Chapter 6

~Lilliana's POV~

Once the guys let go I quickly redressed myself, I moved and grabbed the redheaded boy's neck holding him off the ground. He began to flail around instantly grabbing onto my hand in an attempt to loosen my grip. The four guys in the room quickly tried to intervene but my claws dug in causing a drop of blood to slide down his neck.

The redheaded male choked out, "S-stop! Don't come any closer!" Instantly the males backed away from us. I slowly connected the dots and my eyes flew to the redhead in my hand, was he an Alpha? I would have smelled him if he was, wouldn't I?

Kairi watched carefully, "I don't think he's an Alpha..but by the way, the pups are acting, he's definitely in a high-rank position." She muttered confused. I slowly nod, then snarled my hand tightening. The male gasped for air clawing at my hands. "P-please I'm sorry! Please let go!" He choked out, spittle flying from his mouth as he coughed. I growled and threw his body away from me, "Now that you know who's stronger, never come near me again!" I roared at him, before grabbing my bag and walking to the door. The girl before stood in my way growling up at me, her green eyes narrowed, her hair like a wild, red, nest of curls.

She soon shrieked out, "How dare you! My brother is the next Beta! How dare you hurt him!" I sighed deeply annoyed by the bitch in front of me. Instantly I shoved her away from me, and out of the way. I ignored her demands for me to stop, as I just walked out the door. I was over today, so I just skipped gym class and headed outside.

Going over to my bike, I attempted to unchain it but because of the damn rusted lock, it continued to get stuck and wouldn't release the latch. I groaned and continued to tug and pull at it. The only thing that responded was the creaking and clicking sound of the blasted thing. Anger once again flooded my veins as I began to lose my temper, finally unable to contain my anger, I stood up and kicked the bike rack. The bars, holding the chain and bike hostage, bent. The once straight bar now bent outwards from the force it received.

"Damn, who pissed in your cheerios this morning?" a guy walked over, inspecting the damage before letting out a low whistle. Growling at the stranger I went back to trying to free my bike. The guy smirked and leaned on the bars watching in amusement.

"When you give up let me know, I know a thing or two about breaking locks." He grinned at me waiting. Finally, I sighed in annoyance, "Fine! If you can get this lock off I'll owe you one!" I threw up my hands fed up with the lock and school day. He laughed and we traded places, humming he looked at the lock. He then moved to grab the chain and lifted it off my handlebars, freeing my bike. You've got to be fucking kidding me! I didn't even chain the bike up correctly! I glared at him as he laughed, and stood up dusting off.

The boy had dark brown skin, black curly hair styled into a fade, and he was tall around 6'3, with startling blue eyes. He had a sharp jawline, his smirk exposed bright white straight teeth, and a small dimple showed on his right cheek. The boy watched me, "Did you fall in love with me already?" He teased and I just frowned shaking my head as I grabbed my bike. "I wouldn't fall for you even if I wore ten-inch high heels and attempted to get on an escalator." He put a hand over his heart and feigned injury, "Ouch, even after I heroically rescued your bike." I shook my head and began to push my bike, walking beside it and heading in the direction of home.

The guy jogged over to me, "My name is Jayden, but for you, you can call me Jay or the love of your life." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, I just started to walk faster. He laughed and kept pace, "Look I'm kidding, but you seem interesting. Think we can be friends? How about it? We can have sleepovers, braid each other's hair, talk about boys... preferably me." I ignored him as I looked both ways before crossing the street. Of course, he followed me because why not? He continued to try and make small talk, trying to get to know me. I refused to speak.

I was about to yell at him to leave me alone when I heard a loud thud, I turn to see he had walked smack dab into a light pole. I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled out, as he rubbed his nose groaning in pain. He looked over at me before grinning, which just made me laugh harder. This kid was truly something, I'll give him that much.

I decided to talk to him the rest of the way home answering one of many questions, who am I? What am I? Where'd I come from? Do I have a pack? Am I a rogue? and lastly, can we be friends? I gave him vague answers about where I was from and pack and rogue things but I answered the rest truthfully. It ended with us exchanging phone numbers before I walked into my house.

