Berserker: Xectocovah

Xectocovah was born sometime in 1200 BC in the Mayan Civilization. The records of Xectocovah are pretty old, one of the most notable things is that he was the human lover of Kukulcan, who was later named in history Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs. It was said that Xectocovah had to go through trials to even be able to be worthy of marrying Quetzalcoatl. From wrestling Jaguars to going against creatures that were made by gods, to stop him from marrying Quetzalcoatl. It didn't work at all, Xectocovah got to the end of the challenge and was given the hand of Quetzalcoatl. Nothing notable happened are their marriage. It was until a goddess who was infatuated with Xectocovah decided that only she could have him. She ordered her followers to poison and kidnap Xectocovah and bring him to her temple, where under her Divinity Quetzalcoatl was not able to find him.

Xectocovah was tortured for months after his capture, the goddess that captured him ordered her followers to break Xectocovah's mind, and with them also doing that she decided to #### him as well. Xectocovah was able to last until he was able to escape, it was a group of followers that decided to help him escape. All was fine until during the escape when Xectocovah turned around to help a man up, that the man was shot with an arrow through the chest. All Xectocovah could do was run away with the man in his hands, trying all he could to keep him alive. But alas when Xectocovah was able to escape, it was too late. Xectocovah sat in a cafe holding the man while he was dying in his hands. The final words of the soldier were. "A..Avenge...Me".

This was the moment that broke Xectocovah's mind, the torture and #### already made his mind fragile. And with the death of the people that helped him and with the death of the person in his hands, he fell into a pit of hated and revenge. While his love for Quetzalcoatl was still there, rage and anger took over his mind. Xectocovah buried the man who died and sat there planning how to get revenge. It was until Xectocovah noticed something in the cave, instead of it looking like it was formed by the earth over time. It was like it was crafted into a doorway somewhere, Curiosity took over Xectocovah's mind. He followed, the cave until he came across a weird looking that sounded like it was made out of metal.

He couldn't open the door until a flashing light in the corner of his eyes caught his attention, he walked up to it questionable about its origins. Xectocovah put his hand on the scanner as it indicated and to his surprise and shock, the door opened. After the door opened, he walked inside. It was until he came up to the case in the center of the room, that he was shocked by what was inside.

(Object inside the case)

It was a weird thing with spinning parts on it, it looked like it came alive when Xectocovah came close to it. So Xectocovah decided to do something stupid, he touched it. And to his shock, it slowly crawled up his arms until it lay on his chest. There it sunk into the skin through his clothing, Xectocovah was quick to chuck off his shirt, searching where the weird thing disappeared to. It was this for a little bit until memories of someone started pouring into his head.


"You do understand, you're mission right." A monotone voice spoke out.

"Yes, it is to go to a gas giant and from there I am to terraform it." the voice that answered back belonged to a thing that could barely be called human. It looks like a human if it was just a blank template, white and featureless. It doesn't even have a mouth or reproductive organs.

"After you are done terraforming it, you are to report to the nearest moon cell base." The voice spoke out as if it was talking to a child, well it was kinda correct. As the being that was being sent on this mission was only a few hours old, but already have the information about how to terraform the planet.

"You're designation is Velber 00. After you are done reporting to the moon cell base, we will wait a while before sending in any other observations. You are to assume a name after you finish terraforming, you shall be Ea."

"Yes my Master, do you also want me to supply the people who would be the so-called gods of the planet with the Prototype 'Divine Cores'." The voice who was just named Ea spoke back to its master, while it was speaking to it Ea's form slowly changed into the shape of a modern-day human.

(Image of Gilgamesh with Tattoos just with longer hair that is colored red. Along with the sclera being black.)

"You may as well take a 'Divine core' for yourself, not the Prototype ones. But the one that was recently made, it was finally completed so take care of it. What is perfect with this core is that it allows control over the other 'Divine cores'." The voice spoke out to Ea, who was slightly shocked at what he was given. Who wouldn't the 'Divine core' that was recently made was the top of their scientific field, Ea was honored to be able to receive it. He who now assumed a male form replied back with his gratitude.

"Thank you for this Opportunity master, I am going to leave now to perform the terraforming that is required before the arrival of other Velber units," Ea spoke out lightly to his master, as he turned around and started walking to the outside so he can travel to the gas giant.

"Oh, and Ea, if you do not report back to the moon cell after a certain time, we are sending the Velber units ahead of schedule." The voice replied back as Ea turned around at the exit, doing a bow and then leaving.

(Memories ended)

Xectocovah was shocked at what he discovered, Ea was not a god but a creature that was not of this planet. Xectocovah was quick to run out of the room until a sound of buzzing caught his attention. He turned around and a weird window popped up, the same Ea that was in the memories was shown on the windows.

"If you are seeing this, then I have abandoned what my creators wanted me to do. Instead of being an observer I slowly fell in love with my children like a father would to their child, it has been 14 thousand years since my last update with the moon cell base. The last update informed who was coming as extra observers, their designations are Velber 01, 02, and 03. They are now probably going to be sent ahead of schedule since I haven't reported back in a while." As the Ea on screen was saying this, he looked calm but if you could look into his eyes. You would be able to see a myriad of emotions, sadness ,and angry with what is about to happen.

