
Chapter 6 - November

November Rain, a timely occasion.It rains so much you'd think trees would grow through some houses.Which fun fact, a decade ago, there was a big tree growing in the front entrance of our home.A nice sized tree, I wondered how the hell they got rid of it.It looked deep rooted in the home, all I know is mother says the axe they used to cut it is still here.It's locked in our garage area, the garage area is a special place. a lot had happened there, Back in 96' my uncle Dolby told me stories of my uncle in Prison who used to do Cock fights, that's when 2 chicken would fight for entertainment and some occasional gambling.Guess what the loser got, it got chopped up by my uncle and cleaned and cooked up for the winner of the chicken to eat.That seems so cruel doesn't it, I told you earlier this whole families a mess of problems.Like my other uncle in prison, my mother never told me they got him on robbing banks in Mexico but she always said "he's an innocent man…he was their escape goat…" some nonsense like that.Well Anyways the garage, In 2004, the year I was born, my Dolby had some of his friends come over to play poker, his girlfriend at the time would cook em food since the kitchen is right next to the garage, it's a door away.Well she'd cook and by this time my mother wasn't in Mexico no more. just Dolby and the girlfriend, he didn't really love her. Well in August of that year he got a call from America that I was born, he apparently was so excited he lost count of how much he lost, Forty-Thousand pesos, now I know now that's at least two thousand dollars.Which is a lot of money but imagine in 2004, the change in price through the years.I'm not good at math, never was but I know it was probably worth more.My mom found out about this and was furious but in the end it was his hard earned money he lost and that girlfriend wasn't his girlfriend no more after that day.

That damn garage is scared to us, i remember it there's a staircase in the garage that leads to a little room for our dogs.Yes I said dogs, we had 4 to 5, I can't remember em all but I know one of them was a golden retriever we had with a broken leg, so it walked kind wonky.Well that room had a little sink, when I was a baby I remember mama use to shower me there like I was a dog.I loved it then but hate knowing it happened now.Well I forgot what happened to those dogs, probably dead now.Gosh I remember walking up these same stairs to see mama giving the dogs a bath and at the corner of my eye I saw a rat, I was about 8 or 9 but I sure knew a difference between a dog and a rat."Rat rat, look Ma a rat …" I said as she jumped, she ran downstairs and grabbed me along to leave.She closed the garage door and called one of my uncles to kill it.Dolby as usual gets in there but to his surprise one of the dogs killed it.The dogs just playing with it, with its paws it rolls it around like a ball, a hairy, mushy ball.

Now at Eighteen, I can see this house has a lot of history with our family.Mama said her parents built this house from scratch and she remembers when the bathroom in the kitchen was never there.And that upstairs was just one room so far, now it's all finished up.Four bedrooms, Two bathrooms, a garage and even an balcony.My mother did finish making the home after my grandparents passing.Well I can't forget to mention my latest dog, M&M.My uncle and I went to pick him up when he was a puppy.An old man had dozens of little puppies, all sorts.I loved them all, played with them.Then M&M was a feisty one, he scratched my arm then bit me.It was hurt but it felt so adorable.So I picked him out of the bunch, little fat bastard still kicking now.Doesn't play as much anymore which is really my fault.I don't give much activity expect for the walk Dolby takes him on everyday for him to use go poop or pee.He's very well trained, since he arrived.Mom disciplined him to not poop in the home or even pee unless it was an emergency he'd go in one of the bathrooms.Yes like a human, he'd go in the shower and shit or pee on the floor.He is very well behaved but he has his moments.Him and duchess are a crazy pair, if one's fighting one dog the others chasing another.

Well, November 16 is the day.Mother was close to booking my ticket and I was all ready.My uncle and I were preparing to pack things up, we had meats and cheese and candies to send with me.It was 5 duffle bags and one carry-on bag.We're doing this in the living room as my mother gets me my bag full of my passport and papers I need.

"Well that should be it….." says Dolby as he sits on the couch in exhaustion.I sit as well on the other couch as my mother sits with us.She looks through the papers as I tell a story.

