RONN: The Navigating Hunk



Huge waves greeted Ronn's ship as they patrolled the northern region of the country. A massive wave hit them and capsized their ship, and they immediately rushed into the sea to prevent sinking. He discovered a piece of the container and created buoyancy, but he was sunk by one of his colleagues. He pursued the swim while also pulling the container, and they both pulled the pull. "Aahhh!" yelled a shark after biting his leg. He thought it is a shark, but it was not like what he was seen all in his dreams. This time it is not a dream, a reality while they were patrolling at the sea.

Their almost century ship been sunk due to the massive storm that hit them when their captain avoided the big 1000-footer oil tanker toward their vicinity at the northern part of the archipelago. Most of the crews are adept at the waters, fighting for survival and finding buoyancy to survive. One of them grab Ronn's feet and tried to steal his buoy, that is when he thinks he was bitten by shark but it is not. Nevertheless, he was able to fight for his own survival he did not want to lose his last resorts of giving the opportunity to of the level in which he could give help to his parents.

There were so many floating buoys, but why was his comrade stealing what he already had? He drew a buoy close to him and attempted to push it away from his pompous but nervous friend. He thanked him after receiving the buoy with a smile. Their Captain took a head count and then told them to be calm and not leave the group. They floated in the sea for more than eight hours, knowing that rescue would be delayed due to inclement weather. They attached each end of their rope to their buoy so that they could not be separated. Their Captain was able to send a message to the Base about what had happened to them, but because it was still dark and the weather was horrible, he made sure that the rescuer would arrive the next day.

A helicopter and a new Navy frigate arrived to rescue them around dawn. They were all only slightly harmed, with scars and small wounds from the enormous waves that battered them as they floated in the sea. They were rescued one by one and transferred to the Navy's new frigate, before the larger ship arrived to salvage the sunken ship's remaining equipment. When the weather and sea calmed down, their Captain instructed them to place a buoy or sign in the location to destroy the sunken ship's parts.

When they got to the shore, there were already ambulances, and the reporters were distracted by the news that a ship had sunk, and they were waiting for an update from the authorities. They are frequently sent to the Base since they have their own healthcare equipment and are individually examined. Those with wounds have been admitted to the hospital bunker; he has no scars or wounds, and he is also calm, especially when they are at sea, because they are used to such experiences in their province, where they sometimes experience when fishing that the weather suddenly turns bad, causing their boat to sink and they must still be salvaged as well as their nets. Because they could afford to lose the net and just buy fishing equipment in their stead, because one volume of them was nearly equal to two sacks of rice.

The Commodore also arrived and inquired about the status of his men; the Commodore cursed at him and inquired about his health. Because of their Commodore's special treatment of him, one of his coworkers was probably jealous of it in a subtle way.

They are news headlines from newspapers, radio, and television. So, his father quickly phoned their Commodore and informed him about his and the rest of the army's predicament. His father's concerns were allayed because he was most likely in good health. The Commodore also spoke with his father, greeting him and telling him not to worry about them, making him feel relieved that nothing horrible had happened in their area.

He'd heard about what had happened in their neighborhood, which had been struck by the prior powerful storm. He communicates with his acquaintances but has no information source. So, he decided to take a vacation to assess the damage caused by the hurricane. He went to the Commodore's office to request a two-week leave of absence because he had not yet used his allowed leave. The Commodore granted him permission and told him to return soon before the conclusion of his leave; he remained mute for a time but agreed with the Commodore's assertion.

After his leave of absence was accepted, he returned to his aunt's house. His aunt hugged him, crying and thanking God that he had returned safely to her house.

"How are you feeling, Ronn?" his aunt inquired, concerned. "Aren't you hurt? Is there no physical wound on your body? ", His Aunt kept asking, intrigued by him.

"Don't worry, Aunt," Ronn said. "I'm in good shape, and I wasn't wounded even if I didn't have any scars," he added. "I'm used to such a situation at sea, and I can't count how many times we've had such an incident at sea," he reassured his aunt.

"Thank God!" exclaimed his aunt. "God heard my prayer," his aunt stated. "I didn't have any news there; the typhoon was strong, and many places were destroyed," his aunt explained. "All-powerful God!" Please do not allow our family members to have a horrible experience there."

"I'm leaving for the province tomorrow," he told his aunt. "I also said my goodbyes to the office," he explained.

"Virgilio, Commodore?" his aunt questioned, surprised. "Did you bid him farewell?"

"Yes," Ronn said, smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" His Aunt said, a sneer on her face.

"Is there anything I don't know?" he smiled at his blushing aunt. But he already knows that Commodore is looking into his aunt, but he doesn't know how the two are getting along.

