Chapter 29

After a year leap...

Two whole years are completed now in the school, in those months, every day nothing changed that much but I got habitual to my friends habits but there is one important change that happen is that in Erik behavior.

He never showed me any kind of vulgar videos any more, he not even spoke to me about the same thing too. Though he is still the same too much over possessive for me, always greedy for my time and attention, he used to look for any moment or occasion to spend time with me and just because of seeing his such efforts to be in my life, my belief has changed that bad persons persons can never be good or they don't have anything good in them. I started believing that he is different because of his past and upbringing but he can be good too, if he is surrounded with the right persons. And yeah, one more thing that is still in continuation are those alcohol parties sometimes at farmhouse, or hotel rooms.

Not only just with Erik my bonding get better, even it changed with my friends too and especially with Vicz, Jazz, Ketty and Zoe. My bond with Vicz truly become like sister, even I become close to her family too and finally, she plus her family got the chance to listen my live karaoke and that day was utterly blissful I still remember it clearly,

One day me and Vicz especially bunk the school, go to her house though when we reach at her house we lied to her mother saying that we have no classes today. Once we settled down in the hall, Vicz's M initiated the conversation,

Vicz's M: We always used to talk and eat the, but today we are going to do something new (With this she looked at me and Vicz with mischievousness and smirk).

Vicz & Siya: (confused) What?

Vicz's M: (with mischievous evil smile) You both are going to sing for us plus cook for us today.

Vicz & Siya: (shocked and stammering) What the... N.. No

Vicz's M: (sternly) You guys are doing it that's it.

We both reluctantly nodded our head in affirmation, move towards the the kitchen area and after discussing about for fifteen we both finalize a an Indian dish which is Aloo Paratha because we both know minimum level of cooking and this dish is easy to cook. It takes us almost two hours to cook the dish and set them in front of others (in others there are six persons including we two), we all sit together like always and we (me and Vicz) patiently waited for rest of them to first taste and then let us know how is it.

They took their first bite with a serious face and start chewing in a way, that usually happen when taste is awful and here we both looking at them with hopeful eyes to know what's the result. After some minute Vicz's M speak up,

Vicz's M: For first time cook this taste quite good, thank you kids you really won my heart and rest of the members too nodded their in approval.

This sentence brought bright smile on both of our faces and we sighed in relief. We start eating it and when we eat our first bite, we looked at each other grinning widely. Honestly, I feel so proud at myself as well as at our bonding too, I mean this is first time I cooked, it tasted good plus how good we are as team that without issues we working and result of it are so good. Soon our lunch get over, we all sit and relax for some hours then suddenly her mother again initiated the conversation which is directed toward me only this time,

Vicz's M: (Cheerfully, with full of excitement) And now Siya will sing for us and then both Vicz and Siya will sing together. Go on start singing.

Siya: (Taking a deep breath) I closed my eyes and started sing Thousand Years by Christiana Perry after five minutes may be I finished singing it and opened my eyes. I look all of them one by one, except Vicz all of their faces are wide open and eyes has the reflection of surprise and delight.

So I raised my eyebrows in confusion plus as well as in question mark to ask What happen? Is it that bad.

Vicz's M: Actually its not that bad, it is very very very awesome. Your voice is soul soothing, sweet and full of feelings. I really loved it.

All of them except Vicz appreciated my singing, she is just keep of smirking while looking at me and when I asked her what with my eyes she got up from her seat, come in front of me and hug me tightly then she whispered this line in my ear,

Vicz: I always knew you are a great singer with amazing voice, because Ani always told me this. (After hearing this this I hug her tight too, because I do really miss Ani and she used listen me singing a lot because she always liked it).

After some minutes we break our hug, we look at each other with mischief and with that knowing look, because we are going to sing the song together. She sit beside me, then she start singing Friends by Band of Skull and after few lines we start singing it together, though we are together not that perfectly twining but this is more like raw and fun filled singing. Basically we are just shouting the lyrics out loud and doing fun, once we finished singing we laughed out loud. However, Vicz's M voice broke our little moment,

Vicz's M: (teasing) I will make sure not to let you two sing together again in front of me, if it happened again my ears will surely bled. (At this statement we all laughed out loud).