"You know, in Texas, in 1975.This guy….he kidnapped this other guy and forced him in room for I think it was 2-3 weeks, with no food and water.Just pure darkness in there and when looked further….it was stated he did it in the name of god…..or something like that…." I say as they both are at shock.Dolby asks curiously "how'd they catch him and what happened to the other man….?" I fix my posture and reply "well when cops got to the home, they saw the killer was dead, a police officer was dead and upstairs….the man still in the room was dead….missing fingers and was bleeding from his head….." I say as my uncle at awe says "maybe the crest bastard cut em off and slammed his head on the walls….I mean imagine 2-3 weeks in a box with no light, food or water….that's torture…." Says Dolby as my mother turns on the tv now.It's showing Monty Python, it's on the Every sperm is sacred scene, hilarious scene and brilliant movie.We laugh at this as my mother looks at my passport and looks at my passport, "oh look at you….and that hairstyle….so hideous…." She says jokingly as she shows it around.Dolby grabs ahold and says "Jesus Christ, look how fat you looked….I mean really am proud of the hard work you've done to lose that weight…" says Dolby as he hands over the passport. "Well I'm not done yet? I gotta be at least 140 pounds…." I reply ad Dolby says "oh don't worry about a number of it, if you feel different, then you've had change….hell I seen you running on that treadmill for hours and doing push-ups and sit-ups like nothing….plus when you got here you were fat and hunchbacked…..Now look at you…..Well-postured and looking in good shape." He says as I humbly say "thank you, thank you …" I say as I look At my passport.Now I have seen something I didn't expect "mom, the expiration date, it's on November 10 of this year...is that bad…? " I ask as she quickly gets the passport in disbelief and says "what…..oh no…no no no …..this is bad sweetheart….damn it...why didn't we check this, how do we forget this ?" She says aloud as Dolby gets up and looks next to her and sees the passport."Well I'll unpack the things…." He says as My mother looks at me in shock and I look at her on confusion. "what now mom ?" I ask as she replies "well now ….I…..I gotta…..I don't know but I'll figure it out…" she says as she rushes upstairs to make a phone call.I sit there in shock as I look at M&M, he's laying on the floor, careless to what's happening.Dolby is opening the duffle bags up as he calls on me "Glenn, come help me unpack this stuff please…" he says bitterly as I just watch the tv in a hypnotic spell, it is a really good movie.

It's now The last week of this miserable month, I awoke to my balcony window open, but no one in sight.I rush to my moms room to see she's not there, then check downstairs to Dolby's room and he's not here also.I now hear M&M's paws walking towards me, he ignores me and heads upstairs.He walks like he's young again, it's odd.He is on the floor next to the that awful clock.I look into the numbers, I hear the machinery at work as it goes spinning.I can respect the craft of making a clock like this, some are cheap made but a person can really take care and love into making one.Well I feel a weird sensation as I look into the clock more I feel a nose bleed.It falls from my lip and drips on to the floor, splashing on M&M.He gets up quickly and whimpers away.He's standing in Moms room now.I go quickly and enter the bathroom in there and clean up the nose bleed with toilet paper.I now feel a bit light headed and a headache at the same time, it's absurd how it feels.I see now blood dripping more from both nostrils, it burns.I turn the faucet on and the cold water does no good.I rush for the shower and turn it, to my surprise the water comes out dirty.It feels so cold so I just couldn't wait, I bathed in the dirty cold water, it cleaned up the blood and the burning stopped.I rushed out, wet and dirty.I walk out the room to seeing M&M laying next to that clock.I furiously walk to my room and ignore it.I take of my shirt and shorts and just walk around in my Underwear.I put on my sandals and dry up with my towel.I head downstairs, angered and hungry now.I get a milk box and make a Nutella sandwich.I smeared the Nutella on the bread slices and made two of them.I put it on a plate and walk back upstairs angered.With the milk in one hand and plate in another I look at M&M still sleeping there."I could kill you." I say as I hover the plate near his face.He ignores it and sleeps, I walk back into my room and lay in bed.I put on the tv and see a channel playing Reservoir dogs, the best scene.The dance scene always gets me, it lightens my mood up as I sing along with the song playing.I just realized, I'm trapped in Mexico now.