"Hmmmp!, I'm not sure about you!" His Aunt said, smiling. "Get dressed, and we'll buy the items you'll bring to meet you," he said.

"Yes, Aunt, we will!" he said as he headed up to his room to dress.

He and his aunt, went to the grocery shop after getting ready to get items for him to take home from the province. The majority of their purchases were canned goods, coffee, milk, sugar, and noodles. He always bought a battery-powered flashlight and a gas-powered light lamp. His Aunt pleased as she observed him purchasing a special perfume.

"Will you meet your girlfriend, is that for her?" His Aunt inquired, smiling.

"Yes," he said shyly.

They prepared two boxes full of groceries and others, and ate at a local diner before returning to his aunt's house. He packed his belongings to carry home when they returned to his aunt's place.

His aunt accompanied him to the provincial terminal the next day.

"Be careful on the trip, Ronn," his aunt said. "Say hello to everybody and let me know how they are right now so that my mindset remains tranquil," she continued.

"Yes, thank you very much Aunt," he murmured as he left.

"You must be returning," she reminded him. "Your future will not be accomplished if you only fish and plant, especially since strong storms always pass through our area," his aunt continued, and the two have already said their goodbyes.

When he boarded the bus, he couldn't get the reminder and command from his aunt, as well as Commodore, out of his head. They recognize that he will never return to the military, but they insist that we don't know what the future holds unless we try. The bus he was travelling had stopped at the terminals twice, but tiredness had not visited him. Myriad enters his consciousness, things he must carefully assess. It took them over twelve hours to return to the province, so he would be at the port for their island at six o'clock in the morning, where the passenger boats would arrive.

Huge waves greeted Ronn's ship as they patrolled the northern region of the country. A massive wave hit them and capsized their ship, and they immediately rushed into the sea to prevent sinking. He discovered a piece of the container and created buoyancy, but he was sunk by one of his colleagues. He pursued the swim while also pulling the container, and they both pulled the pull. "Aaaaaahhh!" exclaimed the conductor as they approached the harbor. He said to himself, "I also fell asleep." What do those dreams signify, and why is that still my dream? As he organized his luggage for the trip down to the harbor, he wondered aloud.

They will wait for the passenger boat to arrive, and when it arrives, the contents will be unloaded, including copra, hemp, and other island items that will be sold to the city. The items acquired by merchants in their area, such as daily usage or consumption, will then be loaded (rice, sugar, and so on). That's what you see on passenger boats that cruise once every three weeks, or only twice if the trade product is weak or limited.

He was excited by the sight he saw on the voyage, the big ocean where they grew up fishing. That brings up memories of their adventures in the ocean together. When he saw what their place looked like, he was devastated and depressed. Trees and coconuts that would otherwise have been fallen, as well as dwellings that have been demolished or are without a roof. It was as if a bomb had exploded around them; the surroundings were dazzling, but there were no neat trees or coconuts to be seen; virtually all of them had been stripped bare by the previous strong storm.

He could see their municipality in the distance, and the roof had been ripped off. The folks on the shore looked miserable, as if the boats were being shattered by an ax. People greeted him instantly when the boat touched down. They were aware that he was a full-fledged Navy member. His luggage carried by Dagul while he simply followed. His eyes were searching for something, but he knew he wouldn't find it because his lover had no idea he was leaving.

"Awesome Sir!" Dagul exclaimed, smiling. "You become more of an actor; you look a lot like the actor in the movie, whose name I forgot," Dagul continued.

"You're joking with me again," Ronn said to his friend.

"No, Sir. "It's not flattery, it's the truth," he insisted.

"Don't blame me; I'm still your childhood pal," he said.

"It simply is! We are overjoyed for you! I believe you will be the next Chief of Police here when the Chief retires," Dagul continued.

"Oh, that won't happen Dagul, I'm a Navy officer, not a cop," he continued.

His mother, who was currently sewing her younger siblings' briefs, was astonished when he arrived, and he kissed her, crying as his mother comforted him.

"Ronnnn," his mother wept as she wrapped her arms around him. They were long in that order, and if it hadn't been for Terr's curiosity, they wouldn't have parted in a hug. It turned out that more than two years had flown by since their youngest was a newborn; now he was chatty and inquisitive. His other brothers approached as he loaded it. Zedd and Gerr are already adults; therefore, he expects them to graduate from high school anytime soon.

"Big brother Ronn!" they said, as they embraced the big brother with joy.

"How are you doing? Did you study well?" he joked to them, knowing they would study hard.

"Of course, big brother, we always do well in school."

