RONN: The Navigating Hunk



Huge waves greeted Ronn's ship as they patrolled the northern region of the country. A massive wave hit them and capsized their ship, and they immediately rushed into the sea to prevent sinking. He discovered a piece of the container and created buoyancy, but he was sunk by one of his colleagues. He pursued the swim while also pulling the container, and they both pulled the pull. "Aahhh!" his crewmate said as they approached the port. What do those dreams signify every time he leaves the place, and why is that still my dream? As he organized his luggage for the trip down to the harbor, he wondered aloud.

He suppresses his usual dream, just like he did before. They would eat first, as is customary, before taking a jeepney to the city, from where he will take a bus to the city where his aunt also resides. However, he will first pass by his lover and present her with the welcome perfume. He went down to the area near his brother's boarding house where he was studying. Hubb happened to be outside at the time and was pleased to see him, so he assisted him with his luggage and escorted him into his tenant.

"How are you, Big Bro?" he inquired of his elder brother. "You've turned into more of an actor alike now, ah, perhaps you have a lot of caretakers there," he joked.

"Your utter nonsense, how are you here?" Ronn smiled back at his brother. "This is it; I'm giving it to you," he said, handing up a bag of dried fish.

"Wow, it's delicious!" exclaimed the brother. "Didn't I have a gift from you?" Hubb said softly of his brother.

"You'll be lost," Ronn said. He also hands in his brother's gift, which was also a diver's watch like Rocc's.

"Wow! Great! ", Hubb exclaimed excitedly. "Thank you, Big Bro, I'll get something back to you next time," he remarked proudly to his brother.

"I'll leave the thing that I'll take to Manila first and go see Menin first; she had no idea I was going home, so I'll surprise her," Ronn said to his brother.

"OK, Brother, when are you returning to Base?", Hubb inquired.

"Perhaps tomorrow or later," Ronn said. "OK, I'll just take a shower, and when I see Menin, she won't be in school today because it's Sunday," Ronn explained. He entered the bathroom, had a shower, and then changed into Menin's favorite and presented polo shirt.

"Wow, my brother is a really look like movie actor, you must eat first," Hubb said as he hugged his brother.

"Don't bother, Menin and I will eat together," he added as he kissed his brother farewell.

"OK, be careful, brother, do you know where Menin's address is?", Hubb inquired.

"Her mother gave me her address," he said, thrilled that he was leaving with his greeting to his girlfriend.

Menin would have needed to rest now because it was Sunday, but her classmates and friends Elsa, Rebekka, Leanne, and Sergio arrived just as she completed doing her laundry. They will conduct their study, which must be completed because it is due the next day. They're standing next to one other on Menin's tenant's balcony. Sergio pays great attention to Menin; he is the one who is aggressively wooing her, despite the fact that she has stated that she already has a lover. Menin chastised him multiple times and stated she would never exchange her lover, but it didn't stop since he said he wouldn't believe and stop flirting as long as he didn't see Menin's alleged boyfriend.

While doing study, they consume a burger given by classmates. When Ronn saw Menin with him, who was still holding the man in his arms and wiping the girl's lips with a tissue, he was jealous and sad. He was both angry and sad towards the girl. Because of his mestizo appearance and good shape, the man is attractive and appears wealthy. Sergio noticed the attractive young man staring at them and feigned to rub the girl's shoulder. Rebekka also saw the man standing in the corner; he was so attractive and masculine that she couldn't take her gaze away from him. Menin turned to look at what Rebekka was saying to the girl, but no one was standing there.

"You're simply imagining it, because all you can think about is handsome," Menin teased her buddy.

Sergio also deviated, saying, "That's because you're still fantasizing even though you already have a lover." But he knew it was Menin who the attractive man was staring at when he abruptly departed, and when he saw him hugging the girl, he smiled and said to himself, "Victory!"

"It's not a dream, he's carrying a green paper bag," the girl explained. "He is so handsome and tall, and based on his conduct here, it appears that someone is looking for him, but his countenance immediately darkens," the friend added. Menin was apprehensive, so she stopped what she was doing and went out to the tenant, then hurried to the corner where her buddy had suggested. Except for the food vendors, there was no one at the corner. She was much more scared and sorrowful on her face as she looked about for what the young man's companion was saying. But it's difficult since Ronn is on the ship, and if he returns, he'll almost certainly send a message first. She continued to gaze around as she returned to the tenant, hoping her friend would notice what she was saying.

