32. There, yet not

Their gazes were still locked on each other.

"Your father... I didn't know how I missed all the signs. All the red flags. They were visible. Very clear, that I feel like a fool how I didn't see it all those years." He told her. "His sudden appearance itself should have alerted me, but I couldn't see it at that time."

What at all did her father do? It sounded really serious.

"But you... You don't seem like a threat. Believe me, I've done a lot of background checks on both you and your mother. I would have killed you a long time ago if I knew you would do something."

Rory stiffened at his words.

"I know Hayford confronted you, but you don't have to worry about him."

Wow! So many words in less than an hour? He couldn't remember speaking this much.

Rory slowly nodded, not knowing how Hayford would come around, but what could she say? Her much concern was about Esther.

"They seem very mad at me. Esther... She wouldn't talk to me and..."