"In preparation for their arrival, I have split my Divine core into three parts. The one I have, right now is the main source of my power, Creation. While my second one is being held by a being I created to hold my other part that is considered Balance. While the unlucky person, who got my last part which is filled with Destruction. If you are of a weak or fragile mind, I am sorry about what is about to happen to you. Slowly over a course of week, you would lose control over your emotions, even losing some. And two weeks in is the deadline, then you would lose all emotions except anger and hate. Your thoughts would only be filled with thoughts of Destruction and Misery." As Ea was speaking he was slowly starting to cry, and at the end of his speech, he was openly crying. horrified at what is about to happen to the person that inherits his part that is filled with destruction.

The video turned off, and the windows rose up to close it off. Xectocovah was shocked, only two weeks before his eventual madness was evident. His fragile mind was broken, he slowly lived out the two weeks waiting for the eventual moment that he loses control of his being. At the end of the first week, it was already starting to show. He slowly lost happiness at the simple stuff he did, and every little thing that he used to only be angry at a little. He would Semi-Furious at it, and by the end of his second week, he was fully gone. His mind was filled with thoughts of destruction and malice, and with his memories, only one place that held more want to destroy was the temple where he was captured and tortured in.

Xectocovah arrived quickly at the gate of the City, where the guards that saw him standing there started laughing. Called him a dog, saying that he is right to come back to his master. This happened a bit more until all of sudden after blinking they were lifted into the air, and they felt something protrude into their stomach. They both looked down as a fist protruded through both their stomachs, at first they felt nothing until blood started rushing into their mouth where they started choking on it. Xectocovah walked into the city where he saw the people looking at him in fear, and Xectocovah in his state of Destruction didn't care if the villagers had no part in it. He slaughtered everyone in the village and in the temple.

When Xectocovah got to the temple, he found out that the goddess left the temple for her new temple that was in a major city. She was still waiting for Xectocovah to be brought back to her, and Xectocovah decided to do that. Along his way to her temple, he came across 7 Citys. Only 4 of them had temples of the goddess he hated, but even then he still slaughter the entire city filled with people. When he arrived at the Major City, he was covered in blood. His previous black hair was dyed red with the blood of the people he killed, his sclera was black instead of white. At first, the guards tried blocking him from entering, but they ended up like the guards from the first City. Xectocovah slaughtered the City of 30,000.

And when he got to the temple Xectocovah took his sweet time killing everyone in there. When he arrived at the goddess he didn't spare a single second with her, with a single swipe of his hand her hand was loped off. The killings that went on and the killing of a god got the attention of Quetzalcoatl. And when she arrived looked at Xectocovah as if he was a monster and instantly punched him out of the temple into the forest. His already bad state of mind turned into a very bad state of mind, it got to the point where he would only grow instead of speaking.

Xectocovah and Quetzalcoatl dueled for 12 days straight, it was until Xectocovah pulled a dirty move and was able to escape. With this, a chase started that would last 30 years, and ending with Xectocovahs death. Their final fight lasted 3 months until Quetzalcoatl landed the final blow. Before dying, Xectocovah asked to speak to her, and when she heard his voice she was shocked and then enraged that he was impersonating Xectocovah. It was until Quetzalcoatl heard him say her nickname that only Xectocovah knew. The nickname Xectocovah had for Quetzalcoatl was Quetz, Quetzalcoatl who was now nicknamed Quetz tried everything to save Xectocovah. But Xectocovah responded back saying he was not worth it, and that Quets should move on from him. Quetz denied saying that she only loves him, all he could do was ask if Quetz had been with anyone while he was MIA. He got an answer that shocked him, she replied by saying that since the time Xectocovah got kidnaped and until now. She had never layed with anyone other than him, and she promised him that she would not lay with anyone but him.

Xectocovah was happy in his final moments, even if it was a fleeting time. He passed away in Quetz hands, his final words were "I will always love you for eternity". And the final thing he heard was Quetz saying it back to him. He passed with a smile on his face.

Thus ended the Legend of Xectocovah. the one who tamed the Winged Serpent, and then fell into madness.


[0...%] [6...%] [14...%] .... [97...%] [100...%]

[Throne of heroes initialized]

[Recording legend of Xectocovah the Destroyer....]


[Initializing Saint Graph]




[Strength: EX]

[Agility: EX] [Raised from A+ to EX by Lover of the Feathered Serpent]

[Endurance: EX]

[Mana: E]

[Luck: ???}

[NP: EX]


[Madness enhancement *]

[You possess the Part of Ea that represents Destruction, with this your mind is only filled with thoughts of destruction and hate. Allows no sentient thoughts, only to be controlled by his master.]

[Embodiment of Destruction EX]

[You absorbed a piece of Ea 'Divinity core' making you a demi-god of destruction.]

[Lover of the Feathered Serpent]

[You are the lover of Quetzacoatl. Increases Agility from A+ to EX]

[Bloodlust EX]

[You're bloodlust is off the charts. It is ranked EX from the 70,000 people you killed by your hand while you were alive]

[Noble Phantasm]

[Piedra Del Sol EX]

[Shares Piedra Del Sol with Quetzalcoatl. Doesn't need a temple to use it. Since he uses Divinity from his own 'Divine core' which while broken is more advanced and powerful than the other divine cores.]

[Gods what Gods EX]

[With the acquiring of the First and Last non-prototype 'Divine core' You can control the gods to do your bidding. Not usable in berserker class.]

[Falle Tu Taan Tin EX]

[Using his most powerful punch, he was able to stop Piedra Del Sol at full power.]

[Throne of Heroes Profile Complete]

[Throne of Heroes Shutting Down]



Hello, Teaka here. Wow, this is my longest chapter, sitting at almost 2500 words. Can't believe I wrote this much, anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And if you can please criticize what I did wrong.

Anyway thanks for reading.

Peace <3