This is how we spend our that day with full of laugh and fun, I leaned the importance of small moments plus the strength of togetherness. In these days, our bond with Jazz got strengthened too like seriously we become inseparable. She has no classes with us but apart from that we would spend most of our time together, especially we would go on bike ride which only Vicz used to drive it and I am the one sitting between them, Jazz will always tickle Vicz while driving, due to which Vicz drive rough and fast making me scare and nervous.. together they will laugh at me. Sometimes we would go for walk from the school itself, stop at some shakes shop and regularly we would drink Banana Shake there.

Honestly, they have become one of my sole reason to smile or laugh genuinely. Apart from them Ketty and Zoe company is there too which I used too enjoy a lot though I got less time to spend time with them because of Erik, Vicz & Jazz company occupied most of my time. However, time I spend with Ketty and Zoe is sort of more calm and peaceful as they are either in involved in eating food, reading books, studying or simply enjoying the weather while sitting in the garden. Sometimes me and Ketty would go to attend Erik's party, there we both end up sleeping together for sometime usually.

Apart from my school, friends or personal life nothing changed in my house, they all are still the same and like a kind heart person I used to listen all the hated and negative stories my Aunt and Grandmother had said related to my parents, though sometime I really feel like why don't they kill my mother if she is that bad or just get my father and mother divorced, then neither will the relationship remain nor people will remain by doing so a situation of anger would never arise. However, as I can't say these thing to both of them because "they are elders and little one can never confront them" (not my words, theirs' only).

Whenever, I face situation like this, where I am unable to express my thoughts or they got up stuck in my head then there I go for my escape route which are basically Erik's party and alcohol effects make my mind feels light so, I stopped writing diary and talking to moon because why need these thing when we have alcohol. I have become habitual to alcohol now too.

Hence, in this way those two years of school passed. Now I am entering the last year of my school from tomorrow, so, this year I am planning to sharpen my observational and counseling skill because I want made my career in psychology. At present, I am sitting at my study table what to searching for some hospitals where I can do my internships that too with my studies in continuation. Almost for three hours of doing the research, I shortlisted three hospitals where I can work so, I personally mailed them to ask,

- Availability and eligibility of the internship program

- Process of applying

Then I turned off the laptop, get from the seat and taking it with me. I entered in my brothers room, when I opened the door I heard my brother screaming and crying,

Siya's Bro: Please, don't hit me. I won't do it again. (I move in more and heard more clearly plus see it too)

My father like a mad man with a stick beating my brother who is laying in the on the floor the in a fetus position trying to protect my self. I get scared, drop the laptop on the bed which created the voice and this caught my father attention and he looked at me with rage looking eyes. I just ran off from there, to my mother to inform her and I found her in the kitchen as usual

Siya: (in rush) mother, father is bother harshly please come save him.

Siya's M: (a bit sadly) Ohh the what can I do? I do told your father try not hit him again, but he won't listen to it plus your bro is no less after warning he commit mistake again. So, now he is getting the beating.

Siya: (shocked) Okay.

I go inside room, put earphones in my year and start listening to song on high volume because I don't want to listen my thoughts and the shouting plus pleading voices of my bother. But I guess songs are not even helping that much because I kept seeing the beating scene of my brother in front to my eyes whether they are open or closed. Here the thoughts that are running in my mind somewhat like,

Siya: How can be a father so brutal to his son, no matter what type of mistake one person made such violent behavior is disgusting. Even if we erase the relationship between two people how could person treat other person like that, I never believed in beating someone for the mistakes they have made because it is not only harmful for the body plus its harmful for mental health too. I am scared and worried for my brother, I don't know what to do to stop as I am afraid if day caught me helping brother then he will beat me too. My mother replies towards this scene is also in human and casual, I used to heard that they love their child a lot but who talk like this.

And with all of these thoughts and the voices speaking in my mind, I don't know when I fall asleep. When I woke up next morning, I am soaking wet with the sweat and my hear beats are also fast and then I realized how last night frightening even became the cause of my nightmare. Soon I got fresh up and within forty minutes I am ready for my school but when I opened my room gate to go down, the silence in the house giving me the illusion of as if nothing wrong happened yesterday. When I come in front of my brother room, I slowly pushed his door here I see him lying on the bed and I decided to move close to him to see his face properly, then what I see completely shocked and filled me with guilt plus sadness.

To Be Continued.....