Ronn hid when he spotted Menin; he wanted to discuss and scold his girlfriend, but he didn't. His mouth is fiery, and he is so faithful and smart that he ignores the ladies who like him because he loves her so much. But why is this the case? He questioned himself. Why was she instantly exchanged for that affluent man, aaaahhh!... he contemplated? We are simply impoverished, and they are compatible since they are both rich of living. He returned to Hubb's tenant; his hand clenched.

He picked up his luggage and said his goodbyes to Hubb when he arrived. He stated that he called the office and arranged for his return to Base. When he saw his older brother, he was astonished to see him angry and depressed. He could sense rage on his face and it was pathetic to look at, but he just shrugged his shoulders and noticed his brother. He drove a tricycle to the bus terminal after receiving the greeting for Menin and an expensive perfume in a green paper bag from his brother.

When Ronn arrived at the station, the bus was leaving, so he hopped aboard. But it's alright; it's critical that he get out of here. He claims in his thoughts that he is trying to sleep, yet he sees a man wiping and hugging his girlfriend in his hallucinations. She is no longer his girlfriend since he no longer has a girlfriend, a treacherous girlfriend. He grumbled angrily.

Menin was so agitated by what her buddy said that she fell asleep. But she had previously questioned why Sergio had suddenly removed her shoulder and stroked it. Why didn't she rebuke him earlier, despite the fact that she never allows her lover to touch her, especially when she is being hugged? Sergio seemed to know what Rebekka was saying, so he abruptly diverted her friend's tale, she wondered. She also can't imagine the grief she gets when she thinks about her boyfriend; she misses him terribly and longs to see and hug him. Her feelings for him will never change, and she will never exchange him for anyone else. She cursed herself until she blacked out.

Ronn was deafeningly quiet as he arrived at his aunt's place. He used to be really quiet, and he is much more so today. It was his aunt who came forward to greet Commodore. Her aunt and the Commodore appear to be made for each other. He had already packed his possessions to be transported to the Base, and he was ready to accept his captain's offer to send him to a remote area covered by the country. He is not being pressured because of his link to the Commodore, but he is now heading for a distant location.

Menin was not very uncomfortable a week later, so she went to Ronn's brother's place. They only meet once since they are both busy studying, despite the fact that they merely rent a tricycle rider.

Hubb had just finished cleaning and washing his uniform when she arrived at his flat.

"Hello Hubb, how is the study?" she asked her boyfriend Ronn's brother, smiling.

"How are you, Menin?" You drop by; what's the problem? ", Hubb inquired of his pal. Okay, how was your meeting with Big Brother last week? ", He said with a smile to the girl. Menin was astonished and depressed after hearing what her boyfriend's brother had said.

"Ha! Ronn came home and approached me?", she asked Hubb one by one. So, Rebekka's story to her is accurate.

"I believe you met and talked. But I was shocked, and when he arrived from you, he ran to the bus terminal. "Then there was despair and quiet like fury," Hubb explained. "Are you serious you didn't talk?" he asked the girl.

"No! Menin was overcome with emotion. "I'm in my apartment's balcony with my classmates, we're doing our research, why didn't he come and show me?" the girl wailed.

"Why did he put up with not talking to me?" grumbled the lady.

"Perhaps he doesn't want to bother you because you claimed you were doing something; just stop crying over it," Hubb suggested.

"What's the point of that?" "Your older brother didn't keep talking to me because he was jealous of my classmate putting his arm around me and then wiping my mouth," the girl wailed. "He didn't even wait for my explanation, he just didn't show up," the girl continued to cry, and Hubb felt bad for his brother's girlfriend.

"Wait!" exclaimed Hubb as he entered the room, and something seized it. He walked out carrying a green paper bag, which he handed to her.

"I believe that's for you since your name is printed on it," Hubb added.

Rebekka told her that the handsome guy was carrying a green paper bag, so she took it.

"What am I going to do?" the girl sobbed. "I really love Ronn, and it never occurred to me that I would leave him for someone else, hu!hu!hu!" wailed the girl.

"Come home, simply write to him or call at the Base, but I don't know the contact number there," Hubb consoled his brother's fiancée.

"Your father surely know the number there, Sir Chief," Menin assured Hubb.

"Yes of course! I'm sure he knows the number there," he informed her. Encouraged, the girl will find a ways to communicate with her cherished partner. She said her goodbyes to her friend after they had talked for a bit. She went to see her friend Rebekka to confirm what she had seen the previous week.

"I told you sis, the handsome man I saw in the corner was carrying a green paper bag," Rebekka said confidently.

"Is that it?" Menin asked, pointing to the bag.

"Yeah, that's what he was carrying, why is it with you, hmmmnnn, don't tell me he's your lover!" she delightedly mocked her buddy.

"He is," the sluggish girl responded.

