Perseverance is a characteristic of a mentally strong man. What the human mind can accomplish with deep faith and perseverance is described as miracles. In order to be persistent and develop an irrefutable mental strength you must create a belief that identifies you with yourself and your goal. Faith in oneself and belief in God are the basis of supreme perseverance. However how? On what way? I will explain in detail and very precisely what faith originally accomplishes in you and its proper acceptance by your mind. We are already here from the starting point that you have a burning desire in your mind and that you really want to realize such a desire in reality. The ways of this book require consistent application of each of them, and it is logical that if one of the ways you do not master the tower of cards of desire will be demolished easily and quickly. Don't let the effort you put in be wasted. Don't move on to the following way until you have sufficiently understood and applied the previous one into your life. I repeat, it is not enough to just understand you have to apply it. Persistent faith is the last way to fulfill a desire that you will surely realize. Here you are at the stage of already achieved maturity and sensible changes of your consciousness, your subconscious as well as your character. You feel the changes best and you should have such an interaction of thoughts and actions that gives you the constant conviction that you really won't give up until you turn the desire into reality.
By now, with the proper application of this book, you have had to experience a series of small miracles and new feelings that have changed your subconscious that simply leads you to change. What is your current relationship with yourself and others? Do you feel that you have risen from the mass of mediocrity? Observe new relationships with people and nature, do you feel a new perception of everything? I firmly believe that after the rehearsed ways you are a new better person ready to persevere in fulfilling the desire he deserves. It is very important to say that once you change yourself you 'deserve' everything you want. The feeling you deserve is a support of perseverance. Why does faith not bring happiness and fulfillment to some people? Religious interpretations are extremely important for a correct understanding of God and God's laws. However, people already in their learned habits perform prayers and experience God in a completely wrong way.
The physical ritual itself became like an obligation with a strong accent! The obligation that a person should visit a religious institution and perform only the prescribed physical ritual as a prayer is a failed thing. This obligation is repeatedly engraved in the subconscious of man and he performs the obligation, not the prayer. Praying to God is a spiritual relationship. In improving your understanding of the relationship between man and God, I will list an important segment that, if applied, will help you produce a spiritual connection with God. Set aside a day and be alone in nature, it can also be a nearby place for picnics of greenery and peace. Get involved in perception, calm deep observation. Let the time be for yourself, set aside 2-3 hours in that place without any hurry and forget about any obligations, work, family that are waiting for you. Sit comfortably in sight and close your eyes. Start with three to 4 minutes of deep breathing and a very light exhalation that will produce relaxation of your mind and body. You need to put yourself in as calm a position as possible. Slowly open your eyes and begin to observe everything you see, from the tiniest leaf of green grass, soil, trees, water sources, fauna, expanse and sky above you.
Observe and listen, keep your focus where you are in the present moment for at least an hour and perception will awaken the answers your mind needs. The peace you feel in yourself you will know peace from God while the perfect harmony of synchronization of your being and nature will begin the creation of beautiful emotions. This task requires repetition and include it in your weekly activities. This is one of the ways to awaken the spiritual sphere, and thus your religious rites will become much more effective. It is quite understandable that God is our synonym for love, forgiveness, peace, tolerance, happiness and harmony, but many do not possess any of these qualities. These positive qualities are the key to the manifestation of desire through perseverance. With the presence of all the positive emotions and ways of this book, you begin to live a continuous truth and self-acceptance of yourself. Such components are essential foundations of lasting success and a happy fulfilled life.
