
Chapter 4- September

Finally a new month, I've slowly been able to start moving around.My mother got me a treadmill, I've been using it constantly.I really take my body for granted, I can't imagine a life paralyzed.So I respect those who are in the situation.I just run for an hour straight and do my same routine I've explained before.I haven't ate much since that pizza and wings.It worries mother but I feel alive.Living off Apples, Ground beef and water.A steady combination that allows achievements.I finish running as I clean the sweat off with a rag.I look around the room to not let my legs get worn out I walk around it.Again I still feel accompanied, like something is with me in this room.Maybe a lost relatives spirit lives on with me, but I don't don't really believe in shit like that.Well I'm done with working out so I head to go shower, by now this shower just gets worse.It leaking from the shower head so some of the water hits the wall.I wear my sandals because the floors are a mess.I shower as I feel comfortable, I start to jokingly sing along to I get around by The Beach Boys.I sing it childishly as I feel a strong breeze.I finish up showering as I turn off the water and put a towel on.I walk out and exit the room as I see through the window is another home across from here.I look through its window, seeing darkness.I see a shadowy figure in through the glass.this scares me as I walk quickly to my room to change.I go in the closet and get a pair of socks, underwear, striped blue shirt and Khaki pants.I change up as I apply lotion and deodorant.I sit on my bed and stare out the balcony and feel the fresh air come in."Glenn ! Glenn !" Yells mother as I reply "Hold on !" I replied as I walked downstairs.I see she's brought in this grandfather clock.Still working, she has it dragged in with my uncle."Glenn, help your uncle carry this upstairs please." She asks as I grab the upper side and he grabs the lower side.We start walking step by step upstairs and leave it near the railing."good job kid, now come eat…" he says as I reply "eat what ?" We walk downstairs and he says "your mother got these nice steaks imma cook up." He says as we enter the kitchen.It's a small dining room area and to its left is a bathroom.Following along the left side is the kitchen.It has a small table with two plastic chairs.Further is a custom made soda fridge, with a glass frame.It's ironically filled with mostly waters and not much soda.I sit as my uncle starts to cook up the steaks.My mother joins me and says "So Glenn, you are excited to go tomorrow with my friend and her daughter to the park ?" She says as I confused haven't heard of this."What, no I'm not going…" i says as she asks angered "why not ?" I feel too scared and embarrassed to say how I truly feel, "I just don't want to, please don't make me.." I say as she replies annoyed "I'm not making you, god why do you all assume I make you do something-" she says as my uncle cuts her off, "it's not what he meant, just let him stay I'll have him help me shower the dog." He says with a smug as the dog enters and lays under the table angered."Alright that's fine with me…" she says as the steaks are still being made.The sizzling as it stains nice with the complimented flavors.I sit there wondering of what my friends are doing right now in life, we're all adults now."Hey Ma so when do I leave again ?" I ask as she looks away awkwardly, "mom when do I leave ?" I say again as she says "I heard you….just I didn't know how to say this, umm…Glenn honey…..you're gonna leave until October….is that okay ?" She says as I smile and say "sure I'd love that….more time with you all is nice…more peaceful than fighting over there." I say as my uncle has prepared my steak and placed it for me on the table.He is about to get my mothers as I start to eat with my fork and knife in hand.Excited to knowing I'll be here longer.I eat with excitement.

We finished up as I say Goodnight to them both and head back upstairs.The lights are off which is no big deal.I walk in the dark as that damn clock scares me, it hits 9 pm.The sounds haunts me as I jump, I shrug it off and head for my room.Angered now I turn on the television and flip through channel and see they're playing Singin' In The Rain, the part where Gene Kelly is, we'll singing in the rain.Such a beautiful movie with amazing casting.I can't get over this film, what's the luck that it happened to play now.

I slept that night feeling hollow, alone mentally.O haven't been outside in a month, only form of sunlight is the balcony.September is a mediocre month for me, my uncle offered to buy me a Polaroid camera if I promise to try in college.I felt awful that I needed to be bribe to try in life.I feel it's a basic necessity to be ready and willing to try.This months been slow as it's about to be October, just an endless cycle of nothingness.I am sitting in my room and I bet you're wondering what was in that gift box.Well- oh no." Ahhhh" yells my mother from her room as my and my uncle rush in."what the hells going on ?" Ask my uncle as she says "there's a rat …no no no no…" she yells as she runs out the room and into mine.She closes it as she tells us "kill the little fucker !".Me and my uncle get in her room as he locks it."Look you grab and I'll kill it in one blow…" he says as I say "why not just let it free ?" To which he says "rats are awful creatures, they carry disease like nothing, they're Airplanes for Viruses and plagues.." he says as we search around the room.I look near the window and next to the washer and dryer.Dolby looks around the television then heads for the bathroom.He slowly creeps up to the curtain and slides it open to see the rat in the shower drain, it stuck its foot on it.It whimpers as its in pain."I found it…" he says as I enter the bathroom with him."Grab him…" he says as I quickly get him loose aggressively put the drain, it broke its foot.I apologize to it as my uncle pulls out a switchblade. "don't apologize to it…" he says as i hold on it to it."Well I didn't do nothing to me-" I say until the little fucker bite my hand."Ahh the little fucker bit my hand….!!!"I yell as I accidentally let it loose.It runs out the bathroom and heads for the door.Me and my uncle follow as it's a literal cat and mouse chase.I almost get it as it runs for behind the washer."You wait for it on that side to catch it, imma scare it out…" says Dolby as he heads for behind the washer.He shakes it as the rat runs towards me, I miss it as it rushes towards the Television.It hides under it as my uncle shakes the television, scaring it towards me again and I finally catch the son of a bitch."Hurry kill it…" I say as he yells "take in the bathroom, I don't wanna get blood on this floor." He says as we rush in there.I hold it down tightly as my uncle says "goodnight you Mickey Mouse Fuck…!!" He holds the blade steady against its head and goes for one good stab at it.He does it successfully and kills it.It's blood mushes out into the drain as I get some on my hands."Christ go wash up…" he says as I let go of its lifeless body.It's twitching as my uncle picks it up and runs out the bathroom and heads for the window.He throws it out the window, into the street."You cleaning up ?" He asks me as I yell back "yes".Banging is heard on the door as my mom says "did you get it ?" To which my uncle replies "yea you're all good " he opens the door and lets her back in."Oh thank goodness you two are here , I don't know what I'd do….Dolby you know I really hate rats…." She tells him as I exit the restroom.I stand against the door as she lays on her bed again.Dolby exits and heads back downstairs.I stand there awkwardly until M&M enters."

This weekend you guys gotta shower him again alright ? " she says as I walk away slowly.

That damn rat left a bit mark on my hand.Little bastard, last time I show sympathy.Well anyway that gift box, it was a late birthday gift from the girl from my little birthday dinner.I guess I left things awkward, well she gave me a sling shot toy.I tried it out yesterday with some rocks I got in the balcony.It works perfect, she was a sweet girl.October is soon and I should make Amends with her before I leave.