"Is that true? OMG! Why are you sluggish, where is he, and have you spoken to him? ", she asked her friends one by one.

"Because I guess he's upset at me, do you remember when Sergio lied and said your narrative wasn't true, that's why maybe that idiot put his arm around me to show Ronn that I'm his girlfriend," Menin wailed.

"Let him go first, heroes will see that, that idiot is also stupid, I also noticed that he was embracing you, I don't know what, your boyfriend is jealous," her friend soothed her.

"But, sis, you're different; your lover is so attractive; he's like a movie actor!" she said. "It's a shame I didn't chat to him and get to know him; does he have a brother?" said the friend.

"There, he gave it to me earlier, she claimed his older brother left once he recovered and went to my flat," the girl sadly explained.

"Wow! "As for your deception, I hope you brought me along, and if I meet him, make sure he's as attractive as he was with your lover," her buddy remarked. But she didn't make Menin smile, and when Ronn noticed another man supporting her, she burst into tears again. So, the buddy consoled her, even though they were both outraged with Sergio, the exploitative monster. She instantly sent a letter to her boyfriend, in which she stated that her feelings for him had not changed and would never change, and that he was the only one who made her heart beat. She also admitted that a classmate was flirting with her, but she claimed that she already had a boyfriend named Ronn.

Ronn was asked his CO to have duty to a remote part of the country that his peers avoided and refused to duty/visit. As a result, he was unable to read Menin's letter, and he instructed his aunt to hide or discard any mail with the name Menin. He never forgets to sent money to his parents every month in order to help and ease his family's poverty. In some ways, they changed the minds of people who believed there was nothing to gain from being a soldier because they witnessed the challenges of their lives.

Menin's messages to Ronn, whose heart was bleeding freely, received no response two years later. Her boyfriend's fury was too much for her, and she knew in her heart that she was doing nothing wrong and that she would never do something she would later regret. When she went on vacation with them, she requested Ronn's father for a phone number so she could call Ronn and talk to him. She tried to chat to the young man more than a hundred times, but she always failed.

Every day is equivalent to a year. She was eager for Ronn to return home so they could chat, explain, and get along. She was prepared in case he invited her to marry. She had already graduated from college with a BS Accountancy and was working in a bank, so she was ready to establish a family, and Ronn was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Is she still interested in being with Ronn? Is Ronn still in love with her? She was asking herself questions in search of answers. How much longer will she have to wait for Ronn?

Ronn does not want to rest; he is always with him in patrolling the country's oceans. They are constantly confronted by pirates, kidnappers of foreign visitors, and foreign fishermen. Their patrols frequently lead to battle, and he is almost murdered multiple times, but he reminds his Commanding Officer not to warn his family of his condition, no matter how bad, as long as he is alive.

Ronn has had progressed four times in rank in the last six years, from Third Class Petty Officer (PO3) to Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCP) (SCPO). He is on his way to becoming a Commissioned Officer; but, if he had used the connection of Commodore Guevarra, who is now the husband of his aunt Fely, he might already be in the rank of Ensign or Lieutenant, or even higher. But he didn't want that; he wanted him to put in the effort to achieve the award. So, his family was overjoyed, especially his father. He could only talk to his father on the phone; he wanted to go home, but Menin's emotional suffering for him was keeping him back.

They were able to build their house with her monthly wage and are also coping with the difficulty in some way. Hubb became irregular with studies, so their father assigned him to his buddy Brig. General Agoncillo to train in the Army. Rocc, on the other hand, is a college student who went insane and was sent back to their house. He went back to farming and fishing. Gerr and Zedd are currently at college. Zedd was in the BSEEd program, but Gerr got into the PMA because she wanted to be a soldier. Mari has finished a two-year program and has joined the Marine Corps. Terr and Armn were in high school, and Alli, Gean, and Feil were in elementary school. When he went, the youngest was Armn, and three more siblings followed, totaling eleven siblings. Ronn simply smiled at the thought of their father's zeal. But that's okay since the more the merrier, the happier the brothers and sisters are in strong interaction.

He fantasizes about having a large house, especially now that he has eleven siblings and wants to spend time with them all. He will, however, build a house in the barangay of his paternal grandfather, a barangay surrounded by sea water, an island with two barangays. He didn't want their town to build a house, especially if Menin's was nearby. He wants to forget about the girl, or perhaps she's married and no longer a single woman now.

When he was injured in battle, he was granted time to rest but he doesn't to go home for a vacation leave, instead he uses this opportunity for schooling and various Navy courses, such as a year of study to become a naval officer. He has attended school twice in his more than four years in a remote location, courses that will raise his rank. He desired to make those who had insulted him look like just as a soldier, and he desired to be looked up to and admired by those who had violated his dignity, including Menin.