His siblings were pleased to welcome him because he had already pulled out his luggage. They've only had chocolate from Menin once. He gave his mother a lovely duster to meet her, which made her quite happy. They each have gifts, especially for his girlfriend. His mother informed him that their father and Rocc were on the farm, gathering food such as sweet potatoes, bananas, and cassava. Because Hubb is in town studying mechanics, Rocc is his father's fishing buddy, which he laments.

"Brother, big sister Menin often comes here on her vacation and she always takes us to the beach for a walk and she always has something to say about you," Gerr explained.

"She also always mentions you and then bursts into tears," she added. "However, big sister became more attractive, and her complexion became smoother; she even topped the actress on television," she said about their big sister Menin. He simply grinned as he listened to its stories.

He went to the harbor in the afternoon to await the arrival of his father and Rocc. As the father and son continued to paddle, he could already see their boat. Rocc was overjoyed to meet him and hug him as the boat docked.

"Big bro! " Your form is different now ah, you look like an actor," Rocc boasted while hugging him. He waved to his father, it was only quiet and silent. He already knew why he was quiet, his unexpected homecoming. They bathed in the sea together after lugging the freight of their boat. They told him what had occurred to him during his two-year absence from their home. Rocc did the same, and when he left, he also told them stories about their life. Rocc also described what happened during the typhoon's peak and how they escaped. Stories that impacted on Ronn's will, leading to unpleasant suspicions about what might have transpired. Negative thoughts associated with attachment, as well as negative thoughts associated with the queries "What if?".

They rinsed in the well after bathing in the sea. Rocc was really aromatic, and he had some shampoo and soap that he had just used to shampoo his hair. He gave Rocc the welcome watch, a German diver's watch he had purchased from a shipmate when he was in trouble and needed money.

"Wow! Rocc was thrilled with his present. "Cool!" he exclaimed excitedly, "even though it's really dark in the sea, I can still see the time and direction in the sea." "Thank you, Big Bro," he added, smiling.

"It's the same watch as Hubb's; I'll hand it to him when we meet," Ronn explained.

They spent so long on the balcony with his father after dinner.

"Did you see what you went through?" said his father, faintly but authoritatively.

"Yes," Ronn said.

"There is no career or income here after the typhoon; it will be four to five years before the coconuts are valuable again," his father explained.

"What transpired through your mind that brought you here?" his father inquired. "You know yourself and have witnessed this incident; on Sunday, you will return to the Base," his father stated authoritatively.

"I have two weeks off," he said hesitantly. Her father entered the home discreetly, and Ronn was also quietly left on the balcony. He asked his mother for permission to go to Menin's residence first. His mother gave him permission.

Tok! Tok! Tok! "Hello!" Ronn said as he approached Menin's residence. Menin's mother welcomed her in by opening the door. He waved to her and saluted Menin's father as well.

"How are you?" she inquired. "The more you become a soldier, the more handsome you become!" she exclaimed.

"Thank you, by God's help, I have completed the course," he said kindly.

"Are you a full soldier?" Menin's mother inquired, smiling.

"Yes," Ronn answered respectfully.

"By the way, Menin is simply on vacation when she returns; you'll see her in town when you return to Base," she remarked, smiling. "Wait a minute while I type Menin's address; it's close to the college she attends," she continued.

"Thank you," he said as he walked out of the room from the couple. When he got out, he noticed the girl at the gate and thought to himself it was Menin, if she doesn't just turn around.

Menin's younger sister greeted him with a smile, "Big Bro Ronn!"

"Wow! "You're already a lovely lady, how are you?" he asked the girl, smiling.

"Dear brother, your return date is inaccurate. "My sister only comes home here on vacation," she replied with a smile, like Menin, although the girl is simply whiter than his partner; they are actually sisters. Her grin is very appealing due to her white and beautiful teeth.

"It's fine," Ronn said. "I just came here to check on the situation; the typhoon badly wrecked our neighborhood; it's a good thing you're safe and no one was wounded," he added.

"That's true, big bro, but that incident was terrifying; it was really dark, and then there was super strong wind and rain," Sally said sadly.

"Let's cheer up, let's still thank God that nothing awful happened to all of you," he reassured the girl.

"So, big bro, when are you returning to the Base?" the girl said of Ronn.

"After a week, I took two weeks off from office," he replied to the girl's inquiry.

"Ahhh, are you coming to see my big sister?" the girl inquired again, smiling.

"Yes, your Mama provided me her city address; I will drop by when I return to Base," Ronn assured.

"Uuuyyy! "She misses my sister," the girl said, softening toward her sister's boyfriend.

"I heard you already have a boyfriend?" he pretended to inquire of the young lady.

"None, big bro!" exclaimed the girl angrily. "Whom I like is foolish and doesn't pay attention," the girl frowned. "Just ignore it, and we'll be together all the time but nothing will happen," the girl added.

