for completing the Hidden quest.]

[2x buff bonus activate]

[Host received 40000 system points]

[System points:95,000]

'Something like this also can happen. well, it's good for me'

'System open system shop'

[System shop:

Beginner: Chakra affinity:





Next buy:3000 system points.

Bloodline purifier10-50%

Total system points:95,000 system points]

'System what does a Bloodline purifier does? I mean how is it work'

[Blood line purifier awakened hidden bloodline of host]

'oh. System buy 1 bloodline purifier, water affinity, and earth affinity'

[Bought bloodline purifier, water, and earth affinity]

[System points used 39000] [Next buy:81000]

[Remaining system points: 56000]

[Bloodline purifier is in host inventory]


Name: Naruto Uzumaki.


Bloodline: Uzumaki

Strength: Kage


Agility:200 [max under sixth path.]

Dexterity: 170


chakra nature: Wind, Water, earth yang, yin

wind: 100%[Max]





When two or more chakra nature reach 100% host can fuse them to make a new bloodline ability.

Ninjutsu: 100/100 [max 50% more power output]




chakra control:100/100


Rasengan lvl 1[ Here lvl 1 means normal rasengan.Not its upgraded version like rasenshuriken]

shadow clone jutsu(max)

zone (passive): The host can learn faster after entering the zone.

Special skills: pica pica no mi(55%)

Light zone

observation haki(55%)[ 5km .previously it was 15 km.15 km was a bit outrageous]



After returning home, Naruto was planning his training plan. 'If I can master water and earth attribute to 100% then I can fuse them to create wood style. As a reincarnation of the asura wood style should be my specialist. Wait a minute. Indra's reincarnation inherited unparalleled ninjutsu talent and proficiency in dojujutsu. Asura reincarnation inherited the sage body. So as an asura reincarnation shouldn't I aslo have a sage body'

[A/N: Don't know about Indra's reincarnation but pretty much sure about asura's one. Something can be on /off from anime manga well it's fanfic]

Well, let's confirm this later. First drink this purifier potion.


"So, sakura you want to learn my 100 seal jutsu"

"Yes sensei"

"You know this technique requires an extremely delicate chakra control. Although your chakra control is good it is not good enough for this technique. At least not now"

Hearing this sakura wanted to say something before that,

"Sakura I know you want to be strong. So you should be growing step by step. so, for learning this technique hone your chakra control to a new level"

"Hai, sensei"






"I know Shizune what are you trying to say but she is still not ready for the 100 sealing technique"

Hearing this Shizune didn't say anything.



Raikage office

"What" Anger was visible on the face of Raikage.

"YesRraikage sama, our team which was gone to participate in the chunin exam was wiped out"

"Who did this?"

"It is still unknown"

"Raikage sama, I think some is trying to wage a war between Hidden village," a voice said next to raikage. This voice belongs to Mabui. Raikage's assistant.

"War or not, I think we should use this opportunity to weaken another village," Raikage said while thinking.


"Stop trying to attack me tsuchikage. I am here to tell you some confidential secret."

Seeing his attack can't touch this masked man Onoki stopped his attack.

"You know your grandson Deidara. He was killed by Konoha shinobi."

Hearing this there was a glimpse of sadness in the eyes of onoki but it vanish the next second.

"He betrays us. So either he is dead or not it doesn't matter to me."

"Oh, is that so? But don't you wanna know who killed him?"


"Haha, I know you want to know. Nine tail jinchuriki killed your grandson."

"I don't think you come here to tell me this" onoki suspiciously looks at the masked man.

"As expected of Tuchikage.Yes, I am not here to tell you this. There is something else. Konoha's nine-tail jinchuruki is the son of Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato"

Hearing the name of Minato, killing intent rose from onoki.In the third ninja world, they lost thousands of shinobi because of this man. And now his son kills his grandson.

Seeing onoki's looks Obito knew his visit was successful.

[A/n: Hey author here ,

some people were saying this fanfic doesn't deserve this much view or rating. Or bot is rating this. So for those people, you can just ignore this right? At the end of the day, i am doing this for killing my boredoom.I know my writing is not top quality at least it's understandable.

So if you don't; like this fic or my writing style you can just ignore this.]