Various pretty girls liked him and flirted with him over those four years; there were socialites, nurses, engineers, architects, policewomen, students, instructors, and so on, but none of them paid attention to him especially that he heard a news about Menin was getting married to a rich businessman. Except for one who doesn't pay attention, doesn't express her feelings, but is always looked after, especially when he is injured in battle. A stunning Princess from the province covered by their fate. Princess Nerih Ellih was the only daughter of the richest Sultan in their province; she was a good doctor who serviced patients for free, especially when they were taken to the hospital they owned, which her father called after her Princess Nerih Ellih Hospital, abbreviated as PNEH in their area.

The Princess, as a doctor, she personally attends to Ronn whenever he is injured in a fight, and his room is so special that he can't afford the expenses here, especially since it is a private hospital. The Princess did not want to reveal how much she adored the young soldier because she was worried Ronn would reject her, and she had heard that he did not pay attention to the women in their neighborhood, including international tourists, which further fueled the Princess's affections and delighted her heart. Ronn is also aware that the doctor Princess likes him, and it's not like other ladies are obstructing his ability to observe that he despises her. The doctor, on the other hand, is strange, but he is also doubtful because he is just a humble soldier and the Princess doctor is very gorgeous and very wealthy.

"Why are you doing this to me?" the young soldier wondered of the Princess Doctor.

"Ha…ah…eh…, I'm a doctor, you're my patient, so I have to take care of you," the Princess stammered and confusedly responded to the young soldier's inquiry, which made her like melting just by his stare.

"Why do you treat me so special, every time I have an accident and have to go to the hospital, you are always the one who takes particular care of me?" with the young man's authority in the princess's treatment of him.

For a brief period, the young doctor was motionless, thinking about what she had always memorized in case she came to this point: will she admit to the young soldier the true reason, the reason of her heart, why the young soldier is a special patient? She altered the subject and focused her response on the young man's situation.

"You have two severe wounds on your waist and left cheek caused by the pointed nail of the exploding bomb," the young doctor explained.

"Surgery is required to restore your face while it is still not healing; we need consent or waiver from your parents, but your CO says it is not necessary and we will just wait for you to wake up," the doctor said in a lengthy statement.

"Thank you, and you waited for me to wake up before making your decision, that's what I told my CO, as long as I'm alive, even if it's serious, they shouldn't tell my parents about my situation," the young man responded weakly.

"But what if," the young doctor responded, since the young man abruptly interrupted.

"What if I died?" It's as simple as that. "I don't want my parents to worry about me anymore, and I don't want to add to their burden," the young soldier explained.

"What's the deal with you? Is your life important to you? Don't you feel sorry for those that care for you?" The doctor was rather consumed with the interrogation. She couldn't bear thinking like way, especially with tears flowing down her cheeks. She was blushing as a result of her unpleasant feelings for the young soldier. And it didn't miss for the young man; he was taken aback for a moment, but he knew the young doctor adored him. The princess would have turned away since she couldn't suppress her affections for the young man, especially given his state and what he had spoken to himself.

"Do you love me, doctor princess?" he asked the young doctor. The princess was a fearless woman, she immediately supplanted even the people you believed were arrogant, when they were flirting with her, she immediately blocked even those like her who were also rich and influential, when she didn't want her to rely on them anymore. Wait a minute, she doesn't admire anything about them because there's someone special about who holds her heart.

"Do you love me?" the young man inquired one more. "I'm not in the habit of scratching, especially not scratching," the young man stated. The girl was worried that the young man would keep his word and stop yelling.

"Do-don't you still realize, I'm a woman, and it makes me sick if I'm the first to declare my affections for a man," the girl snarled. The young man drew the girl, and she practically slid into his face, which astonished the princess.

"Do you love me?" said the young man, his gaze fixed on her eyes and lips.

For a few moments, the girl closed her eyes, nervously anticipating what the young man would do to her. She waited for the young man to kiss her, but nothing happened, so she stared, their gazes meeting as if they were conversing, waiting to see what their bodies would do next. In the young man's gaze, her heartbeat has become mild and quiet. The young man pressed his lips against the princess's lips, and the girl closed her eyes, anticipating what the young man would do, the lips she expected to touch did not, but his grip on her lessened, making her apprehensive. She was hesitant to open her eyes for fear of offending the young man by telling him how she truly felt; perhaps the young man felt the same way about women. She almost shouted when she opened her eyes, so the young man softened and let go of her because he lost consciousness.

