Chapter 28

Next day I got up early in the morning as I have to re-join my football practice from today. Within thirty minutes I got ready and leave the house. I reached school around seven, about an hour practiced continued and after practice only me and Anji left who don't have their first lecture so, we both sit in the canteen with our home packed breakfast and eating it silently. After some minutes we finished our food, Anji initiated the conversation

Anji: You know when someone ask a question from you there are two main answers "yes or no"?

Siya: Ohh

Anji: Yeah, one should always be direct whether we asking for something to telling someone whatever we are feeling for them or related to any situation.

Siya: But what if it could hurt others?

Anji: Its not about thinking about wellbeing others always sometimes we should think about ourselves too. See, by doing this people sometimes may think, we are so much straight forward or answers directly to each and everything so, we don't have heart but the point is we are just thinking about ourselves and trying to protects us from getting hurt.

Siya: So does it mean we don't have to give detailed explanation?

Anji: No, I mean to say is just be on point like crisp and clear. In short stop beating around the bush.

Siya: Okay. Is everything alright I mean, all of sudden we are talking on this topic.

Anji: Yeah, just some of these thoughts come in my mind so, thought of sharing with you.

Siya: Okay (though I know something definitely is wrong but I am not going to push it)

After thirty minutes may be bell ring and we move towards our different classes. My this class is with Vicz, I go in the class and sit beside her and soon as she passed her phone to me, hint with her eyes to watch it and with this she played the video. As the video start playing, I see a girl is standing near the aquarium cleaning it and singing Firework by Katy Perry. Honestly she is true beauty with a beautiful soul soothing voice but she is looking down only, however she is beautiful soon video is coming to end and here I am unable to see her face so, in frustration I look up but Vicz forced my head down to look at the screen and when I look the face of the girl it shocked me...

I looked up directly into Vicz eyes and she has that mischievous glint plus proud smile on her face too. I smiled brightly at her and speak out something in full excitement.

Siya: (loudly and full excitement) Wow this is sooooooo beautiful and amazing, your voice is very soul soothing and scene is so loving. You should do it more, I would love to hear you singing again.

Vicz: (keeping her finger on my lips to shusshh me) Clam down baby sis, don't be so loud look everyone is looking at us. And yeah thank you for the compliments but I would love to listen to you singing.

Siya: (looking around once, shyly smiling) Umm sorry for that I got excited a bit. You have amazing voice and I would definitely sing one, even we both sing it together one day.

Vicz: Cool.

With this teacher come, we start studying and after an hour class got over. After that we go to inside school garden to enjoy the soothing weather which is almost rainy day but rain is not going to come because air is clear and except us many other students are also here. I sit on the grass, Vicz lie down on the grass and start admiring the beautiful sky (one of my habit, I just love doing it). Except us few more students are also sitting here, me and Vicz both enjoying silence between us plus enjoying the weather.

Soon we both get alerted with voice which is known to me only, but Vicz sit up and looking with me in the voice direction. And here is Jazz, she is coming toward us looking directly in my eyes, I must say she has style that is the way she is carrying her self, walking and her obsession for black color, her aura is full of confidence, elegant and perfection. Vicz poke me and whisper something in my ear which make me laugh out loud,

Vicz: She is full of confidence, perfection and elegance. Black color suit her so much, she is very beautiful and she is damn hot.

Siya: (laughing) hahaha so true

With this we laugh together, at this time Jazz is standing front of us and looking both of us laughing with a frown face. After some minutes we controlled our laughing, while sitting back to normal we look as Jazz frown face so I initiated the conversation

Siya: Hey Jazz, this is Vicz and Jazz this is Vicz.

Jazz: Hey

Vicz: Hey, come and join us, sit. (for some seconds Jazz gives not response) Umm if you are not feeling comfortable to sit down because of your...

Before Vicz could complete her sentence, Jazz sit down on the grass and because of this Vicz and my mouth open wide in the shock. After getting comfortable Jazz look at us, raised her right eyebrow in confusion

Jazz: What happened?

Siya & Vicz: (still in shock together muttering) A hot, elegant and beautiful girl like you sitting on grass that too without worrying about your clothes.

Jazz: What? Say clearly and loudly.

Siya & Vicz: (Stammering) N..N..Nothing

With this me and Vicz look at each other and smile, Jazz smiled too a bit

Jazz: (smirking) I know I am hot but thanks for the compliments. (With this she laughed out loud seeing our shy faces, we too laughed with her and trio we shared a good hearty laugh. After controlling our laughs we look around and see those few students are staring us in confusion and we again end in laughing hard).

My laughter down early, I just look both of my friends and adore their beauty. You know, I believe smile or laugh or giggling are the most beautiful feature which any person could have. However, soon our play full time get over as bell for next period ring, my natural smile wiped off from my face and I got back to in serious, we all pick our bags and move towards our different classes.

I move towards my next class which is with Erik, honestly I don't want to know what he is going to show me and tell me next, though I can't say these things to him as he will feel hurt. I entered in the class, sit beside Erik who is already sitting there with earphone in his ears and watching something in his phone and like a good human being I am not going to look into his phone so, I took out my book and start reading todays' chapter. Though, after some minutes Erik start poking me because of this my concentration broke and I looked at his side a little bit annoyed to know what is the issue. I looked at him and asked the question

Siya: What happen?

Erik: This period is free and we are going in to some completely vacant or room where there are less student because I want to show you some video in my phone.

Siya: (sighed, though internally I am aware this is not going to end well because he is related to it) Okay

With this we pick our bags and move toward that other room which he want though, actually what's happening here is that he is walking forward and I am following him kind of like lots puppy. We walked like the for some minutes I guess as soon he found his desired room, while I entering in the room there are only two students in the room and both are working on their assignments. However, we finally got settled in our seats, he initiated the conversation in whispering voice.

Erik: Have you ever watched porn?

Siya: (confused) no

Erik: Ohh no issue. I am going to show you now with me okay?

He got busy in his phone again and here my thought marathon also started because I am trying to remember that where I have ever heard or read the word porn but here is this thing that, as far as I remember I have never heard or read about this word. Though soon Erik nudge at my shoulder and passed one oh his ear phone as the other one is still in his ear, with this he start playing the video.

Initially it starts with kissing, I am feeling uncomfortable, disgusting because this is something person so, why to watch such private moments of other, soon kissing changed with removing clothes and I know sex is the next step because that is shown in the movies, shows plus written in storied too.. I am definitely not going to watch it so, I took the earphone out and give it back to Erik plus pushed phone to his side. I get up from the seat saying only one line that is

Siya: Sorry, Its too private and I am not going to watch it.

With this I picked my bag and go to library, there I wait for my next class to start. Though I heard Erik keep calling or messaging me but I just ignore it. The whole day in school after that scene with Erik, the whole time passed like I am being lost in some thought which are

Siya: All the new things that I is with Erik though, I choose it to be my escape route but some of the acts he performs are quite disgusting and intolerable but just because I don't want to become the reason of his hurt and I want him to smile or laugh more but if I am not genuinely happy how can I make him happy. I am stuck, I don't know how to get free or improve this.

Soon school got ended but not my thoughts, I reached home fresh up, worked on some assignments, eat dinner, spend some time talking and adoring the moon like a robot and soon call it a night.