False and Real Success! The wrong way to realize oneself is to invest force, manipulation, emotions of 'battlefields' in order to achieve a seemingly "equal" success as success in the true sense. Thus, someone who refuses to know and accept himself must ask such a thing from others. In the hope that others will characterize him as a person worthy of a good example, he will do something by representing a 'realized person' (the manipulator sometimes tells the truth or does philanthropic action where he tries to buy people's attention, a man with an increased ego sometimes covers his weakness for fear he will be left alone or in order to get something he desperately wants and seemingly pretend to be gentle, caring and loving in order to keep the necessary people present). Such performances can sometimes take a long time, but not permanently. The 'success' of a person like this never survives! Real success is the result of well-deserved effort. The bearer of true success is the man who has adopted and applied all the necessary rules. It is a courageous endeavor that requires a constant effort to develop oneself, to perfect oneself and one's own values. True success is measured by a person's value and spirituality. The more consciously a man is with his knowledge, skills and abilities, the greater and more lasting his success. You cannot buy knowledge, skills and abilities and they are always the result of your own commitment and experience! Many people think they are capable, hardworking and famous, but few really are. According to the universal rule, every human being is worthy of living and dignity, but in order to rise to the ladder of success, much more is needed than natural gifted qualities. Real success is success of two components: spiritual and material. Both components are extremely important! A man who raises the level of consciousness above mediocrity, his cognition and purpose motivate him to acquire value.
A man of such values in the professional sphere is also a man with a high income! Success is finding and accepting your own identity and living the truth! The values on such a man prompted by the motive are simply easily glued and piled up. You are now such a man in this seventh mode of realization, congratulations! Achieved personality and success in this way are constant and continuous in progress towards new knowledge and achievements. People with real success have a great chance to find new ideas and inventions and go down in history and write their own name there forever. Only by applying the ways described in this book can one experience all the charms of true success, self-realization, and action toward others. Such success provides the wings of knowledge and power for a man to realize any desire he has imagined in his own mind. Perhaps a clearer indication to you now is why only 1% of people achieve ingenious results and become geniuses by succeeding so high on the scale of success. Every man's mind possesses the potential of genius and the ability to become inherent in his success. One of the many ways of activation in this direction is the studious application of the above 7 ways of this book. By applying and adopting the above, you will surely open the box of your potential, you will strongly stimulate your subconscious that will lead you into the action of new actions and cognitions or manifestations in reality in the form of desire in your mind.
The seventh way of persevering faith is an indicator of how much you really want to make a wish come true and live your own dreams. Whether you are the plant that will find its own path to prosperity even through concrete slabs, only you know such an answer. You have accepted and applied the six previous ways and you are now on the path of perseverance all the way to the final goal. Deep faith and perseverance will get you to your destination. Once you activate yourself and your subconscious in the new module of living you become an extremely mentally strong responsible person connected to the infinite intelligence of realization.
Defeat do you have a new problem or are you still trying unsuccessfully? super!! It is another opportunity and a new beginning of your higher values necessary for the realization of everything you have imagined. By persistently applying the ways of this book, you become the person who has found the key and opened the door to your own potential to realize yourself and your desires. The coming and feeling of fulfillment of living is ultimately the coming of the desire you have imagined. The law of the universe works in such a way that your accomplishments happen at the perfect time, not when you want but when you are ready to receive the fruit of your commitment. Once you have determined your knowledge and purpose you have accepted and embraced yourself as a valuable person under this sky capable of any accomplishment you can imagine! By accepting yourself, you realize the extreme benefits that are reflected in becoming a person of true gratitude while the life of truth you live is the result of eliminating all kinds of acquired fears and all kinds of negative emotions. A positive attitude turns into a new habit of living, such living is living with the deity and life in its original form. Your success is not in question, every wish of yours is on the way to realization.