She promptly alerted her staff emergency and gave the young soldier CPR; she was restless and slightly confused, much to her team's surprise. To her amazement, she was held by the hand of her assistant doctor, and only then did her calmness and concentration return. Everyone admires her character as a doctor, and it returns to her with her professionalism in dealing with circumstances like these. The young soldier received appropriate treatment and attention, but he lost strength owing to the so-called pulse reaction of the heart "Heartbeat Synchronizes," which is frequently felt by loving hearts. The young soldier's condition was stable, so the princess and her friend returned to her office. She was accompanied by her close friend, a childhood pal, and her assistant doctor, who couldn't take her smile off her lips.

"Why are you smiling like that?" the princess said of her companion.

"What are you asking me with those smiles?" Haammmnnn! Is there anything more I should know, Princess? " She bowed to her pal.

"I shall spank you!" exclaimed the girl, smirking.

"Our Dear Princess will scream now because of love!" a friend teased. The princess grabbed the friend while laughing and acting disgusted with the friend.

Princess resentment: "I despise you!" "Are we friends?" allegedly repulsed childish hatred. "Your trick, I was about to die of worry when you smiled and tormented me! hu! hu! hu!" The young princess was already crying because she remembered her former aspirations and was still thinking incorrectly about the young man. Her buddy was both astonished and relieved by what she witnessed with the princess. So, she hugged her and comforted her as she sobbed. If anyone knew the princess doctor well from her childhood and experiences, as well as her secret love for the soldier, it was she alone, for her entire existence had become an open book to her alone.

"How come you took out the air and kissed Prince Charming?" joked a buddy.

"Brat! "He lost consciousness, so his kiss didn't continue," the princess said, smiling and wiping away tears.

"There! I said it! a miracle is occurring to my friend!" she continued to tease.

"Heh! Stop it!" she mock-scolded her pal while smiling.

"You know best, Mr. Prince Charming, you're taking advantage of the kiss, it's out of breath," a friend joked, smiling.

"Even now you're completely insane!", the princess's blushing response.

They shared lunch in the hospital canteen, but the princess couldn't eat well because her thoughts were on the young soldier. She grinned as she glanced at the meal and just stirred it with a spoon, the one who was almost kissed by the man she loved. Her companion, who had just finished eating, had been watching her earlier, when she was not even halfway there because she had been preoccupied with recent events in her life.

"Alive! Her acquaintance stated it fairly loudly, jolting her awake.

"Huh? Which one is it? Who is still alive?" The princess was perplexed.

"The fish you're eating!" she said, pointing to her plate while laughing. She pinched her friend's thigh.

"You're insane!" she exclaimed, shaking her head.

"How come we've been here in the canteen for over an hour and you still don't eat half of the food, you're just imagining it," her buddy pointed out.

She blushed and felt ashamed, so she stood up and didn't finish her lunch because her coworkers might be watching. Her companion is continuing taunting her on the way back to the princess's office, but she isn't paying attention because she is ashamed of her recent habits. What is happening to her? Upon arriving, she sat down and turned a blind eye.

"My dear princess is truly super in love," joked the pal.

"Mrs. Galvez, you're on duty, and your lunch break is over!" She was meant to drive her friend away, but it turned out she was on duty.

"Certainly, Doctor!" And she also sang a song from the chorus of the song "I'm In Love" as she exited a friend's office. Because it hit her, the young doctor only smiled at her friend's taunting song. "No matter what they say cause I'm in love, no matter what they feel cause I'm in love." The princess sighed, she is madly in love with the young soldier and will admit it if he asks her again.

The young soldier awoke at ten o'clock at night, according to the wall clock hanging on the room's wall. He tries to remember what occurred to him and the lovely princess doctor earlier. He remembered the last thing he did: he put the girl's hand near to his face and kissed her, then he forgot everything. He kissed the Princess? He had a thought. What was his reaction to what he accomplished, and why had his eyesight darkened so rapidly earlier? Is he ready for another chapter of his heart desire? He had a lot of questions that he wanted answered. He closed his eyes again since his eyelids were still heavy.

When the princess glanced through the door, she noticed that the young man was awake, which made her heart joyful, but she was apprehensive to enter. She was both terrified and pleased to believe that the young man she adored was equally interested in her. She wasn't sure what to think or do, but when she glanced again, she noticed the young man close his eyes again; perhaps he was still tired and slept again, so she walked inside to check on his condition. She hammered his heartbeat with the attached syringe, and it was as if she could hear what his heartbeat was saying, which gave her indescribable happiness.

Because of the exceedingly pleasant aroma, Ronn knew the princess had entered. He was aware of its gestures, particularly the holding of its hand on his breast. He wanted to stare, but he was still apprehensive; perhaps he had done something wrong previously, so he could only feel what she was doing.

