169. I'll fly us back

"Rory? Are you in there?" She heard her mother's voice from the other end.

"Mom, come in!" She chirped and sat up on the bed.

Charlotte entered, her smiling face slightly contoured with sleep as it looked like she just woke up.

"I fell asleep." She muttered after a soft sigh and sat by her daughter on the bed. "How are you?"

"How are you feeling, mom." Rory asked, ignoring her question and arranging her mother's tousled hair with her fingers.

"So refreshed. I didn't know I needed that sleep." She moaned in a sleepy voice and yawned, causing Rory to chuckle.

"You can sleep more if you want. You really need a lot of rest."

"No, I'd fall sick if I slept any longer than this." Charlotte wuickly said. She wasnt used to taking naps. Her body seemed to be changing, or maybe she had gone through a lot of stress lately and now her body is trying to compensate with naps.