I dropped my bag off in my room, before heading down to the living room and flopping onto the couch. Jayden was nice and I couldn't sense any malice or bad vibes from him. It wouldn't hurt to make at least one friend. I texted Jayden as we went over my first day and such. He was pissed hearing about what happened in the locker room, vowing to put Nair in Candy's shampoo. I felt good being able to vent out my frustrations, I never had this luxury before so it was a welcomed comfort.

Six o'clock soon rolled around, I got up and got dressed for work. I needed a good distraction, sitting here alone in the house was causing my mind to wander to painful memories. I quickly headed out and got onto my bike and headed off to the diner.

As my feet peddled, I glanced around at the wall of trees surrounding me on each side. The diner was settled slightly on the outside of town, the woods behind it was endless. Sometimes I welcomed the sounds of crickets and the calming night but when you're having to ride your bike through it alone, it leads to you becoming paranoid. If I was lucky I could get out of work before eight and make it home before the last ray of sun vanished for the night.

I arrived at the diner and jumped off my bike, stashing it near the back entrance. Once satisfied with my hiding spot, I headed inside pulling an apron around my waist and clocking in. Grabbing my notepad I ventured out to the front and began my shift.

Walking through the aisles taking orders, I made note of every happy family there. Jealousy struck my heart like a silver bullet, the pain coursing through my body. I forced my normal customer service smile as I took their order, after several coffee refills and serving late-night dinners, the diner slowly became less busy, it was practically empty. Leaning against the wall, I waited to be called on by the two customers who were left.

A chime from the bell on the door made me almost roll my eyes and groan, instead, I sucked it up and put on one of my dazzling smiles as I went to serve them. Glancing at the people, I felt my blood pressure rise. Candy, her idiot brother, Jayden, and one other guy sat there. Jayden lit up instantly upon seeing me, "Lilli! I didn't know you worked here!" Liar, I told you not even a few hours ago. Instead of showing my annoyance, I smile, "Ah, yeah. So what can I get you all?"

Candy looked me up and down with a scowl, "A coffee, and salad." She then turned back to the other male flirting heavily with him. She was wearing a low-cut top, pushing her arms together to make her breasts appear larger. She better keep pushing then, she's close to making them look like an A cup. I took Jayden's order, then Candy's brother who I just learned is named Elijah, then the stranger who went by the name Curtis.

I headed off to give the orders to the cook, after that I went back to my station at the wall. I couldn't help being nosy so I listened in to their conversation.

"See?! I told you she's super cool! Did you catch her scent? A weretiger! A flipping weretiger Curtis!" Jayden spoke excitedly. Curtis hummed in thought as Candy scoffed, "So what? That thing is in our territory, I say we should kick out the freak." Elijah sighed, "I hate to admit it, but if we had her in our pack, it'd help a lot with our protection. She will be an amazing warrior if trained right. Besides weretiger or not, it'll be dangerous out there alone. Especially with the crazy vampire on the loose."

Curtis soon spoke, his voice dripping with authority. Without a shadow of a doubt, he was the alpha. "Very well then, we'll try her out in our pack. If she harms anyone; however, she will be chased out of my territory." Jayden cheered in victory as Candy growled and huffed, crossing her arms.

A bell sound brought my attention back to the hot food ready to be served, I walked over back to the group and began putting their food down in front of them. Candy took one sip out of her coffee before spitting it out all over the front of my shirt. "Ew! What is this?! You call this coffee?!" I watched her crossing my arms. "Yes, it's coffee. Since you lack a basic understanding of it let me enlighten you. If you want to add things to your coffee, you do that yourself. That is not my job. What you just ingested was black coffee, meaning no sugar, milk, or creamer was added to it. You can find those contents on the table. So enjoy your food." With that, I turned and walked back to my post, as Jayden laughed at Candy.

I felt eyes on me as I leaned back against the wall, my eyes looked over to see an amused Curtis looking my way. As if I said that stuff to amuse you asshole. He had Dirty blonde hair, stubble across his jaw, soft brown eyes, and a sharp jawline. Whatever; he might be good-looking but a certain female will always be the subject of my wet dreams. Speaking of which, I wonder how that certain someone is doing. I glanced off out the windows consumed in my thoughts of the beautiful girl that haunts my dreams to this day.

I do hope Tori is doing well.