"You can stare," the female offered, knowing the young man was still awake.

"You can't pretend you're asleep since I can clearly see the movement of your eyes; perhaps you forgot I'm a doctor," she smiled. She lightly patted the young man's hand, but it still didn't blink, so she pinched it slightly to make it blink.

"Are you a real doctor? Is the doctor like that, causing harm to his patients?" The young man is said to have asked an indignant query.

"What is causing you pain dear?" Princess's response

"If not beaten, you're pinching me," the young soldier answered with smile.

"Beaten?! You can be there when you find what you're seeking for if I beat you!" The doctor princess grinned, her heart bursting with excitement at their conversation.

"I only tapped you because you're pretending to be asleep right now," she smiled.

"What were you doing to me before?" The young man inquired. "Perhaps you're kissing me, huh?" the young man asked, his face serious but a little smiling.

"You are! Your chubby mug! "I'd rather kiss the one who is conscious than the one who is unconscious and dead," the girl retorted fiercely.

"The trouble is, because I'm naive and innocent of such things, you're taking advantage," the young man said innocently.

"Hmmmpp! Youu!!! Previously, my buddy teased me; today, you are the one to tease me, since..." the princess did not speak the sequel because the young guy interrupt her.

"Because of what, exactly?" Ronn inquired.

"Huh? Ah... eh..., simply!" gasped the princess.

"There is no answer right now," the young soldier responded.

The girl told herself earlier that she would admit to the young man that she likes him, but it appears that she is unable to admit it now that she is confronted with it. Others say her bravery is uncommon, so why is she losing her courage here in the young guy, especially when she sees his difficulties? It pains her sentiments to think of the weight and hardship endured by the young soldier in completing his duty to country.

"Hey! Far be it from you to think, are you frightened that your boyfriend will find out that I almost kissed you?" the young man allegedly asked the princess with contempt.

"And who said I have a boyfriend?" The girl answered, a little perplexed.

"Do I know, so you don't want to answer my question?" said the young guy hesitantly.

"I haven't had a boyfriend since birth, and I don't like those that flirt with me, because…," the girl cut in.

"Because of what?" the young man said, serious. "Am I the reason?" he added. "Do you adore me, Princess Nerih Ellih?" the young man asked repeatedly. The girl couldn't respond with excitement since she didn't know what to say. Ronn's expression was sorrowful, and he was about to tilt because he was mistaken, but the girl answered.

"Yes! You are the reason of everything, I can't stand those who flirt with me here. Yes, I loved you from the moment I saw you when they brought you here to the hospital. You are the reason why my heart remains closed to other men and why my heart is constantly cheering," the princess replied one after the other. She didn't believe she could express all of her sentiments for the young soldier. When the young princess spoke, the young man fell silent.

"Why?" was all the young man said.

"Why do you prefer me over your suitors who are nearly as wealthy as you, handsome, and clean look?" the young man added.

"Does there have to be a cause to love someone? If there is a reason, absolutely, I love you because you are the one for whom my heart beats, I love you for eternal reasons," the princess explained. The young man turned around and kissed the sitting girl on the lips, to which the shocked girl responded. Her first kiss was so tender from her first love. Ronn recalled not being able to brush his teeth since the hostages were liberated until he was hospitalized, so he stopped kissing the girl, which astonished the princess.

"Why do you appear dizzy, or did you just wake up?" the girl inquired, her pulse pounding.

"I'm sorry, I don't imagine I'll be able to brush my teeth for a week, it's embarrassing," the young man said in response to the girl's excitement. She kissed him on the lips and mashed her lips against his while smiling.

"I'm a doctor, not an actress, and I've smelled all the awful scents, all the dead, and even dead love," the girl smiled as she caressed the young soldier's chest. She couldn't hide her excitement and satisfaction in such moments. The young man stroked her hair and massaged her all the way up to her back, making the princess even more thrilled. The young man's thigh wound was still severe, but he ignored it, as if it had vanished due to the fragrance of the young princess who had held him. The girl vanished and reappeared when she saw her partner, a young soldier, still had a wound.

"I'm sorry, I forgot you still have a wound," the medical princess said as she examined the young man's wound to see if it was bleeding; fortunately, her hug was not damaged. "Go back to sleep so you can regain your previous strength; don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you until you fall asleep," the doctor said.

"And why should I be concerned now that I've answered the princess of this place?" the young man boasted a little, smiling.

"Could you please repeat what you said, Sir?" the princess requested, smiling.

"Oh no! There's no audio recorder here, that won't be replayed," the young man said, smiling.