The power of perseverance How will you become a person who desperately wants to make a wish come true and succeed in it? Just stay persistent! Your perseverance, perseverance must forever take root in your character if you want to reach the goal. Many do not arrive, and the reason is almost always insufficient strength of perseverance to endure just one step further. How many talented people endowed with intelligence and knowledge have stood in the way of fulfilling their wish forever. When you stop you have to know how to rest but not give up, that's a big difference. The days ahead will bring you events, circumstances and people to support you in the jump to reach your dreams but there will also be days, circumstances, events and people who will seemingly provide nothing but defeat and setbacks. Most people survive a few of these setbacks, or rather disappointments, and due to the inability to rest their minds and bodies, conclude that it is not worth continuing to make the final decision to surrender. Creating the belief that it is impossible to achieve what they envisioned, that is, that reading a book like this and other self-help practicums is a pure farce or boredom of the author, many do not fulfill their wishes forever. I will now tell you:
Faith and perseverance are the most demanding discipline in the process of changing oneself on the path to realization. On this task almost everyone falls and seeks solace in the fall of others! If you have mastered all six ways of this book in your mind there is already a clear picture of a new self with a fulfilled wish. It is not an ordinary imagination, such an image is a clear indicator of desire accompanied by a fearless invincible newborn MOTIVE in you! There are no circumstances, events or people around you that can shake your strengthened perseverance and faith to get where you want by living life to your full potential. When you get tired, rest, learn to rest. Relax your body and mind by hanging out with loved ones, activities and traveling to interesting places. Feel free to relax your mind and let the desire rest by giving your subconscious the belief that you never give up but take a break from gathering precious energy to keep going stronger and better.
How not to give up? He who understands defeats, falls, losses, failures and mistakes as challenges from which he comes out wiser, stronger and more capable never gives up! It's temporary Condition, and means valuable knowledge and gaining a greater capacity of wisdom and experience that are your better shield and weapon for a new fight and winning the battle. Once you realize that defeats are a step up, that defeats are valuable for your preparation for the ability to become a successful person, you will understand how to rest and prepare to face all obstacles again according to your desire. You have to want to achieve the main wish, and because of all that you have to master all the possible challenges that will shape you into a mentally strong person worthy of the title to be different from those who have given up. You have to understand that life will constantly bring you back to defeats sometimes and the same until you learn the necessary lessons. Some people cite a lack of happy circumstances as an excuse for their own failure. That is not the case. Being lucky is important, but you are the one who causes the appearance of happy circumstances by your action to do something about your desire. Your willpower and perseverance will lay fertile ground for you to take action, you create and challenge happy circumstances to help you. The seventh way of fulfilling a wish requires from you an enormous striving in achieving the habit of perseverance and faith. Such a habit will grow into your 'I' into your character trait and will take root there permanently. If you achieve that, you will surely succeed and the realization of goals and desires in reality is guaranteed! The essence of challenging deep faith is first of all your trusting relationship with God the Creator. Once you strengthen this relationship, you will realize that anything is possible because a deep connection with the infinite, so powerful, so avan-garde is energy of the Creator.You reflect such energy in yourself with deep faith in yourself and imagined goals. Man in the power of such faith and perseverance has a special MOTIVE evoked by the energy of all that represents the precious emotions given only to man as the most perfect form of being on earth. One of those emotions that is incomprehensibly understood is LOVE. Many people have achieved remarkable successes and ingenious results due to motives evoked by love. Love is an indescribable emotion branched into several directions (towards God, woman-man, profession, homeland, ....).
Surely, by acting and practicing the seven described ways, you have already realized or you are one step closer to realizing your wish. You will understand how important perseverance is and how much power it has through the following example of natural laws and actions: The bean is a really hard structure, finely and firmly shaped, seemingly with no indication that it can become anything better than that. However, only moisture and sun are needed for him to work miracles. If you place it in a small vase with a little moist soil and turn it towards the sun, the process of a natural miracle begins. Moisture and the sun act relentlessly and the beans break through to the surface very quickly by germination. Its germinated embryo is so weak, with no indication that it can become a plant at all. The sun and moisture continue to provide energy to the small vase. While the sun acts during the day the moisture acts at night, they act both with each other and constantly.
A few days later, the beans go through development and look more and more like a plant. Then the first small leaflets appear which give indications of development and progress. The sun and moisture continue and do not give up and once a bean really becomes a plant grown with leaves and a reinforced structure. Is that all? NOT! The sun and moisture continue and the stem develops its potential by developing a legume with green fruits. Eventually there is a ripe legume with new peas. Sun and moisture represent perseverance and faith! If you have already deeply incorporated all the previous ways of this book into your new lifestyle, you will surely follow this seventh way until one day your dreams and your desires really become reality. This support is the final word of this book and it is my pleasure to be connected by the same energy of our thoughts and actions. Happy successful life to you!
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