How do you feel, what is your belief about giving? Do you share your emotions with others, your knowledge and your material well-being? Nothing so quickly, miraculously, will achieve personal development and self-knowledge at the highest level as giving in its original sense. As is the case in all that seems superficial and yields no result, so the form of mere superficial giving is only a word and nothing more without any effective force and action. The power of giving must be understood, and this sixth way of fulfilling a wish will reveal to you the methods of becoming a good giver and thus doing many benefits first of all to yourself through self-knowledge and full living, and then benefits to others. Giving is a strong emotion is actually in the group of emotions of love, care, support, gentleness and admiration. Giving affects people but also the whole living and non-living nature, fauna and everything that surrounds us. The donor is always rewarded, he shares, he constantly receives and has! It is a law of universal force, irrefutable and constant! The knowledge of true giving is invaluable because many people have only a superficial knowledge of the meaning of giving and almost it is always learned in its misapplication. There are two essential types of giving:
1. False giving - Rooted incorrectly, without cognition, wrong and without meaning. Unfortunately, this type of giving and giving is 80 percent present in the interaction of people and the environment. Many people give only because they have learned that there is something like a learned moral obligation to give in life, and they adhere to it. False giving explicitly refers to: Any man who has not mastered the aforementioned emotions of the 'battlefields'. Such a man, though he may wish, cannot realize the essence of giving which would be useful to him and the recipient. This is quite certain and there is no doubt about it. A man who cannot give to himself cannot do so to others. Giving is anything but a bad emotion, and a man who possesses bad - negative emotions cannot give birth to giving as a positive emotion in its original form. This is explained by the fact that for example a man who has an enlarged ego above his healthy level can only do giving accompanied by that emotion, more clearly such people give purpose by giving, and it is strengthening one's own ego and satisfying it. False giving is always characterized by anticipation of something in return, blackmail, keeping the other party dependent, controlling and manipulating through the act of giving. Every negative emotion that a person does not clear from himself is manifested outside through any form of interaction with others, whether it is emotional giving, providing knowledge or material goods (gifts, money, movable, immovable things). This type of giving has absolutely no benefit for the giver, the more he will feel after such an act an even greater mental emptiness. Injury due to anticipation or letting go of toxic emotions is the result of improper giving. Therefore, false giving is not giving, it is not happiness, it is not love and it is not benefit!
What about the recipient? If it is a recipient of an emotion or material good by the wrong giver, the benefit can only be in the object of giving, but usually without lasting satisfaction. When wrong giving will then cause the destruction of the giver-receiver relationship. Since the law of attraction works extremely well, it is clearest that the giver of the wrong giving usually gets the person of the same or similar 'battlefield' emotions for the recipient.
Why is false giving so present among us? You can already see the answer, false giving will be done by every man who has not mastered his knowledge and purpose of life and eliminated emotional 'battlefields' from his own soul. One can first activate change in oneself through thought, and such methods of change have already been mentioned in the previous ways of this book. Apply them, practice them, finally make the effort that will pay off for you, you will be a better version of yourself. So giving as a source of care, love and empathy cannot originally come from a man of low self-worth. Giving in such a case will be created as an act but the effect, purposefulness and effect is omitted! Let us now turn to the understanding of the second type of giving:
2. Right giving - Giving emotions Only a man of pure positive emotions, by finding his own value, knowledge and purpose, can achieve effective giving. It is the real giving or sharing of the emotion that accompanies other forms of giving, such as knowledge or material goods that enrich the spirit! Every emotion and everything that is reflected outside was first created and originally accumulated inside a person. A man who gives admirable love possesses that love originally in himself, he gives it to himself, and the moments of overflow of such emotions are expressed in the ether. Can it be clearer to you now what love or the emotion of giving means? The emotion of love is never pain, the lack of love is pain. It is original and original where every emotion is giving what we already possess enough for ourselves. Every emotion of full action man finds in himself not in others! The other and the other around you is a great inspiration for the product and food of your emotions, but not for their source. Hence all the misunderstandings of the human relationship! Expecting someone else to feed you happiness whose source you do not have within you is a futile process that places eternal emotional hunger and disappointment! How few people know how to apply love and love literally. Very little unfortunately.
Not finding himself, his own knowledge and purpose that will eliminate the emotions of the 'battlefields', man is deprived of happiness in this world and no one and nothing around him can fill his world with reasonable and happy life. A man who is ennobled with useful positive emotions, love, peace, gratitude and satisfaction is constantly discovering new dimensions of the magic of life. Giving for him is the belief that he has enough of what he gives, such a belief leads to a constant increase of what he has, and there is no end to giving and new receiving. Wondering how to become such a man? Gradually apply the whole set of instructions in this book and apply them over and over again! As you become in your thoughts, actions and emotions you will attract interaction with the same or similar. This is true for both positive and negative perceptions of life. What does all this say? You can increase your positive emotions by accepting such emotions from others or you can poison your emotions even more by accepting such emotions from others. What an amazing law that works all the time. One can and should apply emotion in its originality which tends to unconditionality. It is true that unlike divine unconditional love where God loves man no matter what he does, in human action man possesses dignity but while sharing emotions to another person such giving should be as unconditional as any other positive emotion and action. True giving makes the giver happy, it is a gift without any interest, expectation, superiority or regret. Simple true giving makes happy and replenishes the life energy of the giver, it is giving first of all to oneself, it is actually receiving! How much one will understand the power of giving depends on how much one has known oneself. Giving is a necessary process of an accomplished person, and it has an extreme effect on increasing personal growth and prosperity.