"Oh no! "If you don't have any wounds, you can really taste a pinch from me," the princess exclaimed cheerfully. "Please take a nap," she implored.

"You're the one who needs to recuperate, you're so exhausted from work, I've simply laid here for a few days doing nothing, it's dull," the young man explained.

"Because your wounds haven't healed yet, Sir, and don't be stubborn, that's why you need to rest so that you can be cured," the medical princess said quietly.

"I'll follow you, darling princess!" said the young man, his face softened. "But first, kiss me," the young man added, smiling. He kissed her on the girl's lips, twisted her and crushed her with a passionate kiss, and they would not have let go of each other if the nurse hadn't knocked on the door. After grooming himself, the doctor admitted the nurse.

"Good evening, Doctor," nurse Rochelle said.

"Good evening," said the doctor.

"I'll just check on Sir's condition," the nurse responded, smiling. The doctor gave a nod.

In the nurse's opinion, this soldier is so attractive that I wouldn't grow tired of caring for him even if I had a bath with him. Thrilled by the nurse's sentiments, the doctor realized that the nurse admired the young soldier who was her boyfriend. She couldn't reprimand him since he'd be noticed, and any son of Eve would be smitten by the young soldier's good looks. The nurse then said goodbye, and the two of them were returned to their room. She also bid farewell to the young man, and she kissed him again as if always just toying with kissing.

Every day since that night, the doctor has been caring for the young soldier. She also bathes him and changes his clothes because she is envious of the nurses' ability to do so. She also cleans his nails, combs his hair, and even brushes his teeth. Then he kissed her very lovingly, and the young princess' heart was full of joy for two weeks. The young man could only leave the hospital after a few days; he was strong and could walk around the room, therefore he was struggling to go.

Before Ronn's scheduled departure from the hospital, an unexpected guest arrives: Datu, the hospital's owner and the father of the princess doctor. His staff informed the Datu that his daughter Princess was an unusual case. His daughter handles all patients with kindness, but informant claims she treats the patient soldier differently. So, he wanted to meet this particular individual in person. Most people were shocked at the hospital because the owner rarely came here. Datu went straight to the young soldier's room, opened it, and went inside, leaving the stunned soldier dumbfounded. He is already acquainted with Datu, therefore he is hesitant to court the princess doctor. He rose to pay his respects to Datu. Datu entered quietly, observing his aura as well as his behaviors.

"Do you realize my only child is the Princess?" Datu's opening query to him.

"And do you also realize that we are looked up to everywhere? And my hope for my daughter is to be able to marry someone like our race, the lineage of the ROYALS", said Datu. He insists to look like he is not appropriate for the princess.

"I appreciate your courage and valor as a soldier, but I do not agree that you should be a part of my daughter's life", he said honestly.

"I don't have a problem if they treat you preferentially here, it's worth your courage, you won't pay even single cents, but those advantages are only up to that", Datu said, turning around and departing the room.

He understands what Datu means as a father, and he also knows where he will position that Datu says, he is not suited for the Princess. The princess always arranges his clothes in the bag, they are always clean and fragrant. He took his possessions as well as the completed release paper and delivered it to the medical staff. He left the hospital without looking back after being cleared. He can't go back to Base right away because the princess will surely follow him, so he travels outside of town and seeks a room to rent. There he will mend and re-repair the wound in his heart.

When her phone rang, the princess was resting on her bed, smiling since her best friend was calling. Maybe she'll ask about the two of them and Ronn again. She is overjoyed with what is occurring in her love story, therefore they are constantly eager to discuss what is going on with Ronn.

"Hello Best! your morning will be a nuisance," she teased her pal.

"Hello Best! horrible news!" says the voice on the other end of the call.

"What horrible news, what makes the morning is bad news right away," she pretended, but she was suddenly anxious.

"Your father came here at the hospital," her friend said.

"Oh, what's the problem there, he's the owner of it," she feigned to jest with her companion, but her true feelings were much different.

"He went to Ronn's room, then we talked in your office, looked at Ronn's record but didn't say anything, maybe half an hour inside the office, but he didn't say anything and said goodbye and departed," a buddy stated.

"So, what's the issue there?" So, what's the bad news? ", she inquired, her voice trembling.

"When your father came out, I went to Ronn's room; he was no longer there, nor were his stuff," the friend stated. She was nervous previously because she was motionless.

She hung up the phone without even saying goodbye to her buddy; she was just startled as she sat on the bed, tears welling up in her eyes. She heard two automobiles arrive and made sure her father did as well. She cleaned her face, changed her clothes, and exited the room to speak with her father. When she asked their helper about her father, he replied he was in the library and sent him there. They always talk there, especially when it comes to personal things.

