I Have a Request, Lord Su

In the blink of an eye, the 200,000 or so Sacred Night Bugs and the huge Stone Golem came head to head in a crash!

The size of the Stone Golem was equivalent to tens of millions of Sacred Night Bugs gathered together.

Size, however, was not the sole factor for which strength was measured.

The moment the two sides collided, the entire space exploded with a huge bright light!

The next second, the Sacred Night Bugs seemed to have caused the Stone Golem to corrode.

The huge Stone Golem was pierced in half from the center, and a loud painful cry came from the Stone Golem.

"Aghhhh! How! What kind of troop could be so strong?"

The Stone Golem's cries became more and more mournful and hoarse!

In less than a second, nearly one-third of the giant Stone Golem's body was reduced to a gust of black dust. It was about to dissipate into the air at any second.

At the same time, the dark Sacred Night Bugs continued to devour the mutant crystals on the Stone Golems!

Su Hao narrowed his eyes when he saw that, because he knew that he could not have his cake and eat it.

If he did not order his Sacred Night Bugs to eat it, then there would be no other way to take down the level 20 Stone Golems. Under such circumstances, he might not even be able to collect a single dark mutant crystal.

Taking the middle course was his best option, and that was to let the Sacred Night Bugs devour the Stone Golems, but then the Sacred Night Bugs would devour almost all the mutant crystals.

To prevent that, he had to seize the opportunity and jump onto the Stone Golems before the Sacred Night Bugs devoured them all.

Even if he only managed to find one mutant crystal, that would already be a good result!

The right time had come!

With that thought, he did not hesitate to pick up the sword at his waist and leap towards the Stone Golem!

While doing so, he shouted to Qin Shuang who was behind him, "Hurry up and collect the mutant crystals!"

Qin Shuang, who was practically scared out of her wits, immediately snapped back after hearing his order. Her hand trembled as she hurriedly picked up the dagger from her waist and replied, "Al... Alright!"

The two of them jumped up one after the other, and Qin Shuang's red-clothed figure streaked across the dim light.

Meanwhile, the Sacred Night Bugs that had already surpassed god-tier aptitude had become even stronger, reaching invincible proportions after being swallowed by the Sea Dragon earlier!

They showed no signs of being devoured even in the face of a level 20 monster.

Like a solid giant, they 'sliced' the golem into two, devouring all the places that had been slashed!

At that moment, almost half of the Stone Golem had been swallowed!

As for the Sacred Night Bugs that were devouring the Stone Golem's body, they were split into two, and then two into one! Their strength and numbers were visibly growing wildly without restraint!

200,000 became 300,000; 300,000 became 500,000; 500,000 became 600000!

Most of these 600,000 or so bugs had the ability to split up and merge! The Stone Golem that was swallowed by that terrifying power struggled helplessly while shouting and roaring!

It was as if an earthquake had occurred in the entire mine!

Countless fine rocks, shattered dark crystals, and trees on the mountain were uprooted and quickly began collapsing from above!

Su Hao held his sword while dodging and sprinting on the sliding, shaking landslide.

Qin Shuang, who was about five meters behind Su Hao, had also found her frame of mind. She had rediscovered her fighting spirit, and although she was definitely not as good as Su Hao, she tried her utmost best not to drag him down.

She made sure to follow Su Hao's moves behind him.

At the same time, she took advantage of the situation and quickly collected the fallen mutant crystals. She even stabbed their swords into the golem's body and dug it up!

The moment the mutant crystal was pulled out, the Stone Golem shrieked in pain and sounded as if it had been stabbed!

"Argh! You are an impudent being!"

The Stone Golem's shouts became hoarser and softer. At that point, the worm had already devoured one-third of the Stone Golem!

In just a few seconds, the huge Stone Golem was reduced to almost the same size as the swarm.

Su Hao and Qin Shuang collected the materials from what remained of the Stone Golems!

Finally, the last of the Stone Golem had been devoured!

Su Hao's expression darkened as he was on top of the hill. He grabbed Qin Shuang's waist and slowly fell from the sky.

As soon as he landed, the remaining one-third of the Stone Golem let out their last dying mumble.

"Im…possible ..."

The huge Stone Golem had been devoured by hundreds of thousands of Sacred Night Bugs, leaving nothing behind.

Qin Shuang's mind was still in a shocked daze as soon as she landed on the ground!

Her legs unconsciously turned limp and she could not believe her eyes.

Within a few seconds, everything in front of her seemed to have changed dramatically.

What used to be a huge, terrifying, moving mountain had all but disappeared in just a few seconds...

Just how powerful were Su Hao's troops if they could devour a level 20 monster so easily?

Such power was completely beyond her imagination—it was a power that even a god would bow before!

She had the feeling that Su Hao's existence might be the change the entire continent needed!

There might even be a day when he would rewrite the legends of the continent and surpass the gods!

Even more remarkable was her opportunity to fight side-by-side with an individual like him.

She felt that there would be nothing more memorable than what happened that day.

Therefore, she decided that both Qin Shuang and the White Unicorn Castle would cease to exist on the Endless Continent!

She wanted to be Su Hao's most loyal right-hand man!

Having made her decision, she lowered her eyes and took a step forward to face Su Hao. Then, she knelt down on one knee, cupped her fists, and lowered her head.

"I have a request, Lord Su."

Su Hao's face remained indifferent as he asked, "And what might that be?"

Qin Shuang raised her respectful gaze and looked directly at Su Hao.

"I'd like to become one of your civilians and join your city-state. May I?"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed when she heard her question.

Although her abilities were not top-notch, her best quality was her loyalty. With a little guidance, she might turn out to be a magnificent talent.

Besides, he had no reason to refuse because he needed more useful and loyal people who were willing to follow him,

After pondering ever so briefly about it, he nodded slightly and said, "You may."