- Giving or transferring knowledge All forms of giving are always originally under universal law. Giving is an increase in the very source of giving. The form of giving increases what you give while developing useful positive emotions in you. Giving or transmitting knowledge is an exceptional act that enriches the additional knowledge of the one who provides such knowledge to others. How many are just people who cannot open the potential of giving and thus transfer knowledge to those who seek it or need it. A man who possesses some knowledge, and yet has a tendency not to discover it, that is, to use it selfishly, will not get far. Selfishness is an emotion of the 'battlefield' and every emotion of this group that a man possesses is a huge brake on his development. There are many people who conceal and selfishly hold some knowledge by thinking or fearing overcoming others if they use that knowledge. Already in the early phase of life, a person can include this awful habit and go in the wrong direction of realizing himself and his own desires. In colleges, schools, sports clubs, business institutions, etc., very little is said about the transfer of knowledge as a virtue of giving. Even some people who are paid for such a thing do the job insufficiently well, such as professors, teachers, coaches, lecturers in various fields, etc. But if they do it well, it is no wonder that the transfer of such knowledge is a paid profession. Knowledge as a virtue of giving should be in the service of the individual first and foremost. Such knowledge can be some general knowledge, knowledge from life experience, hidden facts, some form of long-learned that others around you need.For example, every student who is in a higher year of study, unlike his colleague, should nobly provide him with knowledge and experience of already passed material, experience from taking exams as well as instructions on areas that are important for learning, etc. General experiential knowledge is goodness donor. Genuinely providing knowledge to others is a usefulness and support to others that expands and increases your knowledge and personal progress. It is not enough just to understand, take action and apply. Believe me, if you provide and share experience and knowledge with the people around you it will never harm you!
Giving material things Giving material goods in the sense of real giving is always an increase in pleasant emotion for the giver. The object of giving, so what you share you will magnify from unexpected sources. Someone who gives money will surely get it in even larger quantities. If you give a little, you will also receive as a result of a weak emotion of fulfillment during the act of giving. Whoever wants to get a lot must also give a lot, and thus will awaken and retain the deepest emotional circuit and raise their own cognitions and awareness to the highest level. The most prosperously successful people are always great donors, philanthropists, people of help, managers of help foundations, etc. There is no real success without giving, no real accumulation of material things and wealth without support for others. Simpler according to my frequent statement: support others, support yourself!
Work and your income make sense in your willingness in addition to charity towards yourself to involve others in such a benefit. It may be freely added that such action is a harmony of justice, happiness, and contentment in the accumulation of material things. If a man possesses much, and others enjoy it, let such a man enjoy abundance! The giver of material or any form of giving is usually a happy fulfilled man. Such a man gives with an emotion of caring including great progress of fulfillment within himself. Everything given in such a way a man will get tripled and more. The act of true giving exudes the belief that there is much abundance in the universe and that is why the giver shares it and enjoys it with others. In the wrong giving accompanied by the fear of scarcity, the expectation of a calculated return, etc., the giver has no benefit for himself and others. Such giving seems even more destructive to the giver, and by the connection of such energy the recipient will not feel the charm of receiving the gift. In the function of the reasoning that giving is also receiving, there is a fact that many even true donors do not perfect and therefore often remain deprived of additional satisfaction. The point is that the giver that is the one who is generous to share his emotions and material goods with others must learn to be good and the recipient! Many people have a positive intention to help and give to others but the capacity and openness to receive is locked in their own subconscious. Thus, giving does not fulfill its function completely. The quality of openness to receive gifts and emotions are extremely immeasurable. So start today and receive with gratitude and the slightest sign of attention, emotion or gift from others.
Practicing the technique of receiving is easiest through the usefulness of affirmation such as "I deserve and am worthy of attention and receiving gifts and emotions from others." Never refuse the act of receiving emotions or gifts from others. Whenever someone shows you the readiness to give a gift, in any sense, immediately accept it with deep gratitude. The attribute of gratitude is a separate topic that requires special dedication. Start a feeling of deep gratitude even when you give because you can give or because someone is happier because of you! The power of giving and receiving is the synchronization of your relationships with others, your existence and living, and whatever purpose and life goals you create in achieving the same, the power of giving and receiving is the axis that supports and carries your success. Poverty of emotions, poverty and similar misfortunes, are largely caused by introversion and fear of activating the power of giving and receiving. Any material success, wealth acquired by force, fraud or improperly inherited, never lasts long or continuously due to the inaction of the law of giving - receiving - receiving. Personal development, opening your own potentials, presence of happiness, love in any form, recognizing your own talents, creating enormous success, gaining wealth, healing and maintaining a healthy emotional and physical condition is an impossible mission without this powerful way to fulfill every wish!