She knocked and went inside, her father facing the door and staring at her as she entered. She always kisses her on the cheek as she enters or exits the house.

"Sit down, Ellih," her father said quietly. She sat close to his chair, keeping her voice low in case she burst into tears.

"We are the family of the Noble, therefore I dream for you that you can marry our fellow man, you are suited for the prince of the Busdak tribe, he is gorgeous and also highly educated, the son of the governor who is now a famous lawyer, Prince Lireo of the Gumatong tribe. Why do you ignore and openly detest them all? ", her father continued.

"You want them for me, Papa." Did you ask if I liked them as well? the princess retorted bitterly. "Everything you wanted for me, you didn't hear anything from me; you wanted me to be a doctor, therefore I became a doctor despite the fact that my passion was to teach children; I wanted to be a teacher. All I want is a simple existence with simple people. The men you mentioned wanting for me are arrogant and disrespectful of the teachers who helped them learn in school." The princess added.

Datu's heart was already breaking from the princess's cries; he didn't want to see her daughter suffer, but their reputation was on the line now. Not only does his dear princess like the lowly soldier. But the young soldier was wise and principled; he didn't push him away immediately, but it understood what he meant and what he had in mind.

"I only discovered in Ronn what I was searching for in a man, with determination, principle, and courage that none of the men you claim are for me, when I first saw him, I told myself that he was what I'm seeking for even if I'm not sure if we're looking for the same thing," said the princess.

"I'm sure Pa, just like you, I take care of our family and I'm not a child anymore, so I investigated him before I eventually fell for him, and I know you also investigated him," the girl said in a long statement.

"They come from a respectable family, he is also the son of the Chief of Police in their area who did not use the position to get rich, that's one of the things I admired about him, material wealth is not important to them but the goodness of hearts is dominant for both that not even one of the men you want for me," the princess sobbed as she hurried out of the library, leaving the father stunned and unable to respond the words of the princess.

She grieved all day, and she couldn't blame the young soldier for leaving without saying goodbye. She was certain that because of his fundamental stance, he would not approach her at all. Her caring and loving mother was concerned since she had not eaten lunch.

"My Princess, please eat something, you could become sick of it," her mother reassured her. "Please understand your father first, that distaste with your boyfriend will pass, surely he's very handsome?", her mother patted her back, making her cry, but she was still sobbing as she leaned on her mother's chest.

"What am I going to do, Mom? I have no idea where to go for Ronn, and I'm sure he won't return to their Base since he knows I'm going to take him there," she wailed to her mother.

"My Princess, you can't think properly if you don't eat, so eat first and then we'll speak about what to do," the mother said. Her mother was really sweet and lovely even though she was in her fifties, therefore his father didn't go insane because he was very fortunate with his wife. The mother stood up and requested the maid to fetch the princess food. They served a favorite cuisine, but the princess ate very little because she didn't feel like eating since Ronn was on her mind. She thought where she could find the young soldier, who was most likely far from here in their town.

The princess left early the next day, without accompanying her driver. She wants to find the young man by herself, to show him that he is the one she wants and that she will fight even if her father rejects her. They can live without the luxury he desired. She is a doctor, and her partner is a military, therefore she is not concerned about their future. She virtually mentioned the rents in their community, ranging from low to high. But, after a long day of searching, she arrived home in the dark. She went straight to her room and wept herself to sleep.

When her father entered her room, he was saddened by what he saw. He instructed to followed the princess to his staff since he knew she was looking for her boyfriend. He also directed the other to go in search of the young soldier. He couldn't stomach seeing the princess in pain, so he invited the young man to speak with him in depth. He'll find out how far he'll go for his beloved princess.

After more than a week of hunting for the young soldier, the princess still failed despite the Datu personnel who were solely focused on the quest. The doctor princess does not go to the hospital because she is looking; instead, she asks her companion to select what she requires. She also sobbed every night and rarely ate at the appropriate times, causing her body to lose weight. Her mother also sobs every time she enters the room because of the princess's condition. So, she admonished her husband and told him not to meddle in their child's love life. That's why he's on the hunt for the young soldier.

Ronn had no intentions to return to their base, so he called his CO and requested a month's sick leave because his wounds had not healed. He might have gone home to them, but he still believes that he lacks what he has given to his family. He promised himself that he would only return home once they had constructed their house in his father's place, rather than in town. He's been out of the hospital for two weeks, and he's heard from a buddy in the NBI that the princess and Datu's crew are hunting for him. As a result, whenever he leaves the house to buy wounds cleansing medicine and other necessities, he is cautious about his every move in the surrounding town.