"Perhaps he's simply looking for the right moment, or maybe he's ashamed of you, especially because you're so gorgeous and so white," he mocked the girl.

"I'm not sure about that; I can't be concerned as long as he continues to be kind, diligent, courteous, and thoughtful." "I don't look at appearance or condition," the girl explained.

"All right, I'm going home, better your studies, love comes naturally at the perfect moment," he added as he walked away.

"Thank you, big bro, and take care," she added.

He missed fishing at sea and encouraged Rocc to accompany him. But Rocc is disappointed since the catch fish is relatively thin after the storm. They only capture roughly five to ten kilos of fish. It is considered to be monotonous, and other fishermen will sometimes ask for a dish because there is no catch. But he still encouraged them to go to sea, and they carried his recently purchased flashlight, which was unusually bright because there was no electricity in their area, and the gas lamp they use at home.

It is always be late at night when they set sail, and Rocc will be singing while paddling as usual. He's now singing "Soldier of Fortune" by Deep Purple.

I have often told you stories about the way

I lived the life of a drifter

Waiting for the day

When I'd take your hand and sing you songs

Then maybe you would say

"Come lay with me and love me"

And I would surely stay

But I feel I'm growing older

And the songs that I have sung

Echo in the distance

Like the sound

Of a windmill going round

Guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune

Many times I've been a traveller

I looked for something new

In days of old when nights were cold

I wandered without you

But those days I thought my eyes had seen you standing near

Though blindness is confusing

It shows that you're not here

Now I feel I'm growing older

And the songs that I have sung

Echo in the distance

Like the sound

Of a windmill going round

Guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune

I can hear the sound

Of a windmill going round

Guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune

I guess I'll always be

A soldier of fortune…

Ronn was simply calmly listening to his brother's singing when he remembered Hubb, who was constantly singing in duet with Rocc. Rocc's voice is pleasing to the ear, especially in slow rock songs; he also knows how to play the guitar, which he enjoys doing. But he didn't want to ask if he was drinking as well. Rocc will resume singing after being reprimanded because he witnessed a large flockschool of fish. So they started casting their nets into the sea, as usual in a circular motion, to corner the school of fish. After casting the net, they also dropped the boat's anchor to sleep for a while before hauling it up before sunrise.

They fell asleep, and when Ronn awoke at the crack of dawn, he roused Rocc. They had a brunch of stewed sweet potatoes and coffee. They then began to pull on the net. Rocc's excitement at seeing how many capture fishes they had was incredible.

"Thank God and the fish are back, you're the only one waiting for the rest of the fish to return," Rocc exclaimed joyfully as they drew the net and loaded it onto the boat. It took a while for them to get the net up, which was actually full of, in addition to their enormous catfish and a number of valuable fish.

Many people on the beach greeted them, astounded at what they saw in their boat as it approached the land. Because of the massive number of fish, they had caught, their boat was nearly underwater. Only now have they seen so many catches, and they have one thing in mind: Ronn, who they think is a very kind lucky son to a parent. Apart from being sober, nice, and polite, he is also quite handsome.

"You truly are the Best, Sir!" exclaimed Dagul as he greeted the two. "You're the jackpot King again, the only one the fish are waiting for here," he exclaimed joyfully.

"That's right," Ronn said. They took fish to grills and he prepared something special for Menin's folks. "You handle it," he said to Dagul.

"All right, Sir, Sir yeah Sir!" he replied, smiling. The people who assist in removing the fish from the net receive just the correct dish, and they don't take any sales because they respect Ronn's family, and because their compassion to them is so returned, they do good. No one interferes with their net, even if they simply leave it in the boat, because they are still guarding it, and no one dares to meddle. Apart from his father, who is the Chief of Police, most people respect him and his family.

He chose to return to their Base more than a week later. He'd take two cartons of dried wailing fish and twenty more pieces of enormous crabs that Rocc and Ronn had captured in the glare the night before, as usual. He has also bid goodbye to Menin's parents, as well as his friends and childhood buddies, of whom he is extremely proud. He also bid goodbye to his brothers and mother, who is once again saddened by his departure, particularly Rocc, who would be left alone to work at sea.

Rocc accompanied him to the dock the next day and assisted him in loading his stuff. Then he went home silently, not even waiting for the passenger boat to depart. He knew what was going through his brother's mind, the sadness he felt, the enormous burden he had left behind, and Hubb. He pledged in his head, before the boat's engine started, that we would likewise rise in difficulty, and he placed his palm on his breast as a token of his dedication to his brothers and parents, and especially to those he loved. He dozed off during the trip since the trip at sea lasted over two hours and passengers dozed off occasionally, especially when the sea was calm.