Assassin: Ana-iah

(Still a shout out to James_loren, this chapter has been changed as of the last Author note. I am going to revamp certain legends and change stuff.)

Ana-iah was born in 1619, to Wealthy Syrian immigrants that had many connections to the Crown. In the 1600s England was in a turbulent time. Constant infighting and the Crown's tight control of the state. Made Ana-iah, who now went by his English name James, see many things while growing up in these times. Seeing close family friends disappear and turn up dead weeks later. Everything was normal for a while, until in 1642 when the English civil war happened.

James whose family, are descendants of someone who lived in the Hashashin order. Having scrolls that were from the time the Hashashin order started, James was able to hone his skills as an assassin by the time he was 23. It was during the English civil war conflict that James was able to finally figure out why his family has close ties with the English Crown. His family had been the Crown's personal assassins for over 300 years.

And James was next in line in his family to serve the throne. The ceremony was quiet and only 4 people were there to witness it. James, his father, the King, and the King's personal guard. The king was quick to get this done.

"Do you James, swear by the honor of your family to serve the Crown until your death." The king spoke as he opened a box and pulled out a ring. After pulling out the ring, he got up and moved around his desk to a kneeling James.

"Yes my lord, by the honor of my family, I swear to serve the Crown until my death, so mote it be" James replied to the king.

"By the power invested in me from the lord, I welcome you into service." The king grasped James by the soldier and pulled him up, placing a ring in his hands.

"May the father of understanding guide us," the king said to his entourage.

"May the father of understanding guide us" With this sentence, James and his father quickly left leaving the King and his bodyguard alone. There was silence for a while until the bodyguard asked his king a question.

"My lord is it wise to trust someone like him, he feels like he would betray us at any moment." The bodyguard was taken off guard by James' presence, the feeling of betrayal hung off James like a coat.

"Do not worry about him, if we treat him well. And not do anything to harm our relationship with him, I think everything will be fine." The king was quick, to calm done his bodyguards and his worry about James.

After the ceremony, James was quickly put to work. Eliminating anyone that dared to threaten the Crown, with James assassinating anyone to threaten the King and his rule. He was quick to rise up in fame with the inner circles of Londons nobles, the Kings hound he was called. Attacking anything that dared to harm his master. While the King was quick to thwart these rumors it was too late, James had become a boogeyman to the populace of England.

In 1649, the current King of the time Charles I was executed. Soon England had become a Republic state. Since there is no more crown, James was sworn in by the Commonwealth of England to become its personal assassin. It was until 1653 that Oliver Cromwell became lord protector, and James served him until 1658. When the higher-ups of the Commonwealth of England wanted someone else to become Lord Protector, so they ordered James to kill his lord. So in the dead of night, James sneaked into his lord's bedroom and killed him. It was ruled off as he died in his sleep.

With this, Oliver's son Richard becomes Lord Protector. This didn't last long, as, in 1660, the parliament invited Charles II back to England and restored him to the throne. When he was sworn in as the personal Assasin of Charles I, he was 23. Now with Charles II, he was 40 when sworn in again to continue to serve the Crown. It was in 1666 that James did something that would be known as the Great Fire of London.

No one knew why James did it, and no one knew that James did it. With no one knowing who did it, it was blamed on the catholic. James continued to serve Charles II until King James the II is sworn in as king, James served King James the II as his advisor until his death in 1692.

This is the end of Ana-iah's story, the tale of King Charles I's personal butcher and London's bogeyman is still known to this day.


[0...%] [6...%] [14...%] .... [97...%] [100...%]

[Throne of heroes initialized]

[Recording legend of Ana-iah, the butcher of King Charles I....]


[Initializing Saint Graph]


[Class: Assassin]


[Stength: C+]

[Agility: A+]

[Endurance: C]

[Mana: C]

[Luck: B]

[NP: A+]


[Presence concealment A+]

[Ana-iah of Many Faces B+]

[This skill comes from a story about Ana-iah's ability to completely disguise himself as another being. This skill, allows Ana-iah to completely change his appearance and copy the mannerisms of the person he is disguising as.]

[I am one with the shadows B+]

[If Ana-iah is in a shadow, he is completely hidden from all sixth senses. One downside to this is that Ana-iah has to be completely still for this skill to work.]

[Noble Phantasm]

[Great London Fire]

[This is a reality marble that brings people into the moments of the Great London Fire which happened in 1666. While in this, Ana-iah is able to completely move fine in the fire. While the people that are brought into are not immune to the fire.]

[Throne of Heroes Profile Complete]

[Throne of Heroes Shutting Down]



Hey, Teaka here. How do you guys think of this Revamped Assassin story, criticize me if there is something wrong?. The next one to be Revamped is Aulfric story since I wrote it like a crack fic.

